Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 657

657 The edge of the Galaxy

Link rubbed his temples after analyzing the situation.

These schemes and foreshadowing plans could easily tire one’s mind.

After Helen had studied ako thoroughly, she didn’t find any clues. The technology used to create Akoko was higher than the knowledge that Helen currently had, so even if Akoko showed her internal structure, Helen couldn’t do anything with her eyes wide open. This was because ya Jiko’s manufacturing technology was mainly focused on microscopic particles and simulated neural networks. This wasn’t something that could be solved by just looking at it. One had to have the corresponding scientific foundation, equipment, and theoretical knowledge to understand the intricacies of the sub-structure.

Helen was helpless in the face of the treasure Mountain, so she could only let ya Zhi Zi lead the mechanical fortress.

It had to be said that after having ya Zhi Zi, the mechanical fortress’s travel in the vast universe had become much easier.

Because the detection range of the mechanical fortress’s instruments was not far, even if they had the transport ship’s flight data from 1500 years ago, the entire journey would be full of accidents. After all, Helen and Troy had to be on guard at all times to see if there were any new obstacles in the orbit. Travelling at high speed in the vacuum environment of the mechanical fortress tested one’s reaction and operation.

but now, with ya zhi ‘zi, with its speed several times that of the mechanical fortress, it could report the situation on the route in advance, giving the mechanical fortress enough time to change the route and avoid obstacles. it wasn’t just the obstacles in front. If there were any problems during the journey, ya Zhi Zi would be able to detect them in advance and provide feedback, giving the people on the mechanical fortress enough time to react.

Helen looked at the data coming from ya Jiko and couldn’t help but sigh. the security team’s technological level is really strong. They were able to create such a life form 1500 years ago. This can be considered to have solved the biggest problem of the mechanical fortress.

The warning range of the mechanical fortress was considered very high on wasteland. after helen’s modification, it could be spread to a hundred kilometers away. However, this distance was as small as a speck of dust in the universe. Especially when the mechanical fortress was advancing at high speed, it was impossible to even give a ten-second warning in advance for a distance of 100 kilometers. The effect was almost useless.

But now, things were different. With ya Jiko leading the way, Helen could even get the data after an hour, which was outrageous.

when she first learned that ya zhizi could easily break through the program of the mechanical fortress, helen was still very wary of this metal ball.

But now, the Kasaya was really fragrant!

Link left the room and was ready to walk around the fortress to see how the organizations and players were settling down. He would also ask if they had any needs.

After leaving the room, link went to the underground building where the Lin family financial group was located. This used to be the research area of the city. All skyscrapers have the effect of rising and falling. Later, after Dave and Dr. Ludwig’s transformation, the place was made into an underground world similar to the slums of Shandu.

Link walked down the sparsely-populated underground Street.

The number of people in the mechanical fortress was still too small. There were only about 1600 people. Then, they were scattered to various areas. These people were like water that had dripped onto a sponge, disappearing without a trace in an instant and being completely absorbed.

link entered the underground building. in stark contrast to the cheerless atmosphere outside, the staff members in the building were walking around in a hurry.

After all, they had just left the wasteland, and all the information equipment and documents had just been transferred from the transport ship to the building. The staff still had a lot of work to do.

Link greeted the staff as he took the elevator to Penny’s office on the top floor of the building.

Penny was flipping through documents in his chair and didn’t turn his head when he heard the door open. “Just put the coffee on the table,”

wow, the boss is so charismatic now, ” link teased.

Penny turned around in surprise when she heard Link’s voice. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here to see if you’re getting used to it.”

” it’s no different from the moros tower, ” pony spread his two short wings. ” it’s no different from the moros tower. ” The staff I brought out this time are all veterans and elites. I’ve carefully selected them and mentally prepared them, so you don’t have to worry about them suffering from deep space claustrophobia.”

Link was dumbfounded. Penny’s plan was too perfect. He even had deep space claustrophobia.

