May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 955 - Chapter 955: Gong Mochen, get lost

Chapter 955: Chapter 955: Gong Mochen, get lost

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Gong Mochen walked over calmly. "Sofi, an Qi, and I aren't married or engaged. It's not convenient for me to be involved in this matter. "

The king's expression turned ugly. He wanted to protect his daughter, but due to the Queen's influence, an Qi was seen hitting sofi by so many people. Whether or not SOFI's child was aborted by an Qi, or if it was Sofi's plan, an Qi had to be dealt with.

If Gong Mochen could speak up for an QI, or if Gong Mochen could question the child, then it would be different. As long as Gong Mochen didn't agree to punish an QI, an Qi wouldn't have to suffer.

"This, that, " the king paused. If Gong Mochen did not appear, it would be impossible for him to protect an Qi "This matter concerns CEO Gong's children, we must investigate it clearly! Men, take an Qi and sofi away and lock them up separately. "

Following the king's order, everyone was surprised. An Qi was definitely locked up, but SOFI was also locked up?

"Your Majesty, Sofi is a victim, why should we lock her up? She miscarried, she needs treatment and recuperation, she did nothing wrong! " The queen said loudly.

"Why didn't she do anything wrong? What if the child isn't Gong Mochen's? Don't tell me I'm also blaming my daughter? The bastard deserves to have an abortion! " Mrs. Susan said angrily.

"Who said the child isn't Gong Mochen's? What evidence do you have? " The Queen asked angrily.

"What evidence do you have to prove that the child is Gong Mochen's? " "I suspect that you deliberately Made Sofi provoke an Qi so that an Qi would hit sofi and make it look like an abortion. You can blame it on my daughter and also hide that the child isn't Gong Mochen's! " Susan said boldly She did not believe that Sofi would be so bold to get pregnant and go dancing. Moreover, Sofi's child had just been saved. If it was Gong Mochen's, shouldn't Sofi be careful in the room to save the fetus?

With her understanding of the Queen, she did not believe that the Queen would let her niece be so careless After all, this child was a bargaining chip for the position of Mrs. Gong!

The Queen's face darkened. "A slut is a slut. You can actually think of such a reason to frame SOFI! The fetus fell into the sea. Even if you want to test the DNA, you can't do it. Do you think you can frame me however you want? "

"Do I want you to be unlimited, or do you want to destroy the evidence? " Susan shouted.

"Aunt, aunt, save me! " Sofi said weakly as she lay on the beach. Her body was covered in blood and the beach was dyed red.

The Queen was so angry that she wanted to kick Sofi. She did not have time to save Sofi at this time. She had to force the king to punish her. Otherwise, Susan would definitely think of a way to save her daughter!

"Your Majesty, everyone here has seen the whole process. I Beg Your Majesty to adjudicate the matter. Don't cover up for anyone! "

The king's face was tense, and the Queen was aggressive. He frowned and said, "since you all have your own opinions, I need to send someone to investigate in detail! Sofi indeed needs medical treatment. Someone, Send Sofi to the Meditation Room in the backyard of the temple and let the royal doctor treat her.

An Qi sent her to the temple and kneeled every day to reflect on herself. She will only be punished when everything is clear."

He said a compromise, and it was the only way to save his daughter.

The Queen's face twitched. Sofi had a miscarriage, but she still could not punish an QI. And she did not know whether Sofi could survive or not!

However, no one could disobey the king's order. She could only nod her head and obey. Her eyes were cold. She must not let anyone find the fetus, or she and SOFI WOULD LOSE THEIR LIVES!

"Yes. I agree with His Majesty's execution. I suggest sending more people to look for the fetus in the sea. If we can find it, we can prove that my niece is innocent! " The queen said.

Even if she knew that it was impossible to find an aborted fetus in the sea, she would still be afraid. What if she was discovered?

Therefore, she had to get her own people to join the search. She would be able to know the news at any time.

"If you want to send more guards to search, I will send my city protection team! " The king said.

The city protection team were all his trusted aides.

"Then why don't we send the Harem guards? They will be able to come very quickly in the Harem. Moreover, the beach here is the Royal Family's beach. The princess, the beauties of the Crown Prince's Palace, and the royal ladies will all come here to play. It is really inconvenient for the city protection team to come, and they will also need time to wait. "I'm afraid the fetus will be washed away. " The Queen immediately retorted.

The palace maids and guards were all her people. She had to get her own people to come and find her!

"How about this, we seal off the beach so that it's not inconvenient. The city protection team and the palace maids will look for her together. There's no need to discuss it anymore. Queen, Take Sofi to the meditation room. Otherwise, I'm afraid your niece won't be able to wait for the imperial physician to come. " The king said coldly.

