Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 655

655 The last gift from the wasteland

Link was taken aback. Why was someone ” calling ” him when he was already in space? was this their final farewell?

It suddenly dawned on link that everyone’s love for him was so deep that they couldn’t say many goodbyes in person and could only express them through phone calls.

After brewing his emotions, he turned on the voice transmission bug with joy and was met with John’s urgent question, ” “Link, have you seen the macaw and the Silver Hand? These two fellows are gone!”

link was taken aback at first, but then he said, these two are together. I’m afraid they’re up to something again. Arrange for people to look for them carefully. You should be able to find their whereabouts.

John’s tone was serious as he voiced his guess.”I suspect that these two people sneaked onto the transport ship and should be on the mechanical fortress now. Since last night, the two of them had not appeared again, and on the day of the finals, silver hand had secretly made contact with the macaw. You must have heard the conversation on the platform.”

“Alright, then I’ll immediately give the order for a thorough investigation! After the investigation is done, bring them back together.” Link said earnestly.

“There’s no need for that. The farewell ceremony is over. Everyone on the wasteland knows that you’ve begun your expedition. It’s unlucky to return without even leaving the house.”

Link was a little surprised,”when did you start to believe in these things?” Haven’t you always been an atheist?”

“We still have to believe in these prizes. Besides, what’s the point of throwing it back? without your suppression, throwing it back would make me worry. There’s only one Ivan on the wasteland, I can suppress him alone, there’s no need to leave two legends behind. You’ll encounter all kinds of danger when you explore the outside world, so it’s good to have more capable people to help you.”

Link was surprised. He didn’t expect John to say something like that. He couldn’t help but ask,”I really didn’t expect these words to come out of your mouth. It’s really outrageous, your image is about to collapse, hehe.”

get lost! John snapped. get lost!

After cursing, his tone became calm again. remember to remind silver hand that the universe’s environment is constantly changing. I’m not worried about his safety, but he should pay attention to his work and rest. After John finished speaking, he felt that it didn’t seem to fit his character, so he quickly added, ” “Of course, Masha wanted me to pass on this message. Alright, if there’s nothing else, I’m hanging up!”

John felt that he would be exposed if he continued, so he quickly hung up the phone.

Link chuckled. Trying to hide his father’s concern with just these two moves? it was all exposed!

link’s lips curled into a smile after he hung up.

To be honest, even though he didn’t see the macaw and the Silver Hand this morning, link had already guessed it.

How could the two of them remain calm over such a big matter?

Even during the final match that day, link had noticed silver hand’s unusual behavior from the corner of his eye. At that time, he had guessed that this guy would definitely lose his cool and discuss it with the macaw.

Even though he didn’t invite the two of them on the surface, it was also a form of ‘invitation’ to spread the news indirectly.

however, link couldn’t say it out loud because of masha.

With Marsha’s love and concern for the Silver Hand, she would definitely be extremely nervous if she knew that the Silver Hand was going to follow link to space. He would most likely not agree, and John would be stuck in the middle.

So link had expected the macaw and silver hand to be stowaways. After all, both of them had a record of this. Back in the village, he had disguised himself as a soldier and snuck into the cavalry camp. With the speed of the macaw and the legendary silver hand, it was not difficult to sneak into the transport ship.

Troy, can you help me find out where these two clowns are now? ”

Troy’s data consciousness spread out, and soon, the light green digital signal spread throughout the entire mechanical fortress like ripples.

about ten seconds later, troy’s physical form appeared in front of link. ” “Head of state, we’ve found out that the two are currently in a cargo hold. follow the transport machine to the mechanical fortress ‘A warehouse.”

Link chuckled, his eyes wide in disbelief.

He had thought that the two of them would use all kinds of high-end methods to sneak in without anyone knowing, but he had never expected that they would use the lowest method-to be transported in with goods.

