Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 688

688 Black Star reappears, and everything ends

There were tens of thousands of people in the valley, and the players fighting outside the valley were not having a good time either.

He cast all sorts of spells as if they were free, but the damage and effects were as insignificant as the hair on an ox.

The shadow Hound’s resistance was too high. Even the blizzard and lightning of the legendary Archmage Antonidas could not kill it directly, let alone these players. The only thing they could do was to slow down the shadow dog’s pace, and then use their own flesh and blood to build a wall to block the alien Army’s footsteps. This would buy time for the refugees to enter the valley of destiny, and buy precious time for Antonidas and his other followers to recover and rest.

The puppeteers, Warriors, and Warriors stood at the forefront, waiting for the slowed shadow hounds and demonic mutants to walk out of the storm.

The avatar left behind by Antonidas was getting weaker and weaker, and his magic power was showing signs of exhaustion.

The players all knew that once the large-scale Blizzard could no longer be maintained, these alien ” locusts ” would enter a no man’s land. At that time, the players would have to face an overwhelming number of creatures that could completely suppress them.

it had already been two months since pandora was invaded. from the start, they were all ready for a big fight, but now, they had suffered a huge loss in population, and only one human race was left. one could only imagine what they had gone through in these two months.

Although they had been trying their best to level up, restraint was restraint. The shadow dogs had thick skin and high resistance. Their spells only had one-tenth of the effect, so it was too difficult to kill them. often, after a herculean effort, those shadow dogs with low health would still be saved and escaped.

Now that the other side had launched a general attack, the shadow Dogs and Demons were only the appetizer of the first wave.

On the hill in the distance, the second echelon of the fallen, Banshees, and the Army had arrived.

The players ‘expressions were grave. They had to stop the enemy’s first wave of attack with their lives.

As the commander of the players on planet Pandora, the flying dragon’s heart was beating extremely fast. His heart was on tenterhooks, but he tried his best to maintain a calm expression. If even he was panicking, the players would have even less confidence.

the soaring dragon’s position on planet pandora was similar to wind’s position on the wasteland.

They were all players who first got to know the main character of the planet, and they had good strength and vision. Later on, he took the initiative in a series of missions and grew into Antonidas ‘best friend and important partner. He also seemed to have the intention of being Antonidas’ spokesperson’. He often helped him deal with some Affairs and was also responsible for communicating with Inhumans.

Hence, the Soaring Dragon’s prestige in Pandora was also very high, and it even became the representative of the players.

It was also his idea to lead all the players out to receive them. After all, he was the only one who dared to “disobey” Antonidas.

“Killing one is enough, killing two is a huge profit. The only one who can save us now is ourselves. We must guard the valley of death and not retreat a single step!” strong dragon soar shouted to the people around him.

“You can lose in a game, but you can’t be a coward! I don’t want to wait for the new planet players in the later versions to gather and point at our faces, laughing and saying that those trash can’t even protect their own planet and are being beaten up by foreign planets. How embarrassing! I also don’t want to be rejected when I’m doing a mission in the future, with the reason being that the Pandora players are all trash.”

strong flying dragon didn’t say anything. after all, antonidas was right. they only had one life, but inhumans had many, so they didn’t fear death. it was useless to use life and death to motivate them. only by using honor to stimulate them could they stimulate their fighting will.

And the possibilities mentioned by the flying dragon were all extremely likely to happen in the future.

if they couldn’t stand the valley of death, they could only imagine how many people would gossip about them when the players gathered in the future. they had entered the game at the same time, but not only could they defend the wasteland, but they could also force the alien planet back. Although Victoria was also stuck in a quagmire, her situation was much better than Pandora’s. Only they would not be able to defend against the alien planet’s invasion and expansion. Now, there were only a few survivors left in Pandora, and they had to protect it with their lives!

The players ‘expressions became serious. This time, it wasn’t just for the mission, but also for their own face. No one wanted to be looked down upon by other players in the future.

“Damn it, I’ll fight them to the end! anyway, i still have 20 chances of dying this week, so i’m going to die here today!”

f * ck those aliens. I’m going to take a few of them with me today even if I have to risk my life!

