Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 552

552 The first type of contact (3.26)

Everyone sniffed the air and advanced.

However, because the smell was mixed with the salty sea breeze, it was faintly discernible, and it took them a lot of effort to track it.

“look, there are footprints here!” the elite druid was keenly aware of the strange trampling marks in the sand, close to the houses in the slums. Druids had excellent vision at night, and they could see the footprints on the sand without any external light.

One of the elite Druids who specialized in transformation came forward to take a closer look.

“the footprint is in the shape of a hoof, with four feet and a body length of one meter. there are traces of a tail on the ground, and the tail is about 50 cm long. According to the depth of the footprints, she should be about 50 kilograms. Druids were associated with nature, so they knew a lot about the creatures that existed in nature, especially the shapeshifting Druid, who had to simulate animal changes, so they had a better understanding.

I don’t remember seeing any creature that fits this data, ” the elite Druid came up with his own analysis.

“could it be some kind of mutant creature?” Bombarding chicken voiced his thoughts.

The Druid nodded with uncertainty. “That’s a possibility, Zhenzhen.”

as he spoke, he stretched out his finger and gently rubbed it near the hoof prints. then, he put it to his nose and sniffed. ” there’s also a rotten smell. it’s an indescribable feeling. ”

it’s anxiety, right? it will stimulate the fear in the depths of one’s heart and make one anxious. Bombing chicken thought for a long time before he could come up with a word to accurately describe this complicated feeling.

“Yes, this is the feeling!”

The other Druids all looked at bombarding chicken, waiting for him to give an idea.

On the surface, bombing chicken’s brows were tightly furrowed. He was feeling a headache from this strange and unknown creature, but in reality, he was ecstatic.

If it really was a mutant creature, it was definitely a good thing.

Who didn’t know that the current head of the freedom Federation, link, loved all kinds of rare wild beasts? there were even oases in the desert that were specially used to raise wild beasts. There were all kinds of wild beasts in there, and many of the powerful combatants by Link’s side were all pets.

If it really was a mutated creature, he could capture it and bring it back to the sand City to offer it to link. He would definitely gain a lot of favorability from it.

Link’s favorability was much more important than the moon Shadow Council’s.

from the looks of it, this creature is strange. Everyone, pay attention to your safety later and try to catch it alive. After Bomb Chicken finished speaking, he released his illusionary vine from the long wooden bucket behind him.

From the footprints of the mysterious creature, it should have entered the slums.

The narrow and cramped slum greatly interfered with their movements. The road twisted and turned like a huge irregular maze. At this time, it was difficult to lock onto the location of the creature with only the Druid’s tracking spell. Moreover, creatures of this size were good at running, so Bomb Chicken summoned the hallucinatory vine to track and bind the mysterious creature.

the other druids entered a state of readiness and followed the footsteps of the bombing chicken into the slums.

A group of ‘high class’ people in suits and leather shoes suddenly entered the slum that looked like a cesspit. This immediately attracted the attention of the local Aboriginals. While their eyes were filled with curiosity, they were also obviously frightened.

the elite druid and bombing chicken walked at the front, and the illusion vines dug up the ground and crawled all the way.

The hoofprints on the ground didn’t disappear, and the group moved nimbly through the narrow corridor. The Druid in charge of bringing up the rear asked the residents on both sides, ” “Did you see any strange creatures passing by here?” The reply they got was a shake of their heads, or it could be said that everyone was already numb to life, and it was a problem for them to even have a full stomach. No one cared about the things around them.

The group took many turns, and they had no idea where they were in the slums. They suppressed the anxiety in their hearts and followed the footsteps of the hoof prints.

The noisy and chaotic environment, the oppressive space, the rotten smell in the air, and the lifeless people with empty eyes like The Walking Dead.

Then, one of the Druids said a classic sentence, ” ” if hell really exists in this world, it should be here, sob sob. ”

Explosive chicken sharply captured the Druid’s low mood and hurriedly said, ” this is also the reason why the elders gave us this difficult and heavy task. Everyone, including me, was personally selected by the elders to carry out this task. The elders must want us to experience the sufferings of the world in this way, so that we can be more firm in our teachings and ideas. As the saying goes, only after seeing the darkness will one yearn for the light. This must be the expectation the elder has for us!”

the other druids all had expressions of sudden realization. no wonder the elder let brother chicken lead the team. This is the difference in their cultivation levels. As expected of brother chicken!

