May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 910 - Chapter 910

Chapter 910: Chapter 910

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Qin Sheng almost vomited blood from the man's anger. "Did you deliberately get me in there so that I could get pregnant, give birth to a child, and make your son a prince? "

"You've seen through all of this? HMM, your iq is enough. It's been three years since you were pregnant, and your Iq has dropped. You shouldn't be too stupid. " Gong MOCHEN TEASED HIS LITTLE WOMAN!

Qin Sheng kicked the man. "You've only been pregnant for three years! summors is different from us. You could tell at a glance after giving birth. You want the child to be strangled after birth, right? "

She didn't understand what the man was thinking. summors was from the Middle East. His bones and race were completely different from Asian people. Children couldn't be confused at all.

Gong Mochen only felt that the little woman should be pregnant by now. Her IQ was really high. Did Gong Mochen's child need to be someone else's prince?

Wouldn't it be more glorious to be Gong Mochen's son?

Even the king of summors'father wanted to please him. His son had a higher status than summors. He was only teasing the little woman. He didn't expect her to actually take it seriously.

"It's okay. When the time comes, I'll buy this country and use it as a toy for my son. " His hand pinched the woman's small face. "Can't bear to see my son in trouble? "

Qin Sheng waved the man's hand away, and her face turned pale in embarrassment. "Who can't bear to see your son die? What does your son have to do with me? Let me tell you, I don't want to give birth to your child! Go Get me birth control pills! "

"Why do I need to get you birth control pills? You want to kill my child, and you want me to be an accomplice. I'm not pregnant, so I'M NOT STUPID! " Gong Mochen said.

"F * Ck, do you even understand human language "even if I get pregnant and give birth to a child, the people here will not let him live. Go and get me birth control pills "Moreover, how do you know that the child is yours "What if I'm pregnant with summors "actually, I think it's more likely that it's summors. After all, we did it for one night first. " Qin Sheng deliberately angered the man Although she did not know who the man was that night.

"I'm certain that the child you're pregnant with must be mine. If you don't believe me, just give birth and see! " Gong Mochen said with a smirk.

He was the only man she had from the beginning to the end. If the child wasn't his, who else could it be?

"I don't want to have a baby! If you don't give me the birth control pills, I'll have summers chase you away. or I'll give something to sofi so that she can be slept with by the guards. " Qin Sheng's eyes flashed with the cunning of a Little Fox as she threatened the man.

However, she didn't know that her threat had no effect on the man at all.

"I'm afraid the king won't want to chase me away. The wealth I bring him is more valuable than the value of giving birth to an heir. But I can give you one condition. If you agree, I'll get you the birth control pills. " Gong Mochen proposed his condition.

"What? " Qin Sheng asked.

"have sex with me for one more night. After that, I'll give you birth control pills. It's a 72-hour pill anyway. It's more cost-effective if we do it a few more times. " Gong Mochen said.

The corner of Qin Sheng's lips twitched. She was threatened by this damn man just like that. She glared at the man. One box of pills and he wanted her for one night. Why didn't he die?

"Okay, I agree. Give me the pills first. " She said.

As long as she took the pills, she would kick him to death. Let's see if he dares to have sex with her!

Gong Mochen's eyes narrowed. "Baby, this medicine is called after-action medicine. You have to finish it before you take it. It's useless to give it to you now. Go back to your room and wash up and wait for me. "

After he finished speaking, he let go of the hand that was holding the little woman and strode out of the Flower Hall.

Qin Sheng was so angry that she stomped her feet. It seemed that she would inevitably be suppressed by him tonight. However, even if she was suppressed, she still had to take the medicine.

She walked back to her room. It was a little strange. Could Gong Mochen still come here at night?

The security here was very strict, especially at night. How did he want to come in?

When the Sun was setting, summers returned to the Crown Prince's Palace to have dinner with her. It was much more comfortable to have dinner with two people than with the king. Qin Sheng looked at the door, wondering if Gong Mochen would come to sleep with her.

It seemed that it would be easier to sleep with her this way.

In the next moment, she almost slapped herself. She was actually helping Gong Mochen figure out how to sleep with her.

After dinner, Summers received a call. It was from the king. He said that he had a few new plans for summors to choose from. Summers did not dare to waste time and took a car to the king's bedroom.

Qin Sheng returned to her room and pushed the door open. She saw the man lying on her bed.

She was so scared that she quickly closed the door, afraid that the maid outside would see her.

"How, how did you get in? " She asked in surprise.

Gong Mochen reached out his hand to the little woman. "How can a place like this stop me? Have you forgotten my identity? "

He really looked down on his previous occupation, the special forces. Not to mention the palace, he could even ascend to the heavens.

Qin Sheng walked over and hit the man's hand. "You're very active. You came here after taking a shower. Does your woman know? "

Gong Mochen's lips curved. "Of course she knows. "

He had just told her, how could she not know?

Qin Sheng's brows sank. "Sofi has really given her life for this country. She's going to marry you, and you don't even come home at night. She doesn't even care. "

She took it for granted that the Sofi in his words was Sofi.

"Hehe, she's quite hardworking, but she's brainless. Go take a shower. We can slowly enjoy the night, " Gong Mochen said.

Sofi actually wanted to get him drunk today and pounce on him, but Sofi didn't know how much he could drink. In the end, it was naturally Sofi who got herself drunk.

Gong Mochen, who was slightly tipsy, put on his nightgown to look for his little woman. This kind of half-drunk state was the best. He did not need the little woman to do anything. He could already react when he saw her.

"where's the medicine? " Qin Sheng asked.

Gong Mochen took out a small powder box and waved it in front of the woman's eyes. "If you want it, hurry up and finish it. I'll give it to you when you're done. "

Qin Sheng reached out to grab the medicine box, but the man's hand dodged her. She could only obediently take a bath.

She took a bath in the bathtub and dawdled for a while. Unfortunately, she thought of many ways but could not think of how to snatch the medicine from the man's hands.

The only way she could do it and it would definitely work was to exhaust him to death before she could snatch the medicine in his hands.

She wore a bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom. Her gaze landed on the man's body. The obvious small tent reminded her of what they were going to do next.

"Aren't you afraid of summors coming back? "

"I'm not afraid. I've given them so many projects and they want to choose the most powerful one for themselves. If we don't discuss it for a few days, we won't be able to finish discussing it. " Gong Mochen's finger gently lifted the woman's bathrobe and his gaze looked inside "Why are you still wearing it? It'll be troublesome to get rid of it later. "

Qin Sheng waved the man's hand away. "Get lost. "

Her small mouth pouted. Gong Mochen was too sly. He gave summers a bunch of projects. Summers and his father would definitely be blinded by the summors, and he could safely play with her here!

"Yes, sir. Let's get lost! " Gong Mochen hugged the little woman's waist and carried her to the bed.

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