[ high-end infiltration: with unnoticeable speed and aura, you can hide from the guards and surveillance cameras and enter the most confidential place of the mechanical fortress. ]

[ real infiltration: pretend to be cargo and hide in the transport cabin. Experience the smell of sweat, humidity, and congestion in the sealed cargo container. ]

Through the infrared lens, Lin Ke could see the two of them tossing and turning in the cargo container.

as link’s right-hand men, these two people’s infiltration was too uncouth. link was greatly disappointed and felt ashamed.

How could he expect them to carry out earth-shattering missions in the future?

Link glanced at it and said, ” “Since they like the container so much, let them stay a little longer.”

Helen found the navigation data of the transport ship and naturally found the coordinates of the warp gate of the desolation star system. After transferring it to the operation terminal of the mechanical fortress, the system automatically estimated the flight distance and obtained the result after a few minutes.

head of state, we’re heading to the warp gate of the desolation star system. It will take a week to travel at Full Speed with the mechanical fortress. Do you want to leave now? ”

Link thought for a moment and said,”these are the navigation data from 1500 years ago when the guards came.” This time, we are leaving the solar system where the wasteland planet is located. Naturally, we have a special method. You and Troy can pay attention during the voyage. When you pass the outer orbit of the big star, you can use the slingshot effect to eject it. This way, not only will you save fuel, but you can also gain extra acceleration. If nothing goes wrong, we’ll reach the transition gate in three days.”

helen’s eyes were already filled with bubbles as she worshipped the all-knowing head of state.

“Alright, stop looking. We can set off now.” Link flicked Helen’s forehead lightly to get her attention.

as the captain of the mechanical fortress, you can’t be careless!

helen nodded and saluted, ” “Yes, sir!”

After taking care of Helen and Troy, the Expeditionary Force was also transferred from the transport ship to the mechanical fortress.

The players ‘houses had already been assigned, so they returned to their own rooms with ease. Penny, on the other hand, led specialized staff to help settle the major forces and settle their ” settlement “.

Seeing that everyone was busy, link got up and went to Fu’s room.

At this moment, Fu had already changed. Seeing link, he immediately stood up and said excitedly,”I’m ready to make a report, head of state.”

Link closed the door and sat on the sofa. alright, let’s start reporting our experience in this mission!

Fu took off the strengthening backpack and reached in to feel around for a while. Then, he took out a round metal ball and said with a bright smile, ” “Head of state, this is the dynasty’s treasure. Tumeng and I have gone through many hardships and finally found it in the depths of the underground cave in the Gobi Desert to the South of Daye.”

Link looked at the Golden, perfectly round metal ball. The arc of the metal ball was intoxicating, as if it had been polished by an advanced civilization thousands of times. although the entire heavy weapon was metallic in color, it did not reflect any images. it looked rather strange, as if it did not react with any material here.

Link knew what it was at a glance.

In order to fight against the alien planet, the first order had created many similar ” creatures ” and sent them to lower-level civilizations to fight against the alien invaders.

Rather than calling it a divine artifact, it was more like an intelligent ” creature. The reason why the word ” creature ” was in quotation marks was that it was similar to mimicry metals. They were both metallic substances, but they had a certain ” Life ” activity.

the life form of the mimicry metal only looked like it was alive.

However, the round metal ball in front of him was different. It was something in between the dead and the living. It was half-living or half-living.

“How did you guys find this thing?” Link asked in surprise. This thing was half-living and had its own consciousness and movement. There was no news of the divine gear in the vast wasteland. Link was curious what kind of coincidence had allowed Fu and the Pharaoh tumeng to find it.

fu scratched his head and chuckled shyly. ” “We didn’t find it ourselves, ally told us.”

Link’s body trembled. His eyes widened and he asked in a puzzled tone,”Wasteland singer Aria?”

