Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 672

672 The shocking past

When batins saw the person pointed out by the macaw, he couldn’t help but grin. The worries and doubts that had been suppressed in the bottom of his heart just now had also disappeared. At this moment, he knew that the macaw was indeed playing a game.

“Old Jin, you’re quite funny. You’ve chosen the most unlikely person among us. Do you know who this young man is? This is the child of a senior member of our batins mercenary group, and we have personally watched over him since he was young. Anyone could be a spy, but not him.”

The others laughed as well, clearly agreeing with batins ‘idea.

They had raised this child with their own hands. How could he betray them?

The young man had obviously not seen the scene in front of him before, and was shocked by the macaw’s identification. However, when he saw that the uncles around him were all laughing and not taking it seriously, his expression finally relaxed. He even laughed.

Macaw and silver hand’s expressions didn’t change. They were the only two people on the field who didn’t laugh.

He looked at everyone with a serious expression and said word by word, ” “Although you all find it funny, I’m not joking with you.”

The scene turned cold again because of the macaw’s words. This time, the bartzes mercenary group looked at the macaw with a hint of anger. The young man’s father was one of the founding members of the mercenary group, and was also their respected elder brother. Now that someone was making fun of his orphan, it was an insult to the entire mercenary group.

The macaw’s expression didn’t change, as if it wasn’t the fat parrot who had laughed and scolded them.

“You may be able to fool others, but you can’t fool my fiery eyes. Why don’t you take out the thing in your pocket and let everyone see it to prove your innocence?” The macaw was overbearing and refused to back down.

The young man’s face was a little panicked for a moment, and he stammered, ” “Pocket? there’s nothing in my pocket. mr. macaw, you must have drunk too much? If this is a joke, then it’s quite funny.”

Batins ‘face was ashen. On the one hand, he didn’t want to cause any more trouble when they left immediately. On the other hand, the macaw’s accusation was too much. It was simply riding on their faces and attacking them.

“Are you still being stubborn? Do you need me to describe it for you?” The macaw sat on the seat with its legs crossed, looking like a big Boss, as if victory was already in its grasp.

“This is a small metal object, half the size of a palm-sized card. There aren’t many buttons on it, but it’s enough to send and receive intelligence. That’s right, it’s an encrypted short-wave communication device that’s directly connected to the pirate ship. You’re using this to keep in touch with the aliens, and use your identity as the hero’s son to get first-hand information, so that the aliens can keep track of the mercenaries “movements. After all, no one would suspect that the son of a hero would do something that would harm the batins mercenary group, right?”

If the macaw’s ” nonsense ” before was considered a joke, then what it said now sounded like it was real.

Batins hesitated for a moment, then looked at the young man again. This time, he saw unconcealable panic on the face of the son of his old friend.

Batins felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart, and his entire body was in pain.

“You, how did you know?” Faced with the serious questions and incredulous gazes of the crowd, the young man could no longer hold it in and took two steps back.

the macaw was very cocky and raised its eyebrows.”you want to hide such a small thing from my boss? don’t you know that my boss’s ability is to predict the future? You’re still too inexperienced if you want to play tricks under our eyes!”

Batins ‘face turned pale. The young man’s question of ” how did you know ” was equivalent to an admission.

The rest of the mercenary group also looked as if they had seen a ghost, and they all backed away. The young man in front of them seemed to have suddenly become a stranger.

The young man looked around and heaved a long sigh. He took out a signal transmitter from his pocket that looked exactly like the macaw.

everything should have gone smoothly, but it’s a pity that your sudden appearance has destroyed everything! The young man glared at the macaw and roared.

Batins “expression was agitated, and his voice trembled as he said,”Why? David, why did you do that?”

The other members of the mercenary group also felt as if a knife was being twisted in their hearts. They had watched this young man grow up, but now he had become so unfamiliar.

David’s face was twisted. He looked at his uncles who used to be so protective of him and felt nothing but hatred.

“quickly put away your hypocritical faces! I feel disgusted when I see your expressions now!”

