Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 620

620 The revenge of the mandala

“This Suan ni actually has an Island!”

Although link had said that this was the location, the players jumped off the ship without hesitation.

However, hearing about it from others and seeing it with one’s own eyes were two different things.

Just separated by a layer of enchantment, there was a whole new world inside.

the players stepped onto the shore of the island, walked onto the beach, and soaked in the water like drenched chickens.

A large number of players entered the barrier, immediately attracting the attention of Aziz and Douglas the Houndmaster.

Especially when Douglas smelled the scent of shadow hounds and Ganis on these Inhumans.

however, before everyone could gather on the shore, there was a rustling sound in the forest, and then the shadow dogs jumped out of the bushes. there were so many of them that it was too many for the eyes to take in. the players only saw a mass of red in front of them, and they were quickly surrounded by the shadow dogs.

Su ye and Tian Xinling, who were at the front, looked at each other and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

They had expected the shadow dogs to be on the island, but they had not expected so many. Did the alien army have another trump card?

However, before they could react, a tall man with a cloak over his head appeared from the forest. The cloak covered most of his face, and the squid-like tentacles on his chin were clearly visible hanging in front of his chest. A red whistle was half covered, and a leather whip hung on his waist. He looked quite mysterious.

Su ye raised his hands without a word and said, ” “Lord dog trainer, the front line has been defeated. Lord Ganis has been killed by link. We are defectors who have defected to the alien planet. We risked our lives to escape here.”

Douglas glanced at the battered Inhumans, still doubtful.

Although Ganis had not told him about the Inhumans, he had heard about it from the other alien army members. Ganis wanted to recruit the Inhumans of the wasteland for his own use, but it was said that he encountered some difficulties along the way.

“Lord dog trainer, the bandits are powerful now, and we had to use all our strength to escape. Link is already preparing the ships. If they attack, the consequences will be unimaginable!” Su ye’s face was full of anxiety, and four words were written all over his face-loyalty can be seen.

The others looked at Tian Xinling’s eyes and all shouted, ” that’s right, we’ve only just joined the alien planet. Our loyalty to the alien planet can be seen by the sun and the moon. We don’t want to be captured again as soon as we join the alien planet!

“I don’t want to die yet. Mr. Dog trainer, please take us away! We also have a lot of information about the wasteland. If we leave now, we can still report to the alien planet. If we leave any later, I’m afraid we won’t be able to report it. ”

that’s right, link has already grasped the advanced knowledge, and his power is one level above Lord Ganis’. If this news doesn’t reach the alien planet, when the wasteland becomes more powerful in the future and joins forces with the first order, they’ll definitely be a threat to the alien planet! Tianxin Ling was the last to assist. The words ” advanced knowledge ” and ” first order ” in his words were all extremely stressful words to the aliens.

The Houndmaster’s eyes were initially filled with determination. He wanted to fight one last round with link. But when he heard the Inhumans ‘words, he could not help but have doubts.

That’s right, the wasteland was just a planet with a low-leveled civilization. Logically speaking, in their past attacks, they could easily destroy such a planet and occupy it. but after arriving at the wasteland, they suffered losses one after another. two war emissaries and tens of thousands of legions were defeated. this was not normal in itself.

how did you know about first-rank? ” Douglas’s eyes suddenly turned sharp as he stared at Tian Xinling and asked.

Tian Xinling was stunned for a moment, ” my previous boss was the wind-chasing Piao Rou. She was a rather powerful character among the mutants. She was the head of the monster security company in Link’s Lin Financial Group and had been following him for a long time, so she knew a lot of his secrets. I heard that link has some connection with the first-rank, and it’s all thanks to the first-rank that he’s able to improve so quickly.”

Douglas was about to say something more, when a voice suddenly came from afar.

“Mr. Dog trainer, I think these Inhumans are right. Now that we’ve been exposed, I think we should retreat to the other star as soon as possible. furthermore, we’ve obtained such important information in the wasteland and understood the movements of the first-rank, this is very likely a huge trap laid by the first-rank, so an early report might allow the alien planet to be prepared in advance. The one who spoke was Aziz, and beside him was Dean, who was wrapped in a gray linen robe.