He could only use this compromise method.

The Queen looked at SOFI. Sofi was already very weak. She really could not delay any longer. She knew that the king would definitely not just send the palace maids and guards to look for her.

"Yes. " She nodded her head and immediately got someone to Carry Sofi to the Meditation Room.

An Qi was also brought to the temple hall, kneeling and reflecting.

Qin Sheng watched the king and the others leave and laughed lightly. A great court drama was about to begin.

Gong mochen looked at the sneering little woman. Sofi's child was gone, but she was not happy at all. She just sneered. Shouldn't she be happy that his illegitimate child was gone?

He did not believe that Qin Sheng knew that SOFI's child was not his!

In other words, Qin Sheng did not care about Sofi's matter at all.

A wave of anger rushed straight to his brows. She did not care about his matter, and watching his matter was like watching a show. The excitement in the little woman's eyes was what he could not stand the most!

Damn it, did she really not love him anymore?

"Have you seen enough of the excitement? Everyone has left! " He said coldly.

"I've seen enough. I guess I won't be lonely here for the next two months. There will be a good show to watch every day! Chu Xia, let's continue to eat skewers! " Qin Sheng's lips curved into a harmless smile for the man.

Hahaha, seeing the man's angry face, she felt all kinds of comfort.

F * Ck, does he care so much about that child Is he so angry that he knows that the child is gone?

Qin Sheng's heart was filled with all kinds of quarrels with Gong Mochen. She had already cut the man into pieces, but she didn't show it on her face at all.

She continued to drink and eat meat with Chuxia, enjoying the sea breeze. Her satisfied look could infuriate Gong Mochen to death!

Gong Mochen's hands were clenched into fists. Did she really think he was dead?

He walked over and grabbed Qin Sheng's wrist. "I have something to do with the Crown Prince. LEAD THE WAY! "

He grabbed her arm and left.

Qin Sheng struggled to break free from the man, but his hand was too strong. She couldn't break free at all.

"Let me go! Won't you go find him yourself? " She roared angrily. Gong Mochen knew the way, right?

Gong Mochen's eyes swept across the deserted tree-lined road. He pressed the woman against a tree and his eyes twisted her little face. "You lost one of my children. Shouldn't you compensate me with one? "

Chapter 956

Chapter 956

Qin Sheng was enveloped by the man's tall figure. In front of her was the man, and behind her was the tree. She was completely under the man's control.

Gong Mochen actually asked her to compensate a child, how was she going to compensate?


She raised her hand and pounded on the man's head. "GET LOST! If you want a child, continue looking for Sofi to give birth to it. An Qi can't wait to give birth to your child, get out of my sight! "

Gong Mochen's face was dark and cold. "You're so generous to give me away? Won't your conscience hurt? "

The girl he had raised since childhood didn't even have any feelings for him!

"Why does my conscience hurt? Gong Mochen, don't forget that it was you who broke your legs first! " Qin Sheng said.

"whether I broke my legs or not, I only ask you, do you love me or summers? " Gong Mochen's hand held Qin Sheng's shoulder.

This was something he had to know!

Qin Sheng sneered, "of course I love summers. He doesn't favor any woman anymore for me, but you are entangled with two women. Gong Mochen, what right do you have to make me like you?

"I want to help summers get the throne and drive you and duo duo out of the palace! "

"You want to drive me out of the palace, do you think you can do it? If you regret it now, be obedient and come with me, and our debt will be written off. " Gong Mochen threatened the little woman.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows, "I'm sorry, I wasn't scared by you! I'll definitely win this bet! Gong Mochen, I'M WAITING FOR YOU TO LOSE! "

She pushed the man in front of her with her hand, wanting to kick him into the sea.

She would never admit defeat to him. She didn't do anything wrong. Even if she was framed and had sex with someone for the whole night, she was framed and didn't want to betray him.

Gong Mochen's lips curved, "if you want to play, I'll play with you. Don't cry when the time comes. "

His hand pinched the little woman's nose. The little thing dared to argue with him. He made her cry until she forgot who she was!

"It's not certain WHO's crying! Gong Mochen, if you lose, Give Zhuo Nan to me. You're never allowed to appear in H NATION! " Qin Sheng roared angrily.

Gong Mochen let go of his hand and took a step back, putting some distance between the two of them "Don't worry, I'll keep my words. Go back to your room and rest. Eat less kebabs. Also, you drank beer just now. Those things are not healthy for the body. If I see you eat them again, I'll teach you a lesson! "

He said those harsh words. She really needed to be taught a lesson for daring to feed his son these unhealthy things.