“All of you are usually sanctimonious and talk to me about being modest as brothers, but behind my back, each one is more selfish than the other. When the star shaking super tide had descended, someone had to be left outside to repair the malfunctioned Launchpad.Everyone knows that this is a mission with no chance of survival, but none of you have stepped forward. At this critical moment, it was my father who stepped forward and requested to repair the launchpad. It was as if you were pardoned, and each and every one of you promised to save him before the Super-tide. but how did you guys do it?”

Dave looked around. His sharp gaze made many of the elders and uncles avoid his eyes.

“David, how did you know about this?” batins asked in surprise.

They had decided not to tell anyone about the death of Dave’s father ever since they escaped from Planet Quake. Instead, he turned the guilt he felt for his brother into love for David. But for some reason, the mercenary group, which kept their mouths shut, leaked the news and became a bargaining chip for the space Raiders to control David.

Hatred would always be the best weapon.

“Why isn’t anyone talking? Just now, all of them were still acting sanctimonious, as if they couldn’t understand why he had colluded with the enemy. Now, all of them were showing a guilty expression. What was going on? Back then, after the maintenance, father waited expectantly for you to take him back. But you guys ignored him and left. You guys clearly had time to save him!” Dave roared, his eyes bulging.

everyone felt even more guilty.

when they thought about what happened to their brother back then, all of them present were responsible.

when the ship was repaired and restarted, the pulse shock wave of the super tide would arrive in five minutes. However, the magnetic field and gravity had changed, and the fuel they needed to maintain a relatively static airborne rescue was beyond their plan. In addition, the rescue operation was estimated to take about four minutes. In the face of the doomsday scene, an accident could happen at any moment. Between saving one person or saving the entire ship, everyone resolutely chose to save themselves.

Dave’s desperate screams and questions made everyone fall silent.

Dave thought something had happened to the spaceship and forgot about him at the maintenance station. Then, Dave looked at the spaceship that did not turn back. He seemed to have understood the mercenary group’s choice and started cursing angrily. In the end, his voice was hoarse and he was begging with a sobbing tone, hoping that they could take good care of his child David.

Dave took out a recorder and heard his father’s voice clearly.

david, on the other hand, was already in tears. the veins on his hand, which was holding the video recorder, were bulging. he glared at everyone present.”None of you stood up to uphold justice. Even if one of you stood up and raised a different opinion, the situation might have changed. However, all of you tacitly agreed to sacrifice father in exchange for your safety! The son of a hero, what a laughable title. I used to be proud of my father, and I felt that it was great for him to sacrifice himself for the mercenary group. However, after I found out the truth, I felt that everything was so ridiculous. He didn’t want to be a hero, he just wanted to be a father to his child! it’s you! It’s you bunch of scum who abandoned him!”

“You’re praising him in a beautified manner just to cover up the cowardice in your hearts!He kept brainwashing himself that he was a hero who chose to sacrifice himself, just to dilute the fact that you are the murderers! So, when the aliens came to me with the truth, I chose to cooperate without hesitation. I’m going to send you real scumbags to hell! I want you to repent before my father’s soul!”

dave gave a wry smile and tilted his head.

“By the way, aren’t you curious where I got the recording? After you left Planet Quake, you organized a meeting and decided to hide the truth. So, you deleted the voice data and destroyed the storage medium. However, the Justice of the heavens is long and appeased, and the item still appeared in my hands, allowing me to know the truth.”

batins felt guilty, but he was also curious about how the aliens got the recording and used it as the truth to make david defect.

“I’ll tell you the truth. Some of the things you’ve done, some people in the mercenary group can’t stand it anymore. Someone made a copy of it before you destroyed it. I’m just a tool in this invasion. The real mastermind behind the scenes is someone else, haha.”

david suddenly took out a syringe from his pocket and injected it into his arm while everyone was still unaware.

“live in doubt and fear forever!”

When the brown liquid entered Dave’s body, his body began to melt like a piece of rock.