Only after seeing the darkness would one yearn for the light.

How well said!

however, shouldn’t the moon shadow council be the ones who believe in the night and the moon? (Crooked head. JPY)

But the Druids didn’t care about these details, because after following for a long time, the hoofprints on the ground finally came to an end. They stopped at the door of a temporary ‘house’ built with splints and tarpaulin.

although there was a constant noise around them, everyone could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking.

Exploding chicken gestured for everyone to keep quiet. He then cast a ” beast’s eye ” on the hallucinatory vine and observed the situation in the house through the perspective of the hallucinatory vine.

The illusionary vine dug through the ground and moved forward. Soon, half of its body was inside the simple house. Immediately, the fried chicken saw the culprit who had caused them to follow him all the way here.

this unknown monster had dark red, thick skin with crisscrossing lines. There was a thick black mane on its back and hooves, and there were two sharp calcifying horns on its head. On its forehead, there were two long tentacles that extended outward, and the top was like a blooming flower bud, used to track and analyze the smell in the air.

A bloody mouth was greedily gnawing at the skinny man on the straw mat, and this skeleton-like man only had one breath left. He was gnawed on by the terrifying monster and had no strength to call for help. He could only watch as his body was chewed and swallowed.

Seeing this, bombarding chicken’s brain went blank.

It had been more than half a year since he had entered ” destiny ” and he had seen many horrifying and disgusting scenes. However, when such a naked scene of a mysterious beast eating a man appeared in front of him without any scruples, it still made Bomb Chicken feel nauseated.

Although he had no idea what this mysterious species was, based on the knowledge he had learned about wild beasts in the moon Shadow Council, the bombing chicken was still able to analyze some of its habits and abilities.

First, it was dark red skin. The criss-crossing lines were the characteristics of thick skin. The two calcifying horns that were pointed forward were one of the means of attack, and they might even be accompanied by some kind of charging skill. The two joint-like things on the top of the head were like antennas that could receive signals. It had sneaked into the slums and had not been discovered, which meant that it was well hidden. It had especially found a poor person who was on the verge of death to attack, which meant that it should be able to sniff out vitality and choose enemies with weak vitality to attack.

Judging from the way he was gnawing on the bones, he had an extraordinary bite force.

The ‘room’, which was temporarily covered with a canvas and separated by a few boards, was extremely dark. With the help of the’ Eye of the Beast’, he could only observe so much. Just from the scene in front of them, the bombing chicken could define the mysterious dog as an evil creature.

the illusionary vine continued to dig through the ground. since the monster was very small, it was difficult to restrict its movement by tying its front and back limbs. explosive chicken wanted to tie it up at the waist to prevent it from escaping.

At this moment, the monster was still feasting on the flesh and blood of the Taotie. Bomb Chicken raised his hand and gestured to the people around him, indicating that they should surround the small house and not give the monster any chance to escape.

The Druids were all in position, staring at the tent-covered room full of malicious aura as if they were facing a great enemy.

Suddenly, the illusionary vine broke out of the ground.

Just as the illusionary vine was about to extend its tendrils from the ground and wrap around the mysterious dog, the dog was shocked and jumped away from its original spot. Only half of the tendrils grazed the mysterious dog’s thick skin and failed to completely bind it.

But before the mysterious dog could regain its senses, a few more illusionary vines sprang out from the new place it had landed. However, these illusionary vines did not continue to tie it up like before. Instead, they directly formed a huge dome-like tree prison, covering the mysterious dog within.

When the Druids rushed into the house and saw that the mysterious dog had been completely locked in the tree prison, they immediately praised it.

“Brother chicken is mighty!”

“Brother chicken ripples!”

“Oh, oh, oh, oh.”

However, when the Druids saw the corpses that had been gnawed to pieces, their defenses were immediately broken, and they almost died on the spot.

Bombing chicken had obtained the illusion vine for a long time. Ever since he attacked the bunker alone, he had felt that although the illusion vine seemed ordinary, it actually had a lot of potential. As long as it was used properly, it would have unexpected results. Therefore, in the past six months, bombing chicken had gained a lot of experience through battles, as well as some small tricks to control the attack of the illusionary vine.

it would be naïve to think that one hit was enough to deal with a creature with a sensory antenna on its head.

