May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 968 - Chapter 968, Harem 8

Chapter 968: Chapter 968, Harem 8

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Chu Xia was stunned. "Why are you investigating man man? Isn't she crazy? "

"She's not crazy at all. I saw her yesterday! " Qin Sheng said.

"where is she? " Chu Xia asked.

"In the secret room. She went to look for something. I guess it must be related to Zhuo Nan. Other than Zhuo Nan, no one can make man man desperately look for something, don't you think so? " Qin Sheng asked.

"Yes! Man Man is like a fool. She will only pay for Zhuo Nan. " Chu Xia agreed with Qin Sheng.

"If it's what Zhuo Nan wants, I suspect that it has something to do with our family. We might be able to find out about your parents' death and my mother's death. " Qin Sheng said.

"could it be that our family's death is related to this country? " Chu Xia was puzzled.

Qin Sheng shook her head. "not necessarily. This is just my guess! If you want to know why, you can only ask man man! "

Chu Xia's big eyes narrowed. "That's easy. I'll go find her. Even if I beat her, I'll beat her up! "

"No, she's not afraid of death! For Zhuo Nan, she'll even die. If she's not afraid of death, do you think she'll still be afraid of you beating her up? " Qin Sheng asked.

Chu Xia nodded. "That's right. Man Man, that lunatic, has been poisoned by Zhuo Nan. There's no cure. If she dies for man man man, there's nothing impossible. However, if we don't beat her up, how are we going to interrogate her? "

"Go and see her! " Qin Sheng instructed.

Chu Xia was stunned. She instantly understood what Qin Sheng meant. "okay, I'll go and see her now. "

The two sisters walked towards man man's room. The maid opened the door and saw man man curled up on the carpet.

Chu Xia walked towards man man man and touched man man's head with her hand. "sister, are you feeling better? I heard that you're sick? "

She said softly as if she was afraid of scaring man man.

Man Man looked up and saw Chu Xia. She seemed to be frightened and hid from Chu Xia's hand.

Chu Xia looked at man man in surprise. "Qin Sheng, how did sister become like this? "

"She's crazy. She doesn't know anyone anymore, " Qin Sheng said deliberately.

"Ah? Sister, get up quickly. Don't sit here. " Chu Xia helped man man up.

Man Man looked at Qin Sheng as if she had seen the grim reaper. She grabbed Chu Xia and hid behind her.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! " She shouted.

Chu Xia frowned. "Qin Sheng, are you the one who wants to kill man man? Even if she has done something wrong, she's still your cousin, my biological sister! No matter what, keep her alive! Otherwise, brother will be sad if he finds out. "

"If it wasn't for cousin's sake, she's already a dead person! " Qin Sheng said.

"I know she did a lot of wrong things, but she's crazy. It's a bit too much for you to treat her like this, " Chu Xia said softly.

"How am I too much? I assigned her a maid to serve her. Am I too much? " Qin Sheng questioned Chu Xia.

"serve her like this? Sister, have you eaten? " Chu Xia asked.

Man Man shook her head. "Yes, I'm hungry. I WANT TO EAT! "

"You haven't eaten breakfast? Have you eaten dinner? Yesterday's dinner? " Chu Xia continued to ask.

Man Man shook her head, indicating that she hadn't eaten.

"What about yesterday's lunch? " Chu Xia asked again.

"No, I'm so hungry. I want to eat. Please give me some food! " Man Man cried.

She ran to the table, took out a Napkin, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Chu Xia grabbed man man's hand. "Don't eat it. You can't eat this! "

She turned around and shouted at the door, "come in! "

A few maids walked in and asked, "Miss Chu Xia, what are your orders? ''

"How long has it been since you guys gave her food? " Chu Xia questioned.

The maids looked at each other and said, "we, we all gave her food. "

Chu Xia walked over and slapped the maid on the face. "YOU'RE LYING! If you don't tell the truth, I'll make people throw you to the wolves! "

"No! We all bring man man's food on time, but she doesn't eat sometimes! " The maid said.

Chu Xia continued to slap her. "You're still lying! Tell me, how long has it been since you've given her food? "

The maid looked at Qin Sheng for help.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. "Chu Xia, forget it. She runs outside every day. The maids are tired of watching her. If you want to feed man man, just get them to bring her food. "

"No, we have to find out what happened! They deliberately starved man man! " Chu Xia said and kicked the maid's leg, causing her to kneel on the ground. "Tell me, how long has it been since you guys fed her? "

The maid cried after being kicked "We all fed her, but she threw her food at us like it was nothing. She even broke the cutlery and cut herself. She was injured, and we had to call the imperial physician for her. Last time, she injured the imperial physician and even smashed the first-aid kit.

Yesterday, she got sick again and broke everything in the room. She even broke her lunch. We picked up the things she broke in the afternoon, so we didn't bring her lunch again.

Who knew that she would smash the room again, and we went to clean it up again. We didn't give her dinner because we were afraid that she would break it again. Later, we saw that she was asleep, so we went to sleep and didn't bring her dinner again."

A few maids said aggrievedly. Yesterday, they had followed man man to clean up the room, and they were exhausted. They were so tired that they fell asleep when they sat by the door.

Fortunately, man man didn't smash anything in the room when they woke up. Otherwise, they really couldn't stand to clean up the mess that man man broke every day!

Qin Sheng understood how man man ran to the prince's bedroom. Man Man used these maids to fall asleep and ran out.

Her lips were cold. She was afraid that these maids were sleeping abnormally. Otherwise, how could man man leave so easily?

"It's not your fault! Get up! " She ordered.

"How is it not their fault? It's because they didn't take good care of my sister that something like this happened! " Chuxia said unhappily.

"Chuxia, I know you feel sorry for man man when you suddenly saw her, but she really did a lot of wrong things. This is her retribution! " Qin Sheng said coldly.

"I didn't say that she shouldn't have retribution! But she shouldn't starve to death, right? Change all these maids for me! " Chuxia said.

"It's useless to change many maids. Man Man is so crazy that no one can keep an eye on her! " Qin Sheng explained.

"Why don't I believe it? How hard is it to see a woman? I came to see her personally. If I can see her alone, then it means that these maids are bad! " Chuxia said angrily.

"Okay. If you can look after her alone, then it means that it's the problem of these maids. You can punish them however you want, " said Qin Sheng.

Chu Xia ran her hand through man man's messy hair. "Okay, I'll show you WHO's the problem! Sister, let's go and have breakfast. "

She walked out of the room with man man and turned to look at Qin Sheng. She winked at Qin Sheng.

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