May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 937 - Chapter 937: Gong Mochen, get lost. 7

Chapter 937: Chapter 937: Gong Mochen, get lost. 7

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Sofi was so anxious that she went crazy. She had heard about what had happened in the main hall. She had thought that by having a child, she would be able to safely become Mrs. Gong. Who would have thought that an Qi would suddenly appear out of nowhere and fight with her for the position of Mrs. Gong!

The most infuriating thing was that an Qi suspected her child and wanted her to give birth to the child for DNA testing. She had not even had sex with Gong Mochen, so the child was definitely not Gong Mochen's!

Once the matter was exposed, she would be sentenced to death. Whether it was the royal family or Gong Mochen, they would not let her live!

The Queen's face tensed up as she slapped her hand on the table. "It's all Susan! This demoness is back! Back then, she fought with me for the position of Queen. If I didn't use a trick to protect my own position, the position of Queen would have been hers! "

"Aunt, you have to think of a way. I don't want to die! Otherwise, we'll kill Susan? " Sofi said.

"Do you think it's so easy to kill someone? The fact that she can come back openly means that it was the king's order! If the king doesn't agree, how could she come back so easily?

The king thought that by letting Susan Hook up with Gong Mochen, he would be able to rope in Gong Mochen and let Susan come back. He's dreaming!"The queen scolded angrily.

They had been husband and wife for so many years, but they had never been united. From the day she became the Queen, she had been fighting for power!

"Then what should we do? Aunt, we can't just sit and wait for death! If my child isn't Gong Mochen's seed exposed, and Susan really doesn't let go of this matter, you won't be able to escape either! " Sofi seized this leverage Anyway, they were in the same boat, and no one could escape. She could only hug the Queen and let the Queen Save her!

The Queen Sneered, "you don't have to say such things. Do you think you can threaten me with your ability? I'm your aunt. Even if you're my niece, I WON'T IGNORE YOU!

But you shouldn't use this matter to threaten me Sofi, you were trained by me. How can you talk to your own aunt like this?"

She held her anger in her chest. Nothing had happened yet, and Sofi was already going to drag her into the water!

Of course, she knew that Susan would not let go of this thread and would always use it to bite her. However, the words coming out of Sofi's mouth made her very unhappy and threatened her niece.

"Aunt, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was also anxious. I'M AFRAID OF DEATH! " Sofi saw that the queen was angry and quickly tried to pull back what she had said.

But at this time, who could guarantee that the Queen would not throw her out and ask for self-protection?

She just did not want to become cannon fodder in the battle between the Queen and Susan!

"It's useless to be afraid of death! Everyone is afraid of death and doesn't want to die. Just being afraid won't solve it. We are in the center of power. We are born without the right to be afraid of death. If something happens, we have to be able to take it on our own! " The Queen reprimanded.

"Why don't I have a miscarriage! Aunt, get me some abortion medicine! If I have a miscarriage, who can say that the child isn't Gong Mochen's? Moreover, the child is still so young and there's no DNA test. " Sofi said.

"Forget it if you're stupid. If you want to be tested, you can have any cell. If you have a miscarriage now, you will be said to have a guilty conscience and confess without beating yourself up. Not only can you not marry Gong Mochen, you will also be bitten by Susan and use you to shake my position!

"If you don't want to be bitten by them, you can not have a miscarriage now! " The queen said.

"But if you don't have a miscarriage, when the child is born, it will know that it is not Gong Mochen's. " Sofi said

"Of course not. But even if you have a miscarriage, you have to drag Susan into the water so that she doesn't dare to investigate further! " The queen said.

"How do we do this? " Sofi was surprised.

"find a way to pin the miscarriage on an Qi. An Qi lost your child and people said that she was jealous that you were pregnant with Gong Mochen's child, so she killed you "And you became the victim. They didn't dare to continue investigating if they wanted to settle the matter. They could only end this matter quickly.

"This is our only way. We have to think of a way to pin it on an Qi. Susan must be wary of us. It won't be so easy for an Qi to make a move on your child. " The Queen's brows were tightly knitted.

A shrewd person like Susan would definitely instruct her daughter not to provoke Sofi now and wait for Sofi to give birth to the child.

Sofi nodded. "Let me think of a way to bump into an Qi. That way, it can be said that she's the one who caused me! "

"There's no need to rush this matter. If we rush it too much, people will think that we're guilty. Go to sleep. These days, we have to live peacefully so that they can act in a panic, " the queen said.

Only then did sofi go back to her room to sleep in peace.

In Susan's bedroom, an Qi was pacing back and forth in her room.

"Did you check? Did Sofi look for the imperial physician? " An Qi asked the maid.

"We went to see. The Queen didn't call for the imperial physician, " the maid said.

"How could she not call? Mom, could it be that Sofi's child really is Gong Mochen's? " An Qi hurriedly walked towards her mother. She was afraid that Sofi would really give birth to Gong Mochen's son.

Susan's brows were tightly knitted together. "She can have a child just once? Although there's a possibility, the probability is too small! I don't believe that Sofi has such a good life! "

"But isn't she afraid that we'll test the child's DNA? She should be so scared that she'll get abortion medicine, right? " An Qi said.

"It won't be that easy. The Queen is wily and will not easily make a move to let us see through her flaws. You go to sleep well. I naturally have a way. If the child isn't Gong Mochen's, Sofi will not be able to sit still no matter what. " Susan said.

"But I'm worried that her child really is Gong Mochen's! " An Qi pouted.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be easy to make it not Gong Mochen's child? Don't worry, Madam Gong's position will definitely be yours! Go to sleep quickly. Your father should be here soon! " Susan urged her daughter.

An Qi had no choice but to obediently walk out of Susan's bedroom and return to her room to sleep.

The nightclubs in the palace were exceptionally deep, concealing all kinds of darkness.

Qin Sheng finally waited until late at night. She went to the secret passage to find out where the remaining few paths went.

She walked until her legs went weak, and then she finished investigating the remaining secret passages. However, she still could not find the way to the airport.

This did not make sense. If the secret passage was used to escape, how could there not be a road to the airport?

She walked back to the road that was blocked by the stone wall. This place was obviously sealed.

According to the map she drew, this should be the direction to the airport.

Why was this road sealed?

Her hand touched the stone wall. The smooth stone wall did not look like it had any traps. She frowned and looked for the wall of the secret passage again. Unfortunately, there was no place that looked like a switch.

Her eyes focused on the everlasting lamp on the Stone Wall. She reached out her hand to the everlasting lamp. She could clearly feel that the bottom of the everlasting lamp could turn. As she turned, the smooth stone wall made a rattling sound.

The stone wall was opened. Qin Sheng's eyes widened to the maximum in shock... ...

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