Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1118

1118 Chapter 1119-be careful

Zong Yi naturally also noticed Lan Xiao’s scrutinizing gaze. His eyes flickered slightly, but he didn’t say anything and focused on the work at hand.


As Tiger had expected, business was booming.

Many customers bought the jewelry and praised it to their friends and relatives, saying that this new jewelry store had many advantages.

For example, the quality of the jewelry was better than expected, and the styles of the jewelry were the latest and most modern styles.

Not only that, it was said that any jewelry sold from the pavilion of blue jade would also enjoy the privilege of lifetime maintenance.

One spread to ten, and ten spread to a hundred.

The sun gradually set in the West, but the customers in the jewelry store were still endless.

Fang qingci stood opposite the blue jade Pavilion and watched quietly for a long time.

Some of the Fang family’s jewelry stores had never had such a good business before …

Her eyes were filled with jealousy and hatred.

Lan Xiao, what right did she have to be better than her in everything?

Before she met Lan Xiao, she was the most dazzling one, whether it was in the Fang family, in school, or in Jin Jing.

But now, her grandfather only had eyes for Lan Xiao. The entire school also regarded Lan Xiao as a goddess, and the people of Jin Jing even held him in high regard.

Who else would remember her, Fang qingci?

Fang qingci clenched her fists. The jealousy and hatred in her heart were like a Prairie Fire that could burn her.

Jiang He chuckled when he saw Fang qingci’s angry face.

Then, he held her waist.

“Alright, don’t be angry. She won’t be happy for long. Now, let’s go and give her some icing on the cake so that the higher she climbs, the worse she’ll fall in the future.”

Fang qingci pursed her lips and smiled at him.

The two of them entered the pavilion of blue jade.

Lan Xiao was sitting in the resting room, holding his phone and sending a message to Wen Muchu.

Wen Muchu would come to pick her up in a while.

Lan Xiao replied,”okay.”

She had just put down her phone when Tiger came in and said to Lan Xiao, ” “Miss LAN, Fang qingci and Jiang He are here. Zhenzhen wants to see you, Zhenzhen,”

Lan Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly. He had not seen Fang qingci for a long time.

So, was this woman planning to team up with Jiang He to intimidate her again?

Lan Xiao stood up and asked with a smile,”why? are they here to find trouble?”

Tiger shook his head and looked confused.

“I don’t think he’s looking for trouble, but he’s expressing goodwill, Yingluo.”

Lan Xiao’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Why did she not believe him?

Fang qingci hated her so much. How could she take the initiative to be nice to her?

Lan Xiao smiled and didn’t say anything else. She walked out of the resting room.

There were still many customers shopping in the store.

Jiang He held Fang qingci in his arms and the two of them walked around the shop.

Fang qingci took a fancy to an earring with a pink diamond.

Jiang He asked the saleswoman to take it out and put it on Fang qingci personally.

Fang qingci was beautiful, and her ears were delicate and small.

The crystal clear white jade Flower earrings with pink diamonds embedded in them looked very beautiful on her.

Jiang He looked at the beautiful Fang qingci. His eyes flickered, and he couldn’t help but kiss her.

Fang qingci blushed and smiled shyly.

Jiang He loved her charming, shy look.

His hands were tightly wrapped around her waist, and he wanted to have her immediately.

Lan Xiao watched from the side, watching them being all lovey-dovey …

She couldn’t help but smile and clap her hands.

“Miss Fang, you look so beautiful with this pair of earrings. Since it suits you so well, I’ll make the decision to give it to you.”

Surprise flashed in Fang qingci’s eyes, and she turned to look at Lan Xiao.

She smiled gently and waved at Lan Xiao.

“How can I let you send me? I’m here to support you, not to let you spend money.”

Jiang He chimed in. I can’t let miss LAN give it to me. I picked it for Qing Ci. I’ll pay for it.

As Jiang He spoke, he took out a card and handed it to the staff.

The shop assistant glanced at Lan Xiao hesitantly.

Lan Xiao nodded at the staff, and only then did the staff dare to accept Jiang He’s card.

Jiang He glanced at Lan Xiao. He felt that the little girl seemed to have grown prettier since he last saw her.

Although Fang qingci was also pretty, he felt that Lan Xiao was more and more beautiful.

He looked at Lan Xiao, then turned back to look at Fang qingci. He only felt that it was boring.

“I’ll buy this pair of earrings first, then I’ll pick out some other jewelry for my mother. I was muddleheaded and did some disgraceful things some time ago. Take these things I bought today as my apology to miss LAN.” Jiang He smiled at Lan Xiao and was the first to express his goodwill.

Lan Xiao’s eyes flickered. It seemed that these two people were really here to express their goodwill?

Why did she feel that something was not right?

Fang qingci walked over and hugged Lan Xiao’s arm very enthusiastically.

“Lan Xiao, I’ve done some bad things to you in the past. I hope you can forgive me. I finally understand now. You’re my grandfather’s disciple, so we’re family. If I continue to make things difficult for you, won’t I be making things difficult for my grandfather? I’ve thought it through. My grandfather will only be happy if I have a good relationship with you.”

“Today, I’m here on my grandfather’s orders. My Grandpa asked me to see if there’s anything I like. He said he’s here to support you. Don’t stop me from spending money, I’m under grandpa’s orders. Hehe hehe!”

Hearing Fang qingci’s words, Lan Xiao felt goosebumps all over her body.

She felt a little nauseated.

Didn’t Fang qingci feel a little disgusted by her own words?

Anyway, Lan Xiao felt uncomfortable when he heard that.

She pulled the corners of her lips and smiled awkwardly. miss Fang, you can buy whatever you want. I have no objections. Tihu, please entertain them well. You must let miss Fang and young master Jiang buy to their heart’s content.

Lan Xiao pulled his arm away from Fang qingci’s hand and ordered Tiger.

Tiger, who was at the side, quickly agreed.

Then, he specially called over two sales assistants to serve them.

Fang qingci suppressed the anger in her heart and smiled.

After that, the two of them started shopping in the store.

Lan Xiao looked at them quietly. She didn’t believe that they would really admit defeat or change for the better.

There was no such thing as this without a reason.

They must have some kind of motive.

Zong Yi walked up to Lan Xiao after he was done with a customer. He glanced at Jiang He and reminded Lan Xiao in a low voice.

Jiang He is a vengeful man. He won’t bow down to anyone easily, so you have to be careful.

Lan Xiao turned his head to look at Zong Yi.

Zong Yi was wearing a light green robe today. The green color made his whole face look like jade, and his temperament was more and more gentle.

Not long after the store opened, many female customers asked for his contact information.

Unfortunately, no matter who it was, he remained silent. He did not say a word from beginning to end and only focused on his work.

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