Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 563

563 Night (Chapter 4.6)

He retracted his skinny legs, and after a moment, he reached out to grab the broken wooden door. He twisted it back and forth for a moment and removed a few pieces of wood.

A little boy in tattered clothes crawled out from the opening and knelt on the mud-covered ground. His face was almost touching the ground as he whispered into the room, ” “After I leave, find something to block the door. When I find something, I’ll knock twice, then pause for a moment and Knock Three Times. Remember, if it’s not this knocking sound, don’t open the door.”

The pair of bright eyes in the room blinked, but did not speak.

“Now, seal the door again.”

The pair of eyes inside suddenly disappeared, and a moment later, there was the sound of heavy objects moving with difficulty, filling up the fresh big hole that had just been smashed.

seeing that the wooden door had been blocked again, the little boy heaved a sigh of relief and got up to walk outside.

There was not a single light in the alley. It was as dark as ink, and he could not even see his fingers when he stretched out his hand. However, this did not affect the little boy’s movements in the slightest. He was very familiar with this place. Even with his eyes closed, he could still reach his destination.

The little boy leaned against the wall and tiptoed. Even when he was panting, he was willing to lower his breathing.

From the broadcast on the side of the road, he knew that the entire city was under martial law, especially at night. if they were discovered to have sneaked out at night, the night patrollers would not show any mercy.

However, he had his reasons for sneaking out.

Therefore, he had to be very careful along the way. In order to achieve his goal, he could not be discovered by the night patrollers.

Perhaps it was because of the martial law, but the place that was usually bustling at night fell into a dead silence. in the past, the city that the little boy was familiar with was only after the debauchery and ebb. At night, groups of rats would appear and search for the wine and food that people had spilled after their revelry. The trash cans in the alley could be said to be their playground.

For the wild cat, the alley at night was also its playground. Almost every night, there would be a battle of wits and courage between the cat and the mouse, which would always end with the wild cat licking its paws in satisfaction.

But today, perhaps these little guys understood human nature and understood the slogan from the loudspeaker, so they all hid one by one, making the night especially quiet.

The little boy walked for a while and suddenly saw the dim yellow light at the intersection in front of him, as well as the lit street lights on the main road. He was so scared that he immediately shrank back. He had wanted to go over directly, but there were lights now. If he forced his way in, he would be discovered. it’s fine if i’m caught, but the kasaya i’ve left behind …

The little boy wiped his sweat and decided to take a longer route. He also knew of a ‘secret passage’ that could lead to the other side of the road without anyone knowing.

After struggling to move the manhole cover away, the little boy endured the pungent smell and climbed in.

Essia’s sewer passage was very narrow. Even the thin and weak little boy could only barely get in. He had to bend his waist to move forward and could not even turn around.

The little boy was like a rat, sneakily crawling in the sewer.

With every step he took, his hands and feet would sink into the mud and rotten debris, like a man-eating swamp.

the boy held his breath and advanced forward. every time he wanted to breathe, he could only raise his head and barely breathe the ‘fresh’ air outside through the hollowed-out drain cover on his head.

Soon, the little boy climbed up the sewer that ran across the road. The street lights that used to be extremely dim were particularly dazzling today. Even though there was a sewer above his head, the light still shone through the hollow stripes on the little boy’s back. Every ray of light that fell on his body was like a knife, making him feel cold.

the road was more than ten meters wide, but to the boy, it was like a marathon.

The boy crawled across the street with great difficulty and couldn’t help but look back. The light that passed through the cracks gradually dimmed. He had successfully reached the other side of the road. Next, he just had to climb out of the sewer in front and walk a few steps to reach his destination.

however, just as the boy turned around, a drop of water suddenly fell from the sewer above his head and landed on his forehead.

The boy was stunned for a moment, then he looked up.

Another two drops of water landed on his face.

There seemed to be a pool of liquid outside, dripping down the sewer.

The boy slowly exhaled, then took a deep breath of ‘fresh air’. Immediately, a pungent and thick smell of blood rushed into his nose.

How could there be such a strong smell of blood?

