May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 984 - Chapter 984: Playing the Harem 24

Chapter 984: Chapter 984: Playing the Harem 24

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"F * CK! WHO's useless? How dare you say that again? " Sikong jue was so angry that he was about to die. A good man was called an inhumane man!

Moreover, when he was surrounded by a bunch of maids, his dignity as a man was gone!

Chu Xia's eyes sparkled and she pretended to be afraid. She hid behind Qin Sheng and said, "it's so scary! Cousin, I'M AFRAID! "

Qin Sheng touched Chu Xia's head and said, "man man is not afraid. This Princess Yu has good Kung Fu, and he has medicine. He can stay hard for as long as he wants. "

Of course, she would not let Chuxia ruin this matter. She was worried about Chuxia's safety.

Sikong Jue's lips twitched. Qin Sheng was like a knife to the back. When had he ever used medicine! !

"I need medicine? Go ask Chuxia if I can stay up all night! Make her cry with satisfaction? "

Qin Sheng almost laughed out loud. "I'll ask Chuxia later. Man Man, did you hear that? Sikong jue is very capable. He made your sister Chuxia very satisfied! "

Chuxia was so angry that she almost exploded. That damned Sikong Jue said that!

"How would I know how Chuxia feels? Anyway, I feel him like a golden mushroom. " She deliberately mocked the man.

Sikong jue's eyebrows were almost on fire. He had already heard the unnatural breathing sounds of the maids around him. They were probably spitting out the size of his golden mushroom.

"Who is a golden mushroom? I definitely don't lose to Gong Mochen! " He said loudly.

Qin Sheng's face turned pale. was He mentioning Gong Mochen for her to hear?

"Ahem, I'll have to ask Sofi and an Qi about Gong Mochen. Man Man, whether this man is a golden mushroom or an abalone mushroom, we'll only know if we try it with our own hands, " Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia's lips twitched and she lowered her voice, "are you my cousin or his cousin? Are you going to sell me? "

"Cheh, I won't charge you if I sell you? I won't sell you if I don't get a cent. Didn't you want to see if he's true to you? It's a good opportunity to test you! Have you forgotten? " Qin Sheng lowered her voice to remind her.

Chu Xia only remembered this now. was she really going to test if he was true to her?

"What are you two talking about? " Sikong jue looked at the two women who were mumbling and felt like they were trying to set him up.

"nothing much. It's just that man man said that you didn't get hard that day. " Qin Sheng smiled at Sikong Jue.

"WHO said I didn't get hard that day? I already got hard! " Sikong jue roared to avenge his humiliation.

"Oh, oh, so you have feelings for man man! " It was the first time Qin Sheng saw Sikong Jue's flushed face. It turned out that it was quite fun to tease a man man.

"Who has feelings for man man? I only love early summer! " Sikong Jue said confidently.

The maid took Sikong Jue's first-aid kit and handed it to Sikong Jue.

Sikong jue opened the first-aid Kit and took out a tube of ointment. "Here's the ointment. Apply it yourself. I'm leaving. "

Qin Sheng took the ointment. "Who gave you permission to leave? Don't you want Chuxia to forgive you? "

"I do want Chuxia to forgive me, but I don't want to be insulted by you! I'm telling you, I'm giving you the ointment because you're Chuxia's good sister! " Sikong jue roared angrily.

This was the type of thing that a man should never be ridiculed!

And these two damnable women kept insulting him. The problem was that he was really good at it. What he couldn't stand the most was the way the maids looked at him as if he was a eunuch.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. "This is also one of the tests. Chuxia asked us to test you properly! It seems that you won't be able to withstand CHUXIA'S TEST! "

"Then let Chuxia talk to me. Only then will I believe that she wants to test me! Otherwise, I'll leave. I WON'T BELIEVE IT WITHOUT HER! " Sikong jue proposed his condition.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "Alright, I can let you talk to Chuxia once. Wait here. I'll send man man back to her room first. "

She dragged Chuxia away. Sikong Jue was too smart. He knew to talk to Chuxia directly. Luckily, Chuxia was by her side. Otherwise, it would be troublesome.

Chu Xia was brought back to man man's room by Qin Sheng. "I don't want to talk to him. I want to test him to see if he's real, but I'm afraid that if he stays with me for too long, I'll be exposed. "

She stammered out her concerns. Of course, this was only one of her concerns. What she was even more afraid of was how she would face Sikong Jue, who was in love with man man, if she really used man man's identity to Seduce Sikong Jue.

"I won't be exposed. It won't be long, but you'll be in danger for the next few days. I don't worry if Sikong Jue is by your side! "!

Chuxia, what are you afraid of Afraid that you'll fall in love with Sikong Jue again?"asked Qin Sheng.

She could feel Chuxia's repulsion towards Sikong Jue, but that was all she could do to help Chuxia and Sikong Jue. She tied the two of them together. As for whether they could fall in love with each other again, that would depend on their fate.

"Damn it, I'll fall in love with him? Have you forgotten how he treated me? I gave birth to two children for him, but I don't even know who his children are! I hate him so much! " Said chuxia hatefully.

That d * Mn man had slept with her in the bar for a night, but he didn't tell her, causing her to almost abort Chu Chu!

For the sake of the children, she married Ming Tai. Although Ming Tai said that he was willing, she still owed Ming Tai in the end!

She had wasted many years of Ming Tai's youth. If it weren't for the addition of Mu Xue, who had given Ming Tai a child, she would have died of guilt.

"since that's the case, even if you don't test whether he's in love with you, there's no need to keep others at a thousand miles away, right? After all, you're my good friend. I don't want you to be in any danger. Take it that you're doing this for me, okay? " Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia bit the bullet and nodded. She couldn't take back what she had just said. She suddenly felt like she had been tricked by Qin Sheng!

"forget it. If you insist on letting him stay with me, then so be it. Let's make a deal first. Don't expect me to fall in love with him again! " Chu Xia said.

"Okay! Then call him right now! " Qin Sheng pointed at the phone in Chu Xia's hand.

Chu Xia had no choice but to call Sikong Jue.

The call was picked up almost immediately. Sikong Jue's trembling voice came from the phone.

"Xiaxia, did Qin Sheng look for you? " Sikong jue asked.

"Yes, she told me. You don't want to believe that I asked you to protect man man, " Chuxia said.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I don't want to be by man man's side. Xiaxia, you can test me however you want. Can I go back to your side? You can take revenge on me however you want. Don't leave me by man man's side. ".

"Man man, she's too... " Sikong jue wanted to say something, but he hesitated. He did not know what to say to Chuxia.

Chuxia suddenly heard the question. "What's wrong with saying man man? "

"She's too much of a slut. She even seduced me. Why didn't she look at herself in the Mirror? Look at her! Can I have her? She looks like a slut. She's so shameless! " Sikong jue complained.

Chuxia was furious. "What... did... you... say? "

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