Feints and unique skills could catch the enemy off guard.

One of the Druids walked to the side of the tree prison and tried to get a closer look through the gap.

“Be careful!” Explosive chicken grabbed the Druid’s collar and yanked him back.

At the same time, the tree prison surrounded by the illusionary vines was suddenly pierced through, revealing a white and Big Horn.

When the horn reached its limit, it was less than two centimeters away from the Druid’s nose. The Druid was so scared that he couldn’t say a word, and his back was already drenched in sweat. If it wasn’t for brother chicken’s quick reflexes, his head would have been pierced through.

The party involved and the Druid beside him were still in a state of shock, while Bomb Chicken was frowning.

The illusionary vine itself had a hallucinating effect. With so many illusionary vines surrounding the tree prison, the hallucinating effect should have taken effect very quickly. This mysterious dog should have been swaying left and right as if it had drunk fake wine. Unexpectedly, it was not affected at all and could even retreat and use its horn to charge.

It seemed that this dark red thick skin was not immune to magic, but at least it was immune to hallucinogenic toxins and had high resistance.

The horn was pulled out of the tree, and the mysterious dog started to prepare for a second attack.

At this moment, the Druid beside him reacted and cast a Nature spell. However, it was still like a clay ox entering the sea. The mysterious dog did not seem to be injured at all.

This time, Bomb Chicken was sure that the thick skin of the mysterious dog had a high magic resistance.

“Use your weapon, but be careful not to kill him.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the mysterious dog stabbed another horn into the tree prison. Bombing chicken realized that the parts that were stabbed by the mysterious dog were all charred black and exuded a rotten smell. This kind of smell suppressed the self-recovery ability of the illusionary vine. The dome-like tree prison couldn’t hold on any longer, and the illusionary vines removed their roots one after another, freeing themselves from the restraints.

The Druids took out their enchanted cold weapons and stabbed at the mysterious dog.

Bombing chicken took out the propped-up Desert Eagle that had been enhanced and modified by Helen and fired a few shots at the mysterious dog’s waist without a word.

After the desert Eagle’s bullet was accelerated by the coil, it was wrapped in a layer of light blue energy and quickly landed on the mysterious dog.

bombing chicken could clearly see that the first bullet only dealt a few dozen points of damage and only penetrated the mysterious dog’s skin. The damage of the second bullet was obviously much higher, with more than 100 points of damage, and the thick skin had obviously cracked. when the third and fourth bullets hit it, the thick red skin directly exploded, causing more than 200 damage.

Exploding chicken could not help but gasp.

After Helen’s enhanced Desert Eagle pistol, its strongest effect was armor-piercing.

The bombing chicken had done an experiment before. This kind of bullet could penetrate the thick armor of an armored vehicle with one shot. However, when it hit the mysterious dog, it only caused its skin to crack, and the damage was only a few dozen points. It was really incredible.

from another perspective, the strength of the mysterious dog’s skin was even stronger than a three-centimeter thick armor plate!

This was outrageous. What the hell was this thing? it actually had such a strong defense.

At this moment, Bomb Chicken quickly used detect and saw the mysterious dog’s data.

[ name: mysterious dog (temporary name) ]

[ race: mysterious creature ]

[ level: level 30+(elite) ]

[ HP: 2210/2800 ]

Energy: unknown

[ attributes: strength 70, agility 80, energy 150, others unknown ]

[ skills: skin resistance, horn impact, flesh devour, spread malice, other unknown ]

[ evaluation: a mysterious creature never seen before ]

It was actually an elite monster!

After being shot several times, green blood spurted out of the mysterious dog’s body. When the blood splashed on the ground, it corroded the soil and emitted black smoke, making a sizzling sound.

All kinds of enchanted sharp blades landed on the mysterious Hound, but only cracks as thick as a willow leaf appeared. They only pierced through the thick skin, and the damage caused was pitifully low. There was still a long way to go before they could really hurt it.

“You guys, get out of the way! Let me do it!” Bombarding chicken quickly said.

After saying that, he fired a few more shots until the mysterious dog’s HP dropped to around 500 points. Seeing that the mysterious dog had lost most of its resistance, he then let the illusion vine bind it again.

Looking at the mysterious dog on the ground, who was weak but still trying to struggle, bombing chicken was a little dumbfounded.

What kind of species was this? how could its defensive ability be so terrifying?

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