Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 573

573 The pet Army’s complete form!

The tentacles Dragon appeared with a great momentum, even covering the sound of gunfire.

Everyone on the battlefield stopped moving and looked at the giant centipede that was tens of meters tall.

even the attacking alien army stopped in their tracks and looked up at this god who was giving them great pressure.

the shadow dogs saw a monster that looked like it was holding up the sky. its aura was so terrifying that it was suffocating. even the ‘flower bud’ on the top of its head withered. it did not dare to smell the air carefully, for fear of being crushed by the aura.

The alien demon also saw the tall and big tentacles Dragon, and its mouth was wide open in surprise.

Even on a foreign planet, there were very few creatures that could emit such a pressure.

However, it was only stunned for a second. The mutant demon let out a sharp howl, and its T-shaped head trembled.

Along with the howls, the otherworldly demons who were fighting in other places also received the signal. They jumped out of the slums, saw the tentacles Dragon on the battlefield, and issued a challenge.

When the soldiers saw the figure of the tentacles Dragon emerging from the ground, their eyes lit up with enthusiasm.

“The head of state is here, the head of state is here!” the soldiers ‘voices were trembling. the originally suppressed tension on the battlefield suddenly relaxed and was released with cheers.

All the shadow hounds present panicked. As alien creatures that could sense negative emotions, the fear and tension they had smelled on the battlefield disappeared in an instant and were replaced by passion, fervour, and even fanaticism. this kind of emotion was what the shadow dog was most afraid of. since it was a dog, it still had some basic conditions of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Once it sensed your fear, it would become even more violent. as long as you were fierce and eager, the shadow dog would think twice before attacking. Therefore, when they sneaked into Aiya, the shadow dog specifically picked some weak or seriously ill people to attack, because such people had no resistance.

now that the atmosphere on the battlefield had suddenly changed, the fear and tension that could have made shadowwolf excited had all disappeared. this had directly weakened shadowwolf’s strength by more than 20%.

Benjamin, who was leading the wolf riders, was in the middle of a battle. Suddenly, he saw the touch Dragon God and the god-like link. They were like life-saving straws. When the wolves saw link, they howled excitedly, welcoming their true master.

The Duke was killing in the slums. The interface showed that there were violent fluctuations coming from underground. Through the cracks in the slums, he saw the huge tentacle Dragon God and immediately understood that it was link. He couldn’t help smiling.”it’s true that wufu only appeared at the last moment.”

The players all had different expressions when they saw link.

wind-chasing wolf was still on his way to the slums with the resurrected members of miracle. suddenly, he saw a ‘big snake-like creature’ rising from the ground. he was stunned for a moment, then burst into a warm cheer.

“Oh, it’s link! This bunch of alien scum is going to have a good time!” King gousheng shouted excitedly.

Wind-chasing Wolf also had a smile on his face. They had lost all their face when they were wiped out by the mutant demon in front of so many players and NPCs. When they were resurrected, wind-chasing Wolf and the others had already discussed how to deal with the demonic beasts, but they were not easy to deal with due to the number of shadow dogs.

Now that link was here, the situation would definitely be reversed. They would have the chance to put their tactics into practice and kill a mutant demon themselves.

The people from traveling Dragon all pointed at link. Many of them had come from Dragon City and had never seen link in person before. Now that they saw the legendary tentacles Dragon, they were even more excited. However, their leader, Panamera, poured cold water on their hopes.

The shadow hounds and otherworldly demons are powerful and numerous. Even if link brought the tentacles Dragon, he probably wouldn’t be able to do much. The mutated demon’s ability is time barrier, and the touch Dragon God’s poison is only a little more powerful. We don’t know what the outcome is.”

However, as soon as she finished speaking, link slapped her in the face with his actions.

The mutated demons sensed the power of their enemies and broke away from their respective battles, charging toward The Evil Touch Dragon.

As a slightly stronger force on the alien planet, although the number of otherworldling demons was not as high as the shadow hounds, their intelligence was definitely much higher. They were even cunning, and with their ability to play with time and extremely destructive power, they had always been the first to invade other planets.

the shadow dogs were in charge of the advantage in numbers, while the demons were in charge of jointly attacking the enemy’s main units and key buildings, achieving the work of capturing the leader first and breaking the situation first. As long as the enemy’s strongest unit was killed, then the Army would collapse like a mountain, and it would be the Taotie’s moment of hunting by the shadow dog.

therefore, when the mutant demon saw the tentacles dragon, it immediately sent a signal to all its kind, asking them to gather and kill it.

Link smirked. How dare a mere level-40 elite try to act all high and mighty in front of him? it seemed that he had been too successful in dominating the planet and had forgotten the taste of defeat.

He might as well make them remember today.

The wasteland wasn’t a place an alien planet could casually touch!

Link jumped down from the tentacles Dragon God’s head.

The tentacles Dragon also jumped up, broke through the ground, and dug back into the ground.

The sand and dust on the beach flew up, and the otherworldly demons charging at them all disappeared into the dust. Link, who had fallen from the sky, also disappeared into the dust.

The players standing on high ground could see the irregular expansion of the sand and dust. They could also vaguely see the blue time barrier.

At that moment, everyone was worried for link.

There were at least dozens of demons. A normal player would have trouble dealing with one. Link suddenly faced dozens of them. Just the time barrier was enough to make him suffer, let alone fighting them. once they were trapped in the time barrier, they would be unable to move, unable to live or die, and their lives would be in the hands of the enemy.

The time barrier lasted for ten seconds, which was enough to do a lot of things.

Ever since Link’s sudden arrival, he had become the absolute focus of the battlefield.

Whether it was their own side or the enemy side, they all stared at the dust, waiting for a result.

Except for the time barrier, there were no violent sounds coming from the dust. It didn’t look like a fight at all. There could only be one conclusion-link was also trapped in the time barrier.

When everyone made this judgment, their hearts suddenly tightened, and they had a bad feeling.

Everyone’s hearts were drawn to the dust.

Even the shadow dogs were waiting for a result. They stared at the dust and opened their antennae, trying to distinguish the smell.

As the dust settled, it gradually dissipated, revealing its glory.

when everyone looked at the center of the battlefield, they couldn’t help but open their mouths.

Some of the players were dumbfounded, and their weapons fell from their hands.

Leng Feng adjusted the focus of his sniper rifle’s lens and swept back and forth. The toothpick in his mouth even fell out of his mouth.

Explosive chicken used [ beast’s eye ] to see the whole picture with the help of the crow of misfortune. He could not help but sigh.”This formation is the complete form of Link’s pet Army, right?”

P.S: ” because this chapter is difficult to divide into chapters and has a few words, I’ll take it as an additional 2. Today’s chapter will be added tomorrow.

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