May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 894 - Chapter 894 pestered him

Chapter 894: Chapter 894 pestered him

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"It's not a curse? Do you think I'll listen to your excuses? " The queen said angrily.

Qin Sheng still had her graceful smile on her face and did not panic at all. "If I'm the one who quibbles, it's not too late for the Queen to punish me. This is the Queen's Palace. Don't tell me the queen is afraid that I'll run away? "

The Queen was forced into a corner by Qin Sheng's words. She was heavily guarded here and could not say anything to prevent Qin Sheng from running away. "Say it! Let's hear what tricks you can come up with. "

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curved "This parrot is very smart and intelligent. It was originally fine, but after saying that the Queen was the most beautiful woman, it bumped into the throne of the Queen and committed suicide. She was so embarrassed by the Queen's beauty that she had no place to hide. That's why she committed suicide and died. "

The Queen's face twitched. She did not expect Qin Sheng to think of such a reason.

"Did it die of shame and anger? "

"Yes, because the queen was too beautiful. It felt that it was outclassed and died of anger. If you want to pursue the responsibility, it's entirely the responsibility of the Queen. It's only the Queen's fault for being too beautiful, " Qin Sheng said.

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense? " The Queen snorted coldly.

"Haven't you heard of the Chinese idiom? To describe the four beauties, Xishi is a sinking fish, Wang Zhaojun is a wild goose, Diao Chan is a closed moon, and Yang Yuhuan is a shy flower. ".

"The ancient wild geese could fall from the sky and die because they were amazed by Wang Zhaojun's beauty. Why can't the Queen's beauty be killed by a parrot today? " Qin Sheng said with reason.

"mother, these beauties are real. I have also heard of the idiom 'sinking fish and falling geese, closed moon and shy flower' . Mother's beauty is comparable to the four beauties! " Said Summers.

The queen sat on her throne and laughed out loud. "You really know how to talk. Am I that beautiful? King, do you think they are telling the truth? "

The Queen kicked the ball to the king.

The king nodded. "My queen is naturally the most beautiful. Qin Sheng is not to blame for what happened today. My Queen is too beautiful. Men, take the parrot down and bury it properly. "

Following the king's order, the guards walked in and took the parrot out to bury it.

Qin Sheng's brows relaxed. She stood to the side with summers and watched the other ambassadors and ministers send gifts to the Queen. summors was a gift for the Queen.

They were all tacky gifts. Qin Sheng was not interested in them. Her bored eyes drifted out of the hall and a helicopter flew over from the sky.

As the helicopter descended, the guards were ready to attack. They had no idea where the helicopter came from.

The helicopter circled in the sky for a while and slowly landed.

"What's going on? Are there any ambassadors from other countries that haven't arrived yet? " The king asked.

"I don't know. This plane was not notified at all, " the guards replied.

"EXPEL! " The king ordered.

"Father, it's mother's birthday. It's not good to use force. From the looks of this plane, it's not a fighter plane. It doesn't look like it's here to provoke us, " summors said.

The helicopter landed on the ground and a group of guards surrounded the plane.

The cabin door opened and a tall man walked down. His short hair fluttered in the wind from the propeller. He was dressed in a straight suit with a fitting cut. People could see his proud figure at a glance.

His facial features were deep and his handsome face made all the socialites and Noble Ladies Gasp in shock.

His body was overflowing with the charm of a mature man. Just by looking at him, they had the urge to pounce on him.

"What a beautiful man! "

"where did he come from? Is he a celebrity? "

Looking at the man's long legs walking up to the main hall, summors went up to greet him. "President Gong, why are you interested in coming to my country? "

Gong Mochen's gaze landed on the little woman beside summors. "I heard that the queen is celebrating her birthday, so I specially came to attend the Queen's birthday party. I wonder if the king welcomes you? "

"Welcome, CEO Gong, who is as rich as a country! Of course, we would welcome you here! " The king quickly said.

His country was rich, but they all depended on selling oil. However, oil would eventually be sold out. He was thinking of starting a business, but he did not expect Gong Mochen to descend from the sky to help him!

"So it's CEO Gong! I've long heard of the great name of the business genius Gong Mochen. It's my honor to be able to invite CEO Gong to my birthday banquet today! " The queen said.

Gong Mochen raised his hand and gestured for Nie Feng to bring the Item Up. "This is a meteorite. Someone has appraised it. Inside the meteorite is an extremely large piece of jade. It can be considered a birthday present for the queen. "

The Queen's mouth couldn't even close. The meteorite was already very valuable, and there was even jade inside This stone was simply priceless.

"thank you, President Gong! Someone, place this stone in my room! " She ordered.

The stone's entire body was suffused with a faint green. A corner of the jade was exposed where a piece had been knocked open. The jade was as moist as water, and one look was enough to tell that it was the best quality.

Gong Mochen's attack instantly conquered everyone in the hall. He strode over to the little woman's side and continued to watch others send gifts to the Queen.

Qin Sheng's brows furrowed into a knot. This man actually chased her here. Her matter had not been settled yet!

"keep running! I want to see if you can go up to the sky or into the ground? " The man's cold voice was in her ear.

"Why do I have to go up to the sky or into the ground? This place is very good. I'll stay here. " Qin Sheng was angry with the man.

He was also drunk. Couldn't he have come a few days later?

"Do you like this place? " Gong Mochen asked.

"I do. What's wrong? Don't think about taking me away! " Qin Sheng said.

"Why would I take you away? If you like this place, I'll buy it for you. We'll live together. " Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng almost choked on her own saliva. He was going to buy this country for her?


"Gong Mochen, don't disturb me and his highness. Otherwise, don't blame ME FOR BEING RUDE! " She glared at the man threateningly.

The man accepted everything. "The parrot died. Don't you want to know what happened? "

Qin Sheng was surprised. She didn't expect that nothing escaped Gong Mochen's eyes. "No need. I'll find out myself. "

She frowned. She didn't need to find out at all. She knew who did it!

As the people in the hall finished delivering the Gifts One by one, the king ordered everyone to go to the National Banquet Hall to attend the banquet.

Qin Sheng followed summers behind the king and the Queen, and behind her was Gong Mochen.

The buffet was ready in the hall. The Queen and the king sat on their main seats and chatted with all the guests.

Qin Sheng walked to the dining area and picked out the dishes she wanted to eat. The cactus here was very delicious. She picked up a few pieces of cactus with a clip and man man walked over.

"Qin Sheng, let me help you with the dishes. " Man Man looked like a maid and reached out to take the plate in Qin Sheng's hand.

Qin Sheng handed her plate to man man. She loosened her fingers in advance and let the plate fall to the ground, shattering it. She slapped man man on the face "useless thing. You smashed the plate at the Queen's Banquet. Do you want to embarrass the Queen or curse the Queen? "

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