The boy subconsciously used his arm to wipe away the water droplets on his face. However, with the light shining through the crack, when the boy saw the strange red color on his arm, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the hair on his body stood up.

just as the boy was in shock, the light from the sewer partition above his head suddenly turned dark, bit by bit, as if it was blocked by something.

A sense of fear and anxiety grew in the boy’s heart, as if a kitten was scratching it.

The shadow gradually expanded and completely covered the boy.

The air was cold.

With the help of the extremely weak optical fiber, the boy saw two violet-like stamen reaching into the sewer and gradually approaching him. He could also clearly smell a rancid smell that was even more unpleasant than the sewer coming from directly above his head, as well as the heavy breathing that constantly sprayed on his face.

Although he couldn’t see the creature above his head clearly, the boy’s eyes were filled with fear when he thought of the sealing of the city and the alien creatures mentioned in the radio. He twisted his body slightly and squeezed deeper into the sewer, afraid that he would be discovered by the two flower-like tentacles.

Its feelers fumbled around the sewer, analyzing the smell it was sniffing.

The shadow dog’s mouth opened, revealing sharp teeth, and its throat made a gurgling sound.

it had already smelled the weak breath of life, which was definitely a taotie’s food for the shadow dog.

the shadow dog bit on the rectangular hollow sewer lid, its teeth and metal making sharp friction.

The little boy had never seen such a terrifying stance before. His pupils shrank violently, and he was stunned by the violent aura exuded by the shadow dog, unable to move. This feeling was even scarier than the aura of Hoover’s fierce Hound, which was almost as tall as a man.

Fortunately, the gap of the partition on the manhole was only two fingers wide, which was narrower than the lower jaw of the shadow dog. After struggling for a while, the shadow dog found that it could not open the manhole, so it tried to hit the manhole with the horn on its head. In the end, it made no progress except for a scratching sound.

the shadow dog tried to put the horn into the gap again, but because the root was too swollen, it could not go any further.

The boy looked at the horn spikes that were two punches away from piercing his body in horror. His entire body was numb and he could not move at all.

The shadow dog struggled for a moment and found that the alluring smell in the sewer was like a piece of fat meat that could only be smelled but not reached. No matter how hard it tried, it could not eat it. The angry shadow dog circled the sewer a few times, revealing its saw-like fangs and man-eating green eyes, before finally leaving angrily.

After the shadow dog left, the boy remained motionless. Even his breathing was in a state of half-stop, and only his heart was beating wildly.

After a long while, his tensed muscles slowly relaxed, and his breathing rate increased. He felt like he had just survived a disaster.

The despair that the shadow dog felt when it was trying to open the sewer above his head, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He could do nothing but helplessly wait for fate to judge him.

The little boy finally understood that the bloody smell above his head was the delicious food that the shadow dog had enjoyed earlier, the corpse of an innocent. This nauseating sewer had saved his life.

After recovering for a long time, the little boy could no longer hear the sound of the shadow dog. After making sure that the monster had left, he turned around and continued to crawl forward.

After reaching the other side of the road, the little boy waited for a while before carefully lifting the cap on his head. He looked around to make sure that there was no sign of the shadow dog, then pushed the cap aside and carefully climbed up.

The little boy walked into the alley with ease, and his pace quickened a lot because of his urgency.

He walked to the corner of the dead end, gritted his teeth, and lifted the stinky trash can with great difficulty. He lifted the water-proof tarpaulin that was close to the wall, knelt down, and removed the few red bricks at the bottom. After removing the brick, the little boy twisted his body and entered.

This room was a warehouse for storing goods, and the loose bricks on the wall had been temporarily fixed by the little boy when he was helping out. However, before they could hire Masons, the news of the alien invasion broke out. The owner of the shop had no choice but to cover the outside with waterproof tarpaulins, close the shop, and drive home. As for the shop, he could only repair it after the crisis was over.