Ah Fu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Link didn’t know what to say. He’d just let Fu go out and completed two extremely difficult missions so easily?

then tell me how you found the wasteland singer, ally.

fu swallowed his saliva and said,”it’s a long story.” First of all, we have to start with the choice we made to reach the Gobi Desert south of Dragon City. It was said that this was the last place where Aria, the wasteland singer, disappeared. At that time, I walked in the southern Gobi for a few days based on my feelings and finally met the first active human, and that was Girou who was on the spaceship. He was one of the people who had witnessed the miracle of the singer. He had also received the grace of the singer and recovered from a thin and weak person on the verge of death.

After ally disappeared, Giroud firmly believed that ally would appear again, so he stayed in the desert until he met me and Pharaoh tumeng. Pharaohs tumeng found traces of power of faith on Girou, so we followed the traces all the way to the south of the Sea. In the Mirage on the sea, we saw The Phantom of wasteland singer Aria.”

Ah Fu’s description was simple, but link could hear the difficulty in it.

Just the two of them walking aimlessly in the Gobi Desert for several days was not something ordinary people could do.

The second was to sail from the South, facing the deep sea and the storm without any reference. Finally, he was able to meet Ally in the Mirage.

Fu was indeed a man blessed by the heavens, with deep blessings.

you didn’t see ally in person, but only her shadow in the Mirage? ”

yes, we only saw the wasteland singer in the Mirage, but she was able to talk to us. That’s how we found out about the dynasty’s treasure.

” then, did you talk to her and learn anything about her background from her conversation? ” Link asked urgently. In his previous life, the players had also wanted to uncover the mystery of the wasteland singer, ally. However, they had used all sorts of methods but had not been able to obtain any useful information. As such, the players could only treat it as an NPC that gave out benefits regularly.

But now, there was a high chance that Ah Fu might know the truth behind ally. This made link excited for no reason.

However, Fu’s words dampened Link’s hopes.

“No,” Fu shook his head. Ally seemed to be able to see through people’s hearts, as if she knew what I was going to ask in advance. So, after repeating the question I was thinking about, she didn’t give me a chance to ask at all. She only said two things. The first thing is that I’ve asked you to tell me something,’the fate of the wasteland depends on your thoughts’. the second thing is that i learned that you’re forming an expeditionary force to leave the wasteland. he asked me to give you a gift. this gift is an important weapon of the dynasty.”

Not only did figuring out the ins and outs of the matter not clear up Link’s doubts, but it also raised suspicions.

Why did ally know everything, and even said that ‘the fate of the wasteland depends on your thoughts’? did she have other meanings? He appeared and disappeared like a ghost, but he knew everything about the wasteland. from the looks of it, it did not seem like an NPC that would only give out benefits regularly. there must be a bigger plot and story behind it.

” alright, i understand. it’s been hard on you. ” Link patted Ah Fu’s shoulder. If it had not been for Fu, he would not have been able to find ally and obtain the dynasty’s treasure.

Fu chuckled and quickly shook his head.”it’s not hard, it’s not hard. it’s not hard at all to work for you, boss. oh, right, there’s one more thing i need to tell you. it’s this girou beside me. when ally saw him, she asked him to follow me. Of course, I haven’t agreed to it yet. It’s all up to you now.”

“Since it’s ally’s order, then you can stay by her side.”

Link turned to look at the dynasty’s heavy equipment at the side. He slowly held it in his hand and smiled. I didn’t expect to receive such a gift when I’m about to leave the wasteland.

The metal ball in his hand slowly turned, and a circle of ripples appeared, spreading from the top of the ball.

The metal ball’s state changed, as if a pair of invisible hands were kneading a piece of soft mud.

A moment later, the appearance of the metal ball changed dramatically. It turned into a strange creature with a pair of wings that was floating in the air.

The dynasty’s heavy weapon was an intelligent AI program that was built by the entire Fandi star system.

It was also an extremely powerful weapon that could perform dimension-reduction attacks on low-leveled civilizations and block their development. It could also help low-leveled civilizations develop rapidly and analyze their weaknesses.

this was why link called it “life.”

Although it was an intelligent AI program, its emotional complexity and individuality were no different from that of a normal life.

“What should I call you?”

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