Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1001

1001 First time cooking

A trace of guilt flashed across Wen zhihuai’s eyes. He nodded at the doctor.


Then, the doctor left the room with his men.

Wen zhihuai called han Yuting in and instructed him in a low voice, ” “Ask Madam to come over and take care of the old master. If there’s anything wrong with the old master, get someone to inform me, Hanhan.”

Han Yuting’s eyes flickered as he nodded slightly.

After that, Wen zhihuai brought Wen Muchu out of the ward.

The two of them arrived at an empty Ward. Wen zhihuai lifted his head and looked at Wen Muchu with a trace of guilt.

Mu Chu, Qianqian, your grandfather is getting on in years. He can’t take any more stimulation. Qianqian, let’s discuss this further, okay? ”

Wen Muchu also knew that some things could not be rushed.

If old Mr. Wen were to get so angry that something bad happened, he would also become a sinner.

Therefore, he nodded without any objection.

Wen zhihuai raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

don’t worry. This time, I’m by your side. No matter what decision you make, I’ll support you, Hanhan.

Wen Muchu’s eyes flickered as he looked at Wen zhihuai with a slightly moved expression.

For the first time, he felt the warmth of family from Wen zhihuai.

This kind of feeling was completely different from the care and concern that father Wen and mother Wen had for him.

No matter how well they treated him, he knew that he was not their biological son.

Their relationship had always been separated by a barrier.

When Wen Cheng made a mistake, her parents would not hesitate to reprimand her.

When he made a mistake, they would never hit or scold him. They were afraid that if they treated him badly, it would make their feelings fall into an even colder state.

Sometimes, blood relations were a very strange thing.

He was clearly very resistant to Wen zhihuai’s proximity, but every time, he could not help but get closer to him.


Wen Muchu left the hospital and went home.

Lan Xiao had already prepared dinner and was waiting for him at home.

When she heard the door open, she quickly got up and rushed to the door with a smile.

Wen Muchu opened the door and saw Lan Xiao’s bright and strange smile.

He couldn’t help but smile and ruffled her hair.

“Did the sun rise from the West today, Yingluo? you came to the door to welcome me today?”

Lan Xiao chuckled and took his hand. He stood on his tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips.

“I missed you, so I couldn’t wait to see you, Yingluo.”

Wen Muchu shook his head. He thought that Lan Xiao’s abnormal behavior was probably due to old master Wen’s matter.

He changed his shoes and took off his coat.

He allowed Lan Xiao to pull him to the dining table.

Chuchu, I learned a few dishes on the internet today. Do you want to try my cooking? ”

Wen Muchu raised his brows slightly and asked in surprise, ” “You made it yourself?”

Lan Xiao quickly nodded, looking like he was waiting for praise.

“That’s right. How was it? The so-called color, fragrance, and taste are all complete. Does my dish have a color first? This dish is quite pleasing to the eye, right?”

Wen Muchu sat down and looked at the two dishes and soup. He smiled and nodded.

“Yingluo, this dish looks pretty good, Yingluo. I wonder how it will taste?”

Lan Xiao smiled triumphantly,”Chuchu, I’m not bragging, but I think I’m a cooking genius.” It’s hard for you to imagine, but this is my first time cooking, right Yingluo? not only is my dish beautiful, but the taste is also absolutely unforgettable, Yingluo!”

Wen Muchu picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of green celery and put it into his mouth.

Lan Xiao’s face was full of anticipation. He opened his eyes wide and stared at his reaction without blinking.

“How is it, how is it? Does it taste good? Is it delicious?”

Wen Muchu chewed on the crisp and chewy celery, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

He couldn’t help but ask in surprise,”Is this really your first time cooking?”

Lan Xiao hurriedly nodded. of course! I’ll be a dog if I lie to you.

Wen Muchu’s eyes were smiling as he smiled and nodded.

“With your cooking skills, if you cook a few more times, you can totally compete with the chefs in the hotel, Yingying.”

Lan Xiao was so happy that his eyes curved into crescents. He hugged Wen Muchu’s arm and chuckled softly.

Her heart was filled with joy when she saw how generous he was with his praise.

“Ha, Yingluo Chuchu, I really love you to death, Yingluo!”

Wen Muchu’s heart felt warm. He turned his head and cupped her chin with his palm. He could not help but kiss her on the lips.

Lan Xiao shyly hid in his arms and the two of them had dinner together.

Since Lan Xiao was cooking, Wen Muchu took the initiative to do the dishes.

Unexpectedly, he had just gotten up to clean up the dishes and go to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Lan Xiao quickly stopped him. “That Xuanji Chuchu, you’ve been working all day. You must be very tired. You should quickly go rest, I’ll do such a small thing as washing the dishes Yingying, I’ll do it, I’ll do it Yingying!”

Wen Muchu’s eyes flickered as he glanced at the kitchen.

He had a feeling that Lan Xiao was hiding some unspeakable secret.

Lan Xiao saw his gaze and looked towards the kitchen.

She was shocked and quickly cleaned up the dishes with a smile. She took the bowls to the kitchen to wash them.

She entered the kitchen, afraid that Wen Muchu would come over and snatch the dishes from her.

She had locked the kitchen door from the inside.

She hurriedly placed the utensils into the sink and packed up the food in the kitchen’s trash can.

This thing must not be seen by Wen Muchu. Otherwise, wouldn’t the beautiful image she had maintained tonight be in vain?

How could she have such good cooking skills to be able to make such delicious dishes on her first try?

Originally, she had planned to personally cook today to please Wen Muchu.

Who knew that she would try to make a tomato scrambled egg and almost burn down the kitchen.

Cooking was too scary. She didn’t dare to do it herself, so she asked Tiger to order a few home-cooked dishes.

However, she had just placed the dishes on the table and had not had time to destroy the evidence when Wen Muchu returned.

Lan Xiao’s heart was filled with trepidation.

It wasn’t easy for her to get Wen Muchu’s praise. She had to show off for a few days, so Lan Xiao immediately decided to lie and say that she cooked the dishes.

Of course, there was a price to pay for lying.

She didn’t want to wash the dishes at all, but in order to cover up this lie, she had to do it even if she didn’t want to …

Lan Xiao sighed. Sigh, what was going on?

Lan Xiao washed the dishes and cleaned the place. She picked up the garbage bag and sneakily opened the kitchen door.

She first observed the living room and did not see Wen Muchu’s figure. She slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, she walked out of the kitchen and tiptoed toward the door.

However, just as she walked to the door and was about to open it …

Wen Muchu’s voice suddenly came from behind.

“What’s that thing you’re carrying?”

Lan Xiao was shocked and her face turned pale.

She immediately turned around and pretended to be shocked as she grinned at Wen Muchu.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just some kitchen trash. I’m going to throw it away, Yingluo.

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