Everyone in the mercenary group was shocked by David’s death wish and his last words. While he was shocked, he also felt a little happy. To be honest, they were all accomplices in David’s father’s death. However, in the mercenary group’s activities, batins ‘dictatorial rule had long caused dissatisfaction among many people. Now that they found out that someone among them had exposed the matter and revealed the truth, it was as if they had completed their ‘atonement’.

The macaw, who had come to watch the show, scratched the fat on its waist, its expression a little stiff.

truth be told, it only knew that dave was a spy for the aliens, but not the inside story.

However, the macaw clenched its wings tightly after David explained the whole story.

To be honest, according to Dave’s description, there was a huge problem with the mercenary group. He wondered how these people had survived days and nights without caring about their own brothers.

The macaw really wanted to draw a line right now and be ashamed of being associated with batins and the group of people in front of it!

Silver hand’s expression was calm, as if there were no fluctuations.

Now that Dave had committed suicide after telling the story, no one felt the same satisfaction when they found out who the spy was. Instead, they felt guilty. The hidden truth was revealed again after more than ten years. The dirty and rotten places under their bright appearance were all exposed to the sun, exuding a foul human nature.

Batins ‘face was pale. The truth from many years ago had been revealed. The son of an old friend had betrayed them and wanted to kill them. In the end, he had committed suicide in front of them. This series of events had a huge impact on him. Initially, batins had planned to pass on his legacy to David when he was older as compensation for the star Quake incident.

But now, his hope was shattered in front of him. The ugliest part of human nature had been exposed in broad daylight.

Batins ‘face was pale, and there was no hope in his eyes.

Dave’s suicide had put an end to the alien spy incident. However, the star-shaking incident from more than ten years ago had been brought up again. Someone had to be responsible for this matter.

Then the only person who could do that was the leader of the mercenary group, batins.

Batins slowly reached behind him and took out a pocket-sized dagger.

“I’m the captain of the batins mercenary group, and I can’t shirk my responsibility for this. all these years, we have been deceiving ourselves and others. We thought that by making David’s father a hero and protecting David, we could reduce our sins and escape from reality by training David as his successor. However, reality has taught me a hard lesson. The price of escaping may be worse than the price of one’s life. Now, it’s time for me to bear the consequences of my sins from more than ten years ago.”

Batins turned the dagger around, pointed the tip at his heart, and stabbed it down!

At the critical moment, an explosion sounded in the resting area, and a shock wave appeared out of thin air, directly turning the dagger in batins ‘hand into a twisted piece of scrap metal. Batins staggered and sat on the ground without any injuries, staring at everything in front of him with a dumbfounded expression.

death is just an escape in a different way. Link walked over slowly. Link was dressed in a black and gold combat uniform and held a scepter in his hand. She was capable and graceful.

And behind him …Helen, Dave, Penny the Penguin, the fifth elder of the moon Shadow Council, and the Queen of Banshees, grace, were all present. It was a luxurious lineup.

“Respected head of state!” The members of the mercenary group bent down and pressed their hands against their chests, showing the highest courtesy.

“In the end, David still lied. There were no other spies working together. From the beginning to the end, he was the only one. the reason why he said this before his death was that he hoped that you would be blinded by hatred and fall into the swamp of mutual suspicion. the aliens had acquired this recording by accident. After learning of the sequence of events, they organized this plan.” Link explained.

“Back then, after you escaped from astrologer, the ship returned to Stellaris for repair. During the repair process, the spare storage medium was mixed up and sent to the waste equipment market. It had been circulating for many years before it fell into the hands of the interstellar aliens not long ago. They restored the medium and obtained the recording inside. You chose to delete the content after the restoration of Stellaris.”

“I don’t know what you’ll choose after this. But today is the day I bid you farewell. Not to mention, the mechanical fortress has not been stained with blood since it took off. I don’t want the rules to be broken by you. As for what you choose after you leave, that’s your own business. But today, your lives are not in your hands.” Link said firmly.

At the same time, the scepter in his hand lightly hit the ground, and all the members of the mercenary group were instantly confined by a force field, unable to move. They were like fish on a board, waiting to be slaughtered.

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