His Island was protected by a barrier, so if so many Inhumans could find this place, they must have obtained the exact coordinates. therefore, to a certain extent, they were all trustworthy. Furthermore, given the current situation, they would have to retreat to the alien planet if nothing unexpected happened. Their original plan was to lure them to the alien planet and kill link to ensure their own safety. But now, even the alien planet couldn’t do anything to link. Link could control the wasteland with one hand. They couldn’t stay here any longer.

Instead of waiting for death on the wasteland, it was better to escape to a foreign planet with the Army. Perhaps there would be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

However, leaving the wasteland meant that they would lose their bargaining chip with the alien planet. And these undying mutants made up for this. as long as he could become the leader of this group of defectors and have his own force, he would be able to obtain a position on the alien planet. Just like this dog trainer Douglas, his home planet had also been conquered by a foreign planet. He had relied on his ability to tame the shadow dog to surrender to the foreign planet, and only then did he obtain his current status.

Douglas was completely convinced.

If the wasteland had made contact with the first order, it would definitely be a conspiracy and a huge pit. Instead of fighting to the death here, it would be better to return to the star and report the news to Sir Abu Muslim. also, from his conversation with mr. abu, douglas learned that several low-civilization planets had been discovered on the alien planet recently and were ready to plunder resources.

perhaps these low-civilization planets were also a trap set by the first-order!

Douglas did not have the cunningness and wisdom of Ganis. He only knew that this conquest across space was very likely a conspiracy of the first order. although it didn’t show on the surface, in fact, his heart was already in turmoil, and he deeply felt that he had fallen into a huge conspiracy.

“This information does indeed need to be sent back to the foreign planet for Sir Abu Muslim to make the final decision.” Douglas looked back at the thousands of Inhumans and said, ” “Although I don’t know what Ganis has promised you, but if you follow me to the alien planet, you will be re-examined for loyalty. Those who fail or those with ulterior motives will taste the cruel revenge!”

Douglas glanced at Aziz and Dean. If the Inhumans were suspicious, then Aziz and Dean were even more suspicious.

The alien planet did not notice the wasteland at first, but Aziz and Dean used a summoning ritual to attract the wasteland’s attention, hoping that they would come and occupy the planet. The alien planet didn’t think too much about it. After all, it was a low-leveled civilization planet. After conquering it, they could even plunder resources, so why not? However, when he arrived at the wasteland, he realized that he was stuck in a quagmire.

losing two generals and an army of more than ten thousand was like adding hail to snow for the alien planet that had already suffered heavy losses.

“The two of you will be responsible for bringing up the rear of the teleportation gate. After all of us have left, close the portal when we leave.” Douglas decided to minimize the risk. As long as he and his troops successfully passed through the portal, he could control the closing of the portal on the other side and minimize the risk.

Dean originally wanted to say something but was stopped by Aziz.

He clearly sensed Douglas ‘distrust of them, but nothing he said could be proven right now. He could only prove it with his actions when they arrived on the alien planet.

Douglas began to command the shadow hounds and the rest of the demonic creatures to enter the portal, leaving a small number of shadow hounds to keep an eye on the Inhumans. They entered the portal in batches.

The teleportation gate at the center of the island was filled with violent energy, and the players were especially excited when they could see the scenery of the other world through the teleportation gate.

It was a blurry world. The scorched earth and the bare Gobi Desert in the distance gave people a feeling of Western Desert and doomsday. Steam rose and blocked some strangely-shaped buildings, giving people a twisted and mysterious feeling.

The players ‘naturally excited expressions were all seen by Douglas.

In his opinion, only those who truly sought refuge with an alien planet would show such an excited expression. If they wanted to sneak into the alien planet, most of them would be nervous and suspicious. Moreover, with a scale of several thousand people, no matter how well they covered it up, they would still be exposed. However, under his observation, everyone was eager and expectant. He didn’t see any doubt or nervousness.

If link knew what Douglas was thinking, he would definitely laugh at his naivety.

what were players? they were undying beings. would they show fear in a new place? if they died, they would resurrect, and if they resurrected and died, they would go offline. they had no fear of death. only when they said that death would affect their interests would they show a symbolic respect.

Link looked at the time. Half an hour had passed. It was time to attack.

“Are you guys ready?” link turned to king kong and shazok.

Shazok glanced at King Kong and proposed a tempting plan,”The previous matches haven’t ended yet. Why don’t we try again this time? Whoever kills one person first wins, do you dare?”