“Boss, what’s your next step? I need to hear your plan first, and then design the mission and reward according to the plan. After all, space is different from the wasteland. The number of Inhumans is limited, and the mission must be accurate and efficient.” Penny quickly got into work mode, and the temperament of a capitalist was revealed. His eyes clearly showed that he would not let go of any opportunity to make the players work hard.

before this, penny had only dominated the players and npcs on the wasteland. now that they were on a bigger stage in the universe, link mourned for the creatures in the fandi system and other galaxies in advance. he believed that they would soon feel the fear of being dominated by penny.

“i can tell you the grand plan first, and you can arrange the details according to the event. However, this plan must be kept a secret. Once it’s leaked, the mission will fail, and your life will be in danger.”

half an hour later, link tidied up his clothes and walked to penny’s office. he turned to the overbearing ceo and smiled. by the way, the name underground building is too old-fashioned. I think it’s time to change it.

“then what name should we change it to?” Penny asked.

“i think the name” penguin building “sounds good.” link said with a smirk.

“Okay, let’s call it the Penguin building.”

Walking out of the Penguin Tower, Link’s next destination was the moon Shadow Council’s territory.

Different from the steel-cast, cold Penguin building, the territory of the moon Shadow Council was luxuriant, full of green plants and exuberant vitality. As soon as link reached the door, a strong magical aura hit him in the face. There was also a natural smell in it. It reminded link of the divine Tree Noxi in the crying Valley.

As soon as he entered the moon Shadow Council, link saw Bomb Chicken, who was busy giving orders.

This time, there were more than a dozen Druid players who followed link to the mechanical fortress. The top ten were the top ten in the professional league, and the rest were the winners of the Guild Wars. Although they belonged to different factions and guilds, in the moon Shadow Council, bombing chicken was their senior brother. This would not change just because they were in different factions. Bomb Chicken had quite a good reputation in the moon Shadow Council. Other than the Druid players, there were also some Moon Shadow Council apprentices and elites who were also under Bomb chicken’s command, helping to decorate the garden.

Meanwhile, in the garden, the ancient tree of miracles sat firmly in the center. Its entire body was exuding a mist that carried magical power, just like the bright stars. The mist nourished the ground, grass, flowers, and trees, and soothed the plants that had never been exposed to space. the butterflies and birds circled around the ancient tree of miracles and chirped happily. they did not seem to be affected by the high-speed space travel at all.

In the small forest not far from the ancient tree of miracles, the piercing sound of metal twisting could be heard from time to time. However, this sound was not abrupt. Instead, it blended in well with the rustling of the trees in the wind. Other than these sounds, there was also a burst of cheerful laughter in the small forest.

the sun above the moon shadow council was bright and warm, but it didn’t feel hot. link felt comfortable as soon as he took one step in.

In consideration of the habits of the moon Shadow Council Druids, their location was in a specially modified environment. Above it was a dome and a power board created by a semi-holographic environment, which could be used to simulate the change of day and night. There were temperature and humidity control tests in the entire area to ensure the best environment for plants to grow, and it could be adjusted according to the number of plants.

When bombarding chicken and the rest saw link, they all came up to him respectfully, their eyes full of admiration.

“Your Excellency head of state, what are your orders? The fifth elder is casting a spell to build a forest inside. Do you need to report?”

Link glanced at the dense forest in the distance and chatted with the others.”Are you used to it?”

Everyone turned into little chicks and nodded their heads continuously, each of them saying a sentence.

I thought that the transport ship was already a giant. I didn’t expect that I was still too young.

I didn’t expect there to be such a place in the mechanical fortress. This place is no different from the Colosseum of the moon Shadow Council.

the surging energy from the ancient miracle tree is not any weaker than the divine Tree.

the ancient tree of war of steel is the perfect combination of the ancient tree of machinery and nature.

The players ‘eyes lit up as they spoke. Even though they had come to the mechanical fortress to choose their dormitory a few days ago, after seeing more areas today, they were overwhelmed with emotions and shock. The magnificence of the mechanical fortress and the exquisiteness of the moon Shadow Council’s base, as well as the two ancient trees in the base that had never been heard of before, had directly pulled the topic to the MAX. Many players could not wait to go offline and post this news on the forum, causing a wave of envy, jealousy, and attention.