“Brothers, don’t hide anymore. There’s nothing more to hide ~”

The fighting spirit on the battlefield suddenly grew stronger.

as the last of the refugees entered the valley of destiny, the suspension bridge was pulled up, and the mages in the valley cast spells to blow up the only stone bridge.

There was no way out, so he had to cut off all cauldrons and sink boats.

The players were fearless of death, but they were afraid of worthless deaths. They had to take one with them before they died, and that became their only goal.

As Antonidas’s clone ran out of mana, the blizzard under the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated. The bone-chilling icicles disappeared, leaving only the large-scale spells guided by the players. Many shadow hounds died in the blizzard, but they were in the minority. Most of the shadow hounds had survived, and those that had not taken any damage from the blizzard had caught up to the weaker shadow hounds in front of them. The formation instantly changed, and the momentum grew stronger.

Very quickly, the red-skinned shadowdog charged into the range of the Pandora players ‘AoE spells, and the few players who could deal damage to the shadowdog started to attack. The battle was about to start.

Pugilists, mechanics, and mystics weren’t the mainstream in Pandora, and they weren’t well-liked in the previous games. However, they persevered with their hot-bloodedness and performed brilliantly in this alien invasion. Many people stood out and received attention because of this.

Although the refugees on top of destiny Valley had been rescued, it was a life-and-death moment. The Inhumans were fighting for their lives below, and if they sat in the valley, they would not be able to sleep or eat in peace. The extinction of the human race was closely related to everyone, and no one could stay out of it. Therefore, many women volunteered to take on the logistics tasks, such as fetching water, cooking, transporting supplies, and bandaging the wounds of the injured soldiers.

The younger children were not idle either. They helped to carry the weapons, their eyes full of determination.

Among the men, the old man took the lead and walked to the Armory where the weapons were distributed. He said to the soldiers, ” “Give me the most worn-out chainmail and the dullest weapon. Leave the good weapons for the young, they can save your life in critical moments. I’m just an old bag of bones, living is a waste of food, and I can’t contribute to the reproduction and development of the human race. I’m just a worm that’s about to become useless. It’s my honor to be able to fight alongside great mage Antonidas while I’m still alive and can protect Pandora!”

The eyes of the soldiers in the Arsenal were filled with solemness as they saluted the old man respectfully.

many of the elders knew that this was the final battle, and the survival of the human race depended on today. They were old and weak, and some of them could not even lift their weapons, so they could only use a smaller short sword or dagger. Their goal was also very clear. This time, they would be meat shields and block a few more attacks for the young man behind them. This would give them a chance, and that would be their greatest success.

According to the elders, it was worth it to live for so long anyway. At the end of the day, they could even shine for Pandora, so it was worth it. To die on the battlefield for the country was definitely more meaningful than dying in bed.

The middle-aged man and the young man were also encouraged. They picked up their weapons and were extremely determined. there were even some disabled people who wanted to go to the battlefield to help.

This place had once saved the fate of mankind, and he believed that it could help them tide over this crisis.

More and more armored soldiers appeared on the walls of the valley of destiny. They were originally very confident in each other, but when they saw the players ‘formation on the plain outside the valley that had been broken into pieces, their faces turned pale.

The red-skinned shadowhounds broke through the players ‘AoE magic Battlefront, and then the shadowhounds and demonic creatures engaged the players in close combat.

As the blue time barriers spread out one by one, the players in the front row who could deal damage fell one by one like leeks.

Without the players in the front line blocking them, some of the mage-type players at the back fell even faster.

However, none of them turned around and ran. Even though there were more than a dozen shadow hounds in front of them, they still tried their best to finish their last spell and deal the last bit of damage. in this kind of valiant and fearless situation, the players also managed to turn the situation around a little.

The first clash in the battle of final Valley had also caused the most losses on the alien planet.

When all the players were killed, the only things left on the plain were the resources that the refugees had abandoned when they fled, as well as the land that had been dyed purple. A large number of shadow dogs fell to the ground with their stomachs turned over, and many of them were dying.

The strong shadow dogs held the injured shadow dogs in their mouths and went back. As for the dead ones, no one cared about them.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the alien army continued to advance.

Without the battle, the chaotic alien forces returned to order.