King Kong slowly closed his eyes and put his palms together. Buddhist light surged around him.”Amitabha. Monks don’t lie or gamble. They must be wary of being competitive so as not to be entangled with karma with hostility.”

the shazok crocodile opened its mouth, its eyes mocking,”Then I’ll leave?”

King Kong opened his eyes and looked at shazok’s slightly provocative posture. He sighed and said,”Sigh, I’m not here for a bet, but for the people of the wasteland to kill the scourge with my own hands! Getting rid of evil for the people, even if it was affected by karma, it was like feeding the Eagle with one’s body. The Buddha said, if I don’t enter hell, who will? today, I’ll go to hell!”

Link ordered the transport ship to move towards the coordinates.

after a short while, when the transport ship passed through a barrier, the scene of the cloudy waves in front of them suddenly changed. an island appeared in front of them. There was a Reef Beach, palm trees, broad-leaved forest, and a straight cliff in the distance.

at the center of the island, a purple light could be clearly seen from the sky. violent energy fluctuations could be seen under the light.

King Kong and shazock didn’t wait for the ship to dock and jumped off the deck.

The Vajra realm’s hand shook the sky, and with a thought, the sky shaking turned into a skateboard. He stepped on the skateboard and quickly disappeared into the forest.

shazok jumped down from the deck and disappeared into the sand, using his vanish ability.

When the ship came to a stop, link then disembarked.

The soldiers from the transport ship also got off the ship. Link saw an unexpected person among the camouflaged soldiers. It was an old man in a yellow undershirt. He waved his fan and smiled with yellow teeth. The old man stood out among the soldiers.

Link was dumbfounded. He couldn’t help but ask,”Old Wang, what are you doing here?”

the old man had been recruited into the qilin hall when the qilin hall had been established last year. during the selection process, no, the selection process, link had personally confirmed that he was recruited into the qilin hall. he valued lao wang’s intelligence gathering ability. he had been working hard in the qilin hall for more than half a year, wandering around all day as the old gatekeeper, and had indeed found a lot of information.

Old Wang scratched his chicken nest-like head and smiled. “Everyone in the Qilin Hall is participating in the battle on the front line. As a member, I can’t fall behind. Bob knew that I wouldn’t be of much use on the battlefield, so he got me to help on the ship.”

Link didn’t think too much about it. Everyone was involved in this battle. The Qilin Hall was an important part of the monster security company, so they naturally had to take up the responsibility.

“then you have to be careful later and stay here. The enemy could appear at any time. If you feel something is wrong, go hide on the ship.” Although the enemy was fleeing in a panic, it was inevitable that they were hiding some tricks or suicide squads. The other soldiers had the ability to protect themselves, but with old Wang’s body and age, he still needed to be reminded.

old wang waved his hand impatiently. ” don’t worry, head of state. i’ve been able to live in the sand city for so long, so my skills in running around are naturally top-notch. perhaps i’m even better than you. ”

Link chuckled. He then headed in the direction of the pillar of purple energy.

After two steps, link saw the purple energy rapidly weaken. The pillar’s height dropped rapidly, and the waves weakened. This was obviously a sign that the portal was closing.

In the next second, a golden light burst out in the forest, and the wind swept away the clouds.

King Kong and shazok’s intense battle in the forest created a shocking commotion.

when link arrived at the scene, the first thing he saw was the portal on the alien planet.

Through the portal that was slowly closing, link saw the scene on the other side.

In front of the portal was the blurry figure of Douglas the Houndmaster, but his cloak and the thick, fleshy beard on his chin still showed his identity. At this moment, he was guarding the teleportation gate in order to prevent someone from being at a disadvantage at the last moment when the teleportation gate closed.

Then, link saw Dean in his gray linen robe fighting King Kong, as well as the old man Aziz who was fighting shazok without losing.

Link and Douglas looked at each other. However, due to the fluctuations of the portal’s energy, they could not see clearly.

Link’s lips curled up. The footprints near the portal indicated that more than a thousand players had left with Douglas.

These players, who represented the star Fire of the wasteland, would shine in the Fandi system in advance.

Link did not go into the portal. Instead, he looked at Dean and Aziz.

“Alright, now it’s time to settle old scores, you two.”

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