Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1111

1111 Is the position of Madam President really that important?

Song Qiang’s lips curved into a smile. His eyes were dark as he raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai huien.


“What, are you jealous? Huien, didn’t you notice that that woman’s facial features are so similar to yours? The reason why I let her have my child is because she looks like you. I’m afraid I won’t be able to have you in this lifetime, so you won’t allow me to leave a small memory for myself?”

At the end of his sentence, there seemed to be a hint of hurt in his eyes.

Bai Hui ‘en sighed, her eyes flashing.

To be honest, she knew better than anyone how Song Qiang had treated her all these years.

Back then, if it wasn’t for Song Qiang, she would not have been able to achieve anything on her own.

It was a pity that after so many years, she still could not respond.

She felt a little guilty and pinched the back of his hand.

“I owe you this life. I’m sorry, Yingluo.”

Song Qiang shook his head at Bai huien, his eyes filled with deep affection.

“Don’t say that. I’m doing this for you out of my own will. As long as I can make you happy and happy, no matter what it takes, I won’t have any complaints.”

Bai huien was touched.

Her eyes also started to well up with tears.

Song Qiang’s eyes were filled with pity when he saw this.

He quickly came over and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, feeling a little helpless.

“You’re fine. Why are you crying?”

Bai Hui ‘en smiled through her tears. With a beautiful smile, she looked at Song Qiang with gratitude.

I’m crying because I’m touched. I know that some things can’t be done, but you’ve crossed the line again and again for me. I really don’t know how to repay you.

Song Qiang sighed with a hint of helplessness on his face.

He hesitated and carefully took her into his arms.

I don’t need anything in return. I just want to be able to watch over you and stay by your side forever.

Bai huien buried herself in his arms and sobbed a few times.

Then, she wiped away the tears on her face and got back to the topic.

Wen Muchu’s current situation is not very good. I’m afraid he won’t live past today. There are some things that you have to pay attention to. Don’t let the people from the presidential palace get hold of anything.

Song Qiang sneered, his eyes flashing with arrogance.

“Haha, don’t worry. Wen zhhuai, that idiot, he will never find out that I was the one behind this. I’ve shifted their target to the XY organization. They won’t think that it’s me. ”

Bai huien heaved a sigh of relief. She glared at Song Qiang with a hint of coquettishness.

“I’ve told you many times not to scold zhihuai, but you just won’t listen. You know, even though I’ve done a lot of things behind his back, these all prove that I love him very much. I did so much because I loved him. I wanted to keep him to myself. I won’t allow anyone to snatch him from me, not even his son, waah!”

Everyone who had once fought with her for Wen zhihuai was dead.

Wen Muchu was also on the road to death now. No one could take Wen zhihuai away from him. He belonged to her, and he would always belong to her.

A trace of malice flashed past Song Qiang’s eyes. He clenched his fists and slowly returned to his seat.

He picked up a cup of bitter coffee and downed it in one gulp.

Wen zhihuai, the person he hated the most in his life.

If it wasn’t for him, he and Bai huien would have been the most blissful and harmonious couple in the world.

Bai Hui ‘en looked up and saw Song Qiang gulping down the coffee. She pursed her lips and sighed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to provoke your Yingluo.”

Song Qiang’s eyes were red as he gritted his teeth and looked at Bai huien,”Hui ‘en, if it wasn’t for Wen zhihuai, you wouldn’t have been a living widow for so many years. He neglected you for so many years for a dead man. Have you never thought of leaving him? Since you’re not happy, why don’t you leave? Why don’t you divorce him?”

Bai huien’s fair and slender fingers pinched the spoon as she slowly stirred the coffee in the cup.

Her eyes glowed as she pursed her lips and smiled.

“After so many years of companionship, I believe that he will fall in love with me one day. Besides, the position of Madam President isn’t something anyone can give me. Song Qiang, I know you’re good, but Yingluo, you can’t give me those things that I want, Yingluo.”

A trace of pain flashed in Song Qiang’s eyes. He smiled sadly, ” is the position of Madam President really that important? ”

Bai huien’s beautiful eyes looked at him gently.

She didn’t answer his question because it didn’t need to be answered.

She had already told him the answer back then, hadn’t she?

The private room fell into a strange silence.

Song Qiang finally lost after a moment of grief and indignation.

It was always like this. All these years, he was always the one who compromised the most easily.

No matter what she said, no matter what she did, no matter how much she hurt him, he could not bear to completely fall out with her.

He felt that he would go crazy if he couldn’t see her.

Bai Hui ‘en’s emotions gradually stabilized.

She reached out and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

“Alright, it’s not like you’ve just found out about my thoughts. In my entire life, the first thing I value is Wen zhihuai, and the second is the position of Madam President. I will never allow it to fall into the hands of another woman. Even if Wen zhhuai was so cold to me, I would gladly endure it. ”

Song Qiang smiled bitterly, his eyes full of desolation.

“That’s right, I already knew what kind of person you are. You’ve been obsessed with him for so many years, but I’ve also been obsessed with you for so many years. Alright, let’s not discuss the past anymore. It’s useless to talk about it. Huien, I don’t ask for anything else, I just want you to Kiss Me Once. I wonder if you can satisfy this wish of mine?”

Bai huien’s eyes flashed with a smug smile. All these years, the thing she was most proud of was that an outstanding man like Song Qiang was obsessed and infatuated with her.

It was only in front of him that she could regain her confidence. She still felt that she was still that beautiful and elegant lady from the Jin Jing city.

Bai huien stood up and walked towards Song Qiang with elegant steps.

She looked down at him and held his face in her hands.

She slowly approached him, and her alluring lips gently pressed against Song Qiang’s.

Song Qiang was extremely excited. He raised his hands and hugged Bai huien tightly …

The two of them kissed passionately.

Song Qiaoqiao, who was peeking at the door, was shocked to see this scene.

She was so shocked that her entire body trembled.

She had never thought that she would actually see such a shocking secret when she followed him here.

Her father had actually hooked up with Madam President.

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