Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1107

1107 That person loves you deeply

“We are both her children, but for as long as I can remember, she has never smiled at me. I’ve always been faced with her cold face and scolding. There was once when I even suspected that I wasn’t her daughter.”


Song Qiaoqiao’s eyes were dark, and she seemed to be extremely sad.

Lan Xiao listened and sighed in his heart.

Although she didn’t know what happened between song Qiaoqiao and Mrs. Song, she could understand song Qiaoqiao’s desire for maternal love.

In the past, she had also wanted to get the maternal love she had longed for from Liu Shan.

That was why she had been tricked and played by Liu Shan and LAN Muya in her previous life.

She could empathize with him and understand the unreachable hope.

“Don’t be sad, it’s all in the past. Even though she has never given you a day of motherly love, she is still your mother. Perhaps, in her heart, she still loves you. Perhaps she had her own difficulties, which was why she numbed her heart and ignored you for so many years. Qiaoqiao, believe me, there’s no mother who doesn’t love her child.” Lan Xiao held song Qiaoqiao’s hand and lowered his head to comfort her.

Song Qiaoqiao slowly got up and hugged Lan Xiao tightly.

Her body was so cold, and she urgently needed a hug to warm her heart.

Lan Xiao didn’t reject her and didn’t say anything else. She just hugged song Qiaoqiao tightly.

Song Qiaoqiao closed her eyes and snuggled in Lan Xiao’s arms, absorbing the warmth from her body.

She felt that this warm embrace seemed to be her mother’s embrace.

In all her years of life, Mrs. Song had never hugged her so gently before.

In the future, she would probably never be able to get it again.

Lan Xiao didn’t know how long he held song Qiaoqiao until she fell into a deep sleep.

When Bai shaogan pushed the door open and entered, he saw them hugging.

His eyes flickered as he took song Qiaoqiao from Lan Xiao’s arms and carefully placed her on the bed.

He covered her with the blanket and smiled at Lan Xiao gratefully.

“Thank you. She’ll definitely get a good night’s sleep this time,”

Lan Xiao blinked at Bai Shaojie and smiled playfully. “You must be in love with song Qiaoqiao, right?”

Bai shaogan was stunned. He had never expected Lan Xiao to ask this.

He curled his lips and smiled bitterly.

I don’t know what it means to love Hanhan, but I know that I’ve known her since I was very young. I can’t bear to see her sad. When she’s sad, Hanhan is happy, I’m happy. When she’s sad, I’m sad about Hanhan. It’s as if we’re one, and she can completely affect my emotions.

Lan Xiao sighed and said directly, ” “Don’t tell me you still don’t understand? this is the expression of liking and loving a person. I think you love her to the bone, but you don’t even know it. ”

Bai shaogan lowered his eyes and thought about it, but he did not deny it.

“Perhaps, Yingluo. But someone of my status doesn’t deserve her.”

Lan Xiao raised her eyebrows and sized up Bai Shaojie.

“You? What kind of person are you? In this world’s love, how could there be a match or not? It’s Only Love or not, Yingluo. Love can’t be distinguished by status. Moreover, you have a good appearance, a good character, and a promising future. There really aren’t many top-grade men like you. In my opinion, you’re more than enough to match song Qiaoqiao.”

Bai shaogan’s eyes flickered, and he looked at Lan Xiao in surprise.

“You really think so?”

Lan Xiao nodded, his eyes full of sincerity.

“Naturally, I never lie. Alright, it’s getting late. I’ll go back first. If there’s anything, just call me. Take good care of her. It’s easy for a woman to fall for a man when she’s at her weakest.”

I don’t want to take advantage of the situation. Bai Shaojie scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Lan Xiao laughed and shook his head. He pointed at his sore spot.

“No wonder your relationship hasn’t made any progress after so many years. If you still don’t open your mind, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life. She deserves it. One day, you’ll have to watch her marry another man, Yingluo!”

Bai shaogan’s expression immediately changed.

“No, I won’t let her marry another man.”

Lan Xiao patted his shoulder and smiled encouragingly. “That’s why it’s up to you now,”

Bai shaogan smiled as he came to his senses. He thanked Lan Xiao, ” “Lan Xiao, thank you.”

Lan Xiao waved at him, stretched his back, opened the door and left.

Gu CI had been waiting outside the door. When he saw Lan Xiao, he immediately went up to him.

“Did song Qiaoqiao say anything about the clues?”

Lan Xiao shook his head. she’s too tired. Let her rest first.

“Then let’s go back first. Bai Shaojie will inform us if there are any clues.” Gu CI suggested.

Lan Xiao nodded and the two of them walked down the stairs.

When they were about to reach the hall, they coincidentally met song Hefeng.

Song Hefeng’s face was pale as he looked at Lan Xiao.

He took a few steps back to avoid her and made way for her.

Lan Xiao sighed and said in a low voice, ” “I hope you won’t be too sad, Yingluo.”

Bai shaogan’s heartstrings trembled slightly.

He forced his stiff lips and smiled at Lan Xiao. “Thank you, I know.”

At this time, Jiang Qingyun suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Hefeng, auntie’s death is definitely related to Lan Xiao.” She complained to song Hefeng in a low voice. Why are you still so polite to her? If it wasn’t for her, Mrs. Song might not have died. In my opinion, she might be the one who sent people to kill Auntie.”

Lan Xiao furrowed his brows and a trace of displeasure flashed past his eyes.

“Miss Jiang, you’re speaking without any evidence, and you’re capable of slandering others at will. I’m truly impressed. Although there are many conflicts between me and Mrs. Song, I’m not so cruel as to take her life. I also feel sorry for Yingluo for Madam song’s misfortune.”

“I don’t want to argue with you at such a special time to avoid causing trouble for the song family. But I’m warning you, don’t ever slander me again. Otherwise, do you believe that I won’t Sue you in court?”

A trace of mockery flashed in Jiang Qingyun’s eyes. She smiled contemptuously.

“Just because it wasn’t you doesn’t mean that it wasn’t the person behind you. I’ve heard that that person loves you deeply and will never allow anyone to hurt you. I’m trying to drug you so that you’ll have a happy ending. How could he not know about your boyfriend?”

“Who knows what he’s doing and planning behind the scenes? Some people say that he’s even more ruthless than our President Wen. I’m afraid that he’s involved in this.”

that’s enough, Zhenzhen. Stop it, Zhenzhen. song Hefeng’s face was livid. He glared at Jiang Qingyun and scolded him in a low voice.

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