The shadow hounds and mutants were at the front, followed by the Banshees and fallen. Behind them were the terrifying tacticians and Army vanguards.

the vanguards of the legion were covered in evil flames. they were huge, and even the earth trembled when they walked. They gathered together in large numbers, and the grass they passed by turned into scorched earth. The pungent smell of sulfur floated in the air, which could be smelled even from the top of the city wall of the valley of death.

The people who had just made up their minds to die looked at the vast alien army with pale faces and trembling lips.

Such a formation was as though they were determined to destroy the civilization of Pandora.

In the face of such a vicious enemy, could the valley of destiny really be defended?

just as the people’s faith in themselves was wavering, a white light suddenly flashed in front of their eyes, and the great mage antonidas appeared on the city wall.

Then, a flash of light descended from the sky, and the entire Valley of destiny was bathed in pure magical energy. An Azure barrier enveloped the valley of destiny.

Seeing their leader’s appearance and the miraculous defensive barrier, everyone was shocked. They had great confidence in defending the valley of destiny.

“everyone, get into position and prepare to resist the enemy!” antonidas amplified his voice with magic, and his deep and long voice quickly spread throughout the entire valley of death, calming the panicked hearts of the people for a moment.

The alien army appeared from behind the hills in the distance and covered the entire plain. The dark clouds in the sky followed, and one could smell the anxiety and depression in the air.

The alien Vanguard was already at the city gate. The shadow dog and the mutant demon arrived at the protective shield and began to attack it.

the mutated demon’s hammer dealt astonishing damage, but when it hit the protective barrier, it was as if it had hit water. the protective barrier rippled.

Countless demonic creatures and shadow hounds attacked the barrier, but the barrier completely blocked their attacks, causing these monsters to scratch their ears and cheeks.

When the soldiers and civilians in the valley of destiny saw this scene, they rushed to the top of the city wall to see it, and then they burst into cheers.

At this moment, they had the hope of defending against the enemy.

Everyone’s eyes were shining!

The alien forces had all arrived. This time, it wasn’t just the shadow dogs and the demons, even the vanguard of the Army had rushed forward to attack.

The people who had just burst out in cheers fell silent for a moment when they saw such a terrifying giant attack the protective shield. They looked out of the valley in a daze.

The Army’s Vanguard roared and raised their burning stone fists to smash at the protective shield.

The protective shield only let out a faint and drawn-out hum. The ripples that rolled up were slightly larger, but it was not affected in any other way.


The people and soldiers cheered even louder. They were more confident in holding the valley of destiny.

At that moment, the players who had been fighting outside the valley began to revive in batches.

“How long can this protective shield last?” A voice suddenly came from beside Antonidas. He knew who it was without turning his head.

“This is the array I set up in the valley of destiny. The price is that it draws the power of the earth, so it can only hold out for an hour. If we encounter an attack that exceeds the defense level, we won’t be able to hold out for an hour.” Antonidas said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, and then asked, ” “When did you say the reinforcements would arrive? do you have any concrete information?”

Strong Dragon soar frowned and shook his head, ” “there’s no news. They should have some understanding of our situation, but the distance to the outer world is a hard journey and won’t change according to our will. All we can do is wait.”

Antonidas took a deep breath and tried to speak in a relaxed tone, ” “It’s fine. We’re still here. With the terrain advantage of endyan Valley, we can still hold on!”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a sudden clap of thunder sounded in the sky.

Lightning flashed and Thunder rumbled in the dark clouds, and the wind howled.

The lightning in the clouds was different from before. This time, it was black Lightning spreading!

Antonidas looked up, and his expression suddenly became serious.

This was a power that made even him tremble. It was faintly discernible, as if it was brewing an apocalypse.

The black Lightning was still spreading, and its appearance was revealed from the clouds.

It was a black ‘new Star’ that fell from the sky, surrounded by Black Lightning.

The ” new Star ” was falling toward the protective Shield of Destiny Valley.

The players who were gradually resurrected arrived at the top of the city wall and were dumbfounded by what they saw.

this scene is very familiar to Qianqian. I think I’ve seen it somewhere before! Someone mumbled.

this is the same scene as when the alien planet attacked wasteland, when war envoy Ganis appeared.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dark clouds turned dark green.

Balls of green flames ignited the clouds, and green flames descended from the sky, crashing into the protective shield!

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