Qin Sheng pushed away the man who was in the way. She felt irritated just by looking at him. She wanted nothing more than to make him disappear. She strode towards the Palace of the Crown Prince. What was wrong with her?

She suddenly stopped. She felt dizzy. Why did she listen to him so much.

She turned around and walked towards the beach. She did not want to listen to him. However, she found that Gong Mochen did not return to the beach. Instead, he went in the direction of the Temple Hall and the Meditation Room.

Her lips curled into a cold smile. He had definitely fallen in love with those two women.

On the beach, Chuxia was drinking wine and eating skewers. She looked like a big sister

Sikong jue went up to her. "Chuxia, I couldn't find my necklace. "

He had wanted to give it to Chuxia, but it was gone just like that.

Chuxia raised her eyebrows. "Are you asking me to pay for it? Since you gave it to me, it's my right to throw it away or wear it. I won't pay for it. "

Her anger rose from the bottom of her heart. She was sure that he was asking her to pay for it.

Money Sikong Jue was drunk. He did not think about money at all. He only felt that he had lost the present he gave Chuxia.

"No, I won't ask you to pay for it. I just lost your present. Chuxia, I'll buy you another one later, " said Sikong Jue.

Chuxia's eyes flashed, "so you're paying for it? "

"Yes, I'll pay for it. Do you want it? " Sikong jue asked fawningly.

"I don't need you to give me something that costs so much money. You can just do me a favor, " Chuxia said.

"What favor? " Sikong jue asked excitedly.

He had been chasing her for so long, but this woman was finally willing to talk to him.

Chuxia hooked her finger and asked Sikong Jue to come closer. She lowered her voice and said, "CEO Gong asked you to treat duo duo duo's injury. How long will it take for you to heal him? "

"three months. I guarantee that I'll be able to heal him in three months. Actually, I can go to the ground in two months, but if I do that, my bones won't grow back. If I walk, my leg bones will easily deform, so three months is the best, " Sikong jue explained.

"That fast? Slow down the time for me. I'll cure him in three to five years, " said Chuxia.

"Ah? Three to five years? YOU'RE INSULTING MY MEDICINE! " Said Sikong Jue.

"then go find someone who won't insult your medicine! " Chuxia rolled her eyes at Sikong Jue.

"No need. I won't find anyone else. You can insult him however you want. After all, the medicine belongs to my family! " Said Sikong Jue.

"Don't insult me. Let me tell you, I haven't forgiven you yet. Now, let's see your performance. If you only treat duo duo in three to five years, I'll consider forgiving you, " said Chuxia.

"You'll consider forgiving him in three to five years? " Sikong Jue's forehead darkened.

"Do you think it's too long? You don't have to beg me, do you? I didn't force you. At worst, when my son gets married, I'll meet my in-laws and tell them that his father is dead, " said Chuxia loudly.

UGH Sikong jue almost died from CHUXIA's words.

"But I took Mrs. Susan's necklace, and I even promised Gong Mochen. These two people are not to be trifled with! " Sikong jue explained.

Chuxia's eyes narrowed. "So the necklace belongs to Mrs. Susan? No wonder you gave it to me so generously! "

"about that, Chuxia, don't misunderstand. I wanted to earn money to buy you diamonds, but Mrs. Susan just happened to have no money, so she only gave me a necklace. But this necklace is worth four million, " Sikong Jue said anxiously He definitely did not use any random thing to send Chuxia away!

"It seems like you're afraid of Gong Mochen and Mrs. Susan! Sikong Jue, so you're not afraid of me! " Chuxia questioned.

"No, of course I'm afraid of you. But you know Gong Mochen's bird nature. If I'm not careful, my life will be gone. " Sikong jue thought of Gong Mochen, and his back was cold.

"This is your business. Don't come to me if you can't handle it well. GET LOST! " Chuxia lay on the recliner and kicked Sikong Jue away.

It had been three to five years anyway. Even if Sikong Jue could do it, it would still take three to five years for him to come to her. At least she could have some peace now.

Sikong Jue's brows sank. He remembered the things in his pocket and decided to negotiate with Gong Mochen. He was sure that Gong Mochen would kneel down to him as soon as the things in his pocket were revealed!

"Alright, I agree. Chuxia, we have a deal. We will get back together when duo duo's legs are better. "

He stood up and went to look for Gong Mochen.

Qin Sheng came out from behind the coconut tree. "Great, have you made a deal with him? "

"Yes, it's not easy. I can only fool him in the future. He can forget about fooling me once! But Qin Sheng, why do I feel that it's a little risky for you to fight Gong Mochen? " Chuxia said.

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