May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 977 - Chapter 977, Harem 17

Chapter 977: Chapter 977, Harem 17

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

If Sikong Jue did not know that this woman was man man, he would have thought that this demon was Chu Xia.

"Man man, don't do anything stupid. I'm your brother-in-law! " He said quickly.

Chu Xia's forehead darkened. When did she agree that he was her man How dare she say that she was man man's brother-in-law?

"Chu Xia doesn't even acknowledge you, and she even rejected you. I heard from her and Qin Sheng that she will never forgive you for the rest of her life. Are you still thinking too highly of yourself? Why don't we just have some fun together! "!


Early summer asked Sikong Jue, guaranteed to pierce his heart, let him suffer.

Sikong Jue's heart was stabbed ten thousand times by the little woman. He sat down on the bed dejectedly. "Did she really say that? "

A heart staggered to the bottom, she is often scolded him, but he would not care, he thought it was early summer said in anger.

But if it is the early summer and Qin Sheng said, it is not just angry words so simple thing, that is her heartfelt words!

Chu Xia raised her eyebrows. "Yes, I heard it. She said it herself. She will never forgive you again in this life. She even asked Qin Sheng to introduce a boyfriend to her. She said that you are too annoying and want to find a boyfriend to dump you as soon as possible! "

She was angry with the man. She liked the way he was angered to death by her.

"Ah? " Sikong jue felt as if he had been poured with hail. He was completely cold.

"Does she hate me that much? Although I have wronged her in the past, I have already tried to make it up to her, " he said dejectedly.

"But she said that the damage you have done to her will never be healed in this life, so she will never forgive you, " said Chuxia.

Sikong jue lowered his head like a defeated rooster. He was so pitiful that he could die.

At that moment, Chuxia could not bear it. However, the next moment, she thought about all the pain she had suffered all these years and how she did not even know who the child was when she was pregnant with Chu Chu. She was so angry that she wanted to kill this man!

"Don't be sad. Don't you still have me? After what she did to you, you betrayed her and took revenge on her! "

"YOU'RE RIGHT! " Sikong Jue said.

It was indeed the best way to take revenge. If chuxia did not want him, it would be different for him to find any woman. Anyway, she did not care about him anymore and would not care about who he was with.

Why did he have to suffer so much?

As he thought about what the woman said, he suddenly felt that man man's words were very reasonable.

Some thoughts could not be moved. Once they were moved, they would be like a flood beast that could not be controlled.

He was like this now!

Chu Xia suddenly realized the danger. Damn Man. She was just about to forgive him when he could not hold it in anymore and wanted to betray her!

She hated this man so much that she wanted to slap him to death. There was only so much she hated about his persistence!

If he really loved her enough, how could he be so easily persuaded by man man?

All of this was taken for granted by her as if he did not love her enough.

Sikong jue paused for a moment, his eyes focused on the woman beneath him. He felt that he had gone crazy. In order to love a woman, he had chosen an unrelated woman to take revenge on the woman he loved.

The words escaped from the corner of his lips. "You are not Chuxia. "

Chuxia was stunned by the man's question. What did he mean by saying that to her all of a sudden?

Could it be that he found out that she was the fake man man and the Real Chuxia?

Her mind was in a mess. She did not dare to think about what Sikong jue would do to her if he found out that she was Chuxia?

"I... I'm man man, " she bit down on her words. After all, she was just like man man. If she insisted that she was man man, no one would know that she was Chuxia.

Sikong Jue's eyes twisted the woman coldly. "Are you pretending to be crazy? I'M NOT THAT GULLIBLE! The only person I love is Chuxia. I don't care if she loves me OR NOT! "

He said it like he was swearing an oath, but also like he was swearing!

He owed Chuxia enough. He could not take revenge on her anymore.

Chuxia looked at the man on her body in a daze. His expression was so serious. It was the Sikong Jue that she had never seen before.

She was at a loss on how to answer Sikong Jue.

Suddenly, the door opened and Qin Sheng walked into the room. She let her know what had happened to her. She stood there as if she had been struck by lightning.

Sikong Jue and Chuxia She widened her eyes in disbelief. Did chuxia forgive Sikong Jue?

"Chuxia... "

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