May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 989 - Chapter 989: Playing the Harem 29

Chapter 989: Chapter 989: Playing the Harem 29

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The vase shattered into pieces on the ground. Sikong Jue was knocked unconscious and slowly fell to the ground like a sandbag. He took one last look at the woman behind him. He promised that if he ever saw her again, he would kill her!

The man in black widened his eyes in shock. He thought that Chuxia had brought the vase to smash him. He thought that being smashed to death by the vase was better than being tortured to death. However, he did not expect the woman's Vase to smash into the back of Sikong Jue's neck.

He stood up and felt that his brain was not enough. "Why are you helping me? "

"Didn't you say that helping others is helping yourself? Since master has said that you can take me away if you can, then take me away! I want to return to master's side, " Chuxia said.

The man in black looked at the woman as if she was a monster. "You want to see master? "

Chuxia nodded. "Yes. Let's go quickly. Otherwise, there will be guards coming soon. We won't be able to escape even if we want to. "

"But, but you are very safe here! I can see that this man and the crown princess are very protective of you. You can totally stay here, " the man in black said.

Chu Xia's lips twitched. She knew that it was good to be here, but since she was here, when would she find out about Zhuo Nan!

Just now, she made a decision. She might as well follow this man and go straight to Zhuo Nan. There was no faster way than this!

"I just can't put my mind at ease with master. I am his woman. I love him very much! " Chu Xia quickly confessed, pretending to be man man's infatuated look.

The man in black looked at the woman in front of him with a complicated expression "Have you really thought it through? I asked you to reconsider on account of you saving me just now. If you want to stay, I'll go back and say that the mission was a failure. Whether it's dead or alive, I'm a man and I can take it on myself. "

Although he was a mercenary and a person who killed without blinking, they were still loyal men. They wouldn't do such an unmanly thing to make a woman suffer for them!

A black line was drawn on Chuxia's forehead. What happened to killing without blinking?

Damn it At this time, you have feelings for each other. Are you worthy of your identity as a mercenary?

Chu Xia was about to kneel down to the man. She had to leave quickly. If she didn't leave quickly, Qin Sheng wouldn't let her go even if she came!

"I have true love for master. You are not allowed to insult my love! Take me away quickly! Otherwise, master will be angry if she knows that you don't take me away! " She urged the man.

"Alright, I will take you away. If you are in any danger when we reach master, I will protect you too! In short, I owe you my life! " The man said.

"Stop being so wishy-washy! You're a man, alright? LET'S GO QUICKLY! " Chuxia dragged the man out of the room.

The man in black felt that his brain was in a mess. He was the one who wanted to abduct the woman, why did it feel like she was abducting him now?

The two of them had just reached the first floor when they were blocked by the guards who rushed in.

The man in black put his arm on her neck. "KIDNAP ME WITH A gun! "

She even stuffed the small pistol Qin Sheng gave her to protect herself into the man's hand.

"Ah? You want me to kidnap you? " The man in black was confused.

"nonsense, if you don't kidnap me, how are we going to escape? HURRY UP! " Chuxia said.

"Oh, then don't worry, I won't hurt you, " the man said.

"Okay, I know you won't hurt me. I'm not afraid at all, okay? Hurry Up, show me your imposing manner. Do you want to leave or not? Hurry up and say something! " Chuxia shouted anxiously.

"I'll say it, I'll say it now! " The man aimed the gun at the woman's Temple, but removed the magazine.

"If you dare to come over, I'll kill her! I'll put a bullet through her temple! QUICKLY DISPERSE! " The man shouted.

Although his voice was loud, it was filled with guilt, and anyone could tell.

Chuxia was on the verge of tears. who was the one who kidnapped who?

Her eyes turned and she shouted, "get out of the way! Can't you see that he's holding a gun? Do you want me to die? "

The guards did not dare to disobey. Although this woman had been under house arrest, Qin Sheng had never harmed this woman. She took good care of her!

The group of guards did not dare to go forward anymore. They made a path for the black-clothed man and Chuxia.

They were afraid that they would really hurt Chuxia's life!

"HURRY UP AND LEAVE! " Chuxia said to the man behind her secretly.

"okay, let's go. WE'LL LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! " The man's spear was still pressed against Chuxia's temple. He pushed Chuxia out of the Crown Prince's palace step by step.

"Stop Them! " A woman's voice came from behind them.

Chuxia knew it was Qin Sheng the moment she heard it. She frowned. Damn the black-clothed man. If they had been faster, they would have run out long ago!

"Qin Sheng won't let me go. You have to be tough and use me as a hostage! Ask Qin Sheng to give you the car! " She thought of an idea.

"Okay, I want the car! " The man in black was not used to his identity. He could not fit in with his kidnapping identity. He was like a obedient baby!

"Get out of the way, or I will let your good sister die right now! " The man in black shouted at Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's eyes landed on the man and Chu Xia's faces. She did not know why, but she felt that their aura was a little strange!

"I can let you go! You can leave man man behind! " She stated her conditions.

It did not matter whether she captured a man in black or not, but she could not let Chu Xia be in any danger!

The man almost said something Nice, but Chu Xia stomped on his foot.

"No, I want to take her away! Give me a car! " He said.

"It's useless even if you want a car. Who will drive for you? Do you think you can run out of the palace? " Qin Sheng asked in return.

This seemed to be a problem. If the man in black's gun had to be pressed against Chu Xia's temple, how would he drive?

"I can drive! Tell Qin Sheng that you want me to drive! " CHUXIA's words came out from the corner of her lips, telling the man the solution.

"I can let her drive! She knows how to drive! " The black-shirted man said.

Qin Sheng was stumped. It seemed to be a solution, but this was not right. Why was Chuxia talking to the man?

It was just that Chuxia's voice was too soft, so she could not hear it!

"Hurry up and urge her to give you the car! You can't give her time to think of a solution! " Chuxia urged the man.

"Okay, I'll do it right now! " The man in black wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his other hand. He was not scared, but nervous. He was afraid that if he did not do it well, the little woman in his arms would not be satisfied!

"Give me the car now, or I'll let you see her body immediately! " The man said.

Qin Sheng frowned, feeling more and more suspicious. "Okay, I'll give you the car now. Don't be agitated, the CAR will be here soon! "

Chuxia heaved a sigh of relief. The man did not kidnap her, she kidnapped herself!

"leave the main gate now! We have to retreat and wait for the bus! " She ordered.

The man's arm was still above Chuxia's head. He was holding chuxia hostage as they walked towards the Crown Prince's palace.

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