“Alright, you guys go ahead. I’ll walk around.” Lin Ke waved his hand, and the players returned to their busy work under the command of bombing chicken.

link nodded at the miracle tree and walked straight into the forest.

Walking around the dense forest, link immediately saw Miranda running in circles. Behind her was a group of steel saplings, treasure-hunting rats, and the five mice team chirping and playing. The ancient tree of war looked at her kindly, like an old man sunbathing while watching his granddaughter play.

Link was curious and asked, ” “Miranda, why are you here?”

When link boarded the transport ship, he entrusted Miranda to grace to take care of her. She would be brought over when the mechanical fortress was stable. however, miranda had appeared in the territory that moon shadow had intended to be on in the blink of an eye. this surprised link.

Miranda stopped in her tracks, the sweat on her forehead drenching her hair. Panting lightly, she explained, ” “Head of state, Aunt Grace is currently busy rebuilding the misty villa, so I brought little treasure and the five mice to look for Grandpa steel tree.”

Link thought for a moment. Grace had basically emptied out the misty villa. There were indeed many things to be done in order to rebuild the villa in the mechanical fortress. Furthermore, grace had a large number of harpies and Alchemist Corps under her command. At this time, they would definitely be busy and wouldn’t have the time to take care of Miranda.

Besides, with the treasure-hunting mouse and the five mice following him, there shouldn’t be any big problems.

After that, link went to the misty villa, the mutant Brotherhood, the cross army camp, Spider Demon City, and other forces ‘territories to check on the settlement progress and ask for needs.

as for the rest area for the players, lin ke did not go there. after all, there were only a few dozen players, and most of them were quite familiar with each other. moreover, they had already checked out the rooms they had chosen in advance. Of course, the most important thing was that the players ‘ability to adapt to the environment was even more exaggerated than a cockroach’s. An environment that even players could not adapt to did not exist.

Link looked at the forum and found that it was bustling with activity.

Not only the players from the wasteland, but players from the other two novice planets also gathered.

Of course, they weren’t just here to join in the fun. When they learned that link was going to help other civilizations that were invaded by foreign planets, the players on both novice planets were all in tears.

They had already suffered the abuse and devastation of the alien planet, and now they finally saw a glimmer of hope.

from the players on the mechanical fortress, he learned that the mechanical fortress was now leaving the desolation star system, jumping from the warp gate at the edge of the star system to other stars in the fandi star system. According to the background story, the three novice planets were all in the vinti system. So, Link’s next move was either to Pandora or Victoria.

The players from the two novice planets were already looking forward to Link’s godlike arrival and chasing away the alien invaders.

in the past, the players on the forum would argue about which planet’s protagonist was more powerful. However, the scene now was unusually harmonious. The gamers of Victoria City and Victoria were all waiting for link to arrive in their Galaxy.

link couldn’t help but smile after reading the forum.

If the players of these two planets knew that his next primary goal wasn’t either of the two, he didn’t know if their hearts would sink to the bottom.

with ya zhi ‘zi leading the way, the mechanical fortress easily entered the orbit of the big star. it used the slingshot effect to accelerate and reached the transition portal in three days.

At the edge of the desolation star system, a warp gate could be seen with the naked eye in the distance, surging with energy like fog and water waves.

The transition portal was extremely large, and the two ” pillars ” that maintained it were half the height of wasteland.

The huge mechanical fortress was as small as a fly in front of it.

After travelling in the Galaxy for three days, he had lamented the vastness of the universe and his own insignificance many times. However, after seeing the transition gate, they finally understood the gap between civilizations.

According to link, these dimensional gateways were mass-produced by high-tech civilizations. They were maintained by strange materials with negative pressure obtained from the neutron star. The nature of a warp portal was no different from a black hole. It was only used by an advanced civilization to stabilize the negative pressure and form the warp portal before them.

Helen couldn’t help but ask, Chancellor, there are so many different civilizations in the universe. How do they distinguish each other? ”

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