The little boy and his sister had planned to return to the slums, but the martial law had come too quickly. They did not have any means of transportation and could not make it back in time. The little boy had to beg in a hurry before he found a storage room where his former employer stored goods. Because he had left in a hurry, there was no food or water in the utility room, and the door had been locked from the outside when the employer left.

The little boy had no choice but to find something to break open the door and come out at night to look for food.

After passing through the warehouse, the little boy skillfully turned on the light.

The lights were turned on instantly, and the sudden light made the boy unable to open his eyes. It took him a while to gradually adapt to the light.

The little boy went to the bathroom first and cleaned up the mud on his body. He then cleaned up all the dirty places on the way. After doing all this, he carried a bag and ‘purchased’ the necessities on the supermarket shelves.

It was unknown how many more days the lockdown would last. The monsters were wreaking havoc outside, and they did not have the opportunity to travel between the sanctuary and the supermarket every day, so the little boy had to prepare enough food for a few days at a time.

First of all, there was a large bucket of drinking water. It had to be big enough to be carried and could be stuffed into the sewer.

The second was food that could fill his stomach.

The boy was shuttling between the shelves alone, picking up food bags from time to time to check something.

After a while, the bag was filled with food.

after packing everything and sealing it, the boy did not leave immediately. instead, he went to the supermarket’s payment counter, found a pen, tore a piece of paper, and wrote something.

[ dear store manager, I’m Sean, who used to work in your store. I’m very sorry to talk to you in this way. As my sister and I couldn’t leave the city in time, we were temporarily left in the city of Aisia in a utility room on the third Street. Due to the lack of food, I had no choice but to come to your store to get some life-saving supplies.

In total, I took a 5 liter bottle of water, five packets of instant flatbread, four pieces of bread, a box of chocolate, and four hamburgers. The instant flatbread, bread, and chocolate will expire in two days. The four burgers were left in a hurry the day you left and forgot to put them away.

I only have 30 wasteland coins on me now, so I’ll leave it for you. I’ll work in your store to pay for the remaining money after the blockade is over.

[ thank you again for your selflessness and generosity, young ladyboy Sean. ]

After he finished writing, the little boy Sean took out his remaining 30 wasteland coins and put them on the table together with the letter. He also used the items on the table to press down on the money and the letter’s foot, making sure that when the supermarket reopened, the boss would be the first to see it.

After doing all this, Sean let out a long sigh of relief, feeling the pressure on his shoulders greatly reduced. He turned off the lights of the supermarket and struggled to carry the life-saving food. The corners of his mouth could not help but raise into a smile. He wondered how happy his sister would be when she saw him carrying so much food.

Crawling out of the small hole and dragging the sealed bag out, Sean knelt on the ground and stacked the bricks one by one, returning to their original appearance. Then, he carefully laid out the waterproof tarpaulin. Finally, he pushed the trash can back to its original place and placed it in front of the tarpaulin.

After everything was done, Sean was sweating profusely, and the smile on his face never faded. He wiped the sweat off his face.

Everything was going smoothly!

However, when Sean picked up the food with great effort and turned to leave, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and the bag in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

In the dark, a pair of green eyes stared straight at Sean, and the sound of teeth grinding came from its mouth.

The familiar fear came to Sean’s mind again. His whole body trembled, and he knew that he was going to die this time.

Sean wasn’t too afraid when he thought about being eaten by the alien shadow hounds. However, his sister was still waiting for him in the storage room, waiting for him to bring back food. She was born mute and didn’t even know how to call for help. If she died here, her sister would starve to death in the storeroom.

Sean clenched his fists. He hated himself for not being able to protect his sister.

Sean wiped his snot and half-bent his body, deciding to fight to the death.

Sean quickly grabbed the plastic bag on the ground, then ran with all his strength.

The shadow dog pounced at Sean at the same time.

the difference in strength between a weak and skinny child and a shadow dog that could easily take care of level 30 players could be said to be on two different dimensions.

Sean saw the shadow dog pouncing at him, and subconsciously held the life-saving supplies in his arms tightly, running with his eyes closed.

At this critical moment, a black shadow flashed past, like a sharp sword, and stabbed at the shadow dog’s head.

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