Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 645

645 Wasteland professional league

Link’s original plan was to repair the city and launch it into the air from the ground.

however, after discussing with the three top scientists on the wasteland, helen came up with many plans that link had never thought of before.

The first plan was what link had said, launching the entire ship into the air.

The second option was to launch the cannons separately. The city had been broken in half in the war last year and had yet to be repaired. Helen’s so-called split-type launch was to modify and launch the two broken parts of the mechanical city. Due to the reduced size and weight, the load on the engine was not so high. It could be used after the docking in space.

The third plan was based on the second plan. The mech city would be disassembled into more unit parts and then launched using rockets. The remaining core parts would be launched with engines. After all the parts reached the space orbit, they would be reassembled.

the difficulty of the first plan lay in the powerful engines needed to launch the mech city into space, and not just one. helen could reverse-engineer the engine of the transport ship, but she wouldn’t make any breakthroughs in the short term. in addition, after the research was done, there would also be a problem with the settings of the engine, so this plan was definitely the least efficient.

The second option was a split-up launch, which was equivalent to splitting the floating mech city into two parts. This way, the load on a single engine would be reduced, and after combining in space, the city would have a stronger driving performance.

The third option was also the most convenient. All they had to do was build many small engines and send them to space together with the modules of the city. This was the simplest in terms of technical difficulty, but it required frequent firing.

after much discussion, link finally chose plan b.

large engines had stronger power and could ensure the speed of the journey. and the manufacturing difficulty was not too high. helen was responsible for solving the engine problem, while dave and dr. ludwig were responsible for the transformation of the machinery city. the two were carried out simultaneously.

And with Troy’s simulation, the modification could be completed in a month with all the green lights on.

Helen also gave a one-month deadline, promising to produce the finished product and pass the experiment within the time limit.

With the three’s guarantee, link let penny give the green light all the way. It was clear that he wanted to gather the strength of the entire wasteland to overcome this problem.

Helen was very reliable when it came to machinery, and she was very methodical in her work. She wouldn’t give a time limit just to please link.

There was no way they would be able to hide anything from the players in the city within a month. However, the city had always been under repair. With this big project, the players would probably think that link was preparing to rebuild the city and restore the glory of the mechanic class.

Thinking of this, Link’s mind was clear. He didn’t plan to arrange public opinion. In any case, no matter what he did, the players who liked to imagine things would always find a suitable and convincing reason for him. there was no need for him to rack his brains to think of a reason.

Link didn’t plan to waste this month either.

Once the city was completed, it would be time to leave the wasteland.

Now that the first group of players had reached level 50+, the interior of the Colosseum had also been modified.

It was time to push the wasteland professional league into the spotlight.

Link and penny discussed for the whole night and finally decided on the rules and schedule for the registration.

The first was to sign up for the preliminaries. In order to ensure the level of the professional league, a strength line was drawn. Only players who have reached level 50 can sign up.

Secondly, since it was a professional league, then “professional” was the main point.

The competition was divided into three categories: individual competition, team competition, and free-for-all.

The individual competition would be divided into classes to determine the top players of each class.

The team competition was dominated by small guilds, with a scale of five people participating.

the free-for-all was not limited to classes. all the class powerhouses would PK each other to determine the strongest player in the wasteland.

these three categories directly filled up the points of interest.

Of course, since it was a competition for the entire wasteland, the rewards had to be full.

Link’s reward was also very tempting.

First, the top ten of the three competitions would be given custom-made equipment, followed by points and reputation rewards, as well as the opportunity to view advanced knowledge. the champion of the individual competition and free-for-all competition would receive guidance from the wasteland’s top professional master, as well as a powerful weapon that link had invested in to symbolize his status. Finally, there was a mystery prize.

When the news of the wasteland inhuman professional league was released, all the players on the wasteland were in an uproar.

They didn’t expect link to release such shocking news in such a peaceful time.

First of all, there were the competition rules. The individual competition, team competition, and free-for-all were simply full of topics to watch.

didn’t all of them claim to be the best? then they’d show their true abilities in the professional league this time!

didn’t they say that espers weren’t good enough? these weak classes on the wasteland were eager to play well in this competition and surprise everyone.

As for the rewards, link was now the chairman of the wasteland Council. It could be said that all the resources on the wasteland were under his control. At the beginning of the publicity, various rewards were posted directly, attracting the attention of the players. Lin Ke had seen more than one player post on the forum, claiming that one of the weapons and equipment would definitely belong to them.

for a time, all the players ‘attention was focused on the professional league. the news of the rapid increase in staff in the mechanical city next to the keria grand canal was buried under the enthusiasm of the players.

It wasn’t that the players weren’t paying attention to the changes in the wasteland.

However, it was a little awkward.

Link had given him too much!

Just the appearance of the class’s weapons and equipment had already made many players ‘eyes Go Red with envy. They couldn’t care less about anything else.

other than weapons and equipment, his points and reputation could also be described as massive. The most talked-about items were the opportunity to view advanced knowledge and the guidance of the wasteland’s top-tier class Masters.

Class advancement knowledge was the most direct way for players to improve their strength. For the players, viewing class advancement knowledge increased the upper limit of their skill level. When a skill was upgraded by one level, the increase in damage was more obvious than one or two pieces of equipment.

The registration for the pro League would end in 15 days. In these 15 days, the players who had reached the registration level were doing quests and getting equipment like crazy. Many of them took out their hidden points to exchange for it and equip themselves. The players who were not high enough in level started the liver king mode, which was dedicated to leveling up. They wanted to level up as soon as possible in 15 days to meet the registration criteria.

While the wasteland was busy preparing for the professional league, the players on the other two novice planets could do nothing but envy.

but very quickly, a piece of news came and completely broke the current situation.

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