May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 875 - Chapter 875 pestered him

Chapter 875: Chapter 875 pestered him

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"sugar cane, I want to eat sugar cane, I'm so thirsty! " Mu Xue drank the wine and her mouth felt dry. She really wanted to drink something to quench her thirst.

"If you want to drink something, sure! " Ming Tai's hand pressed on the girl's Dry Lips. Those lips were a little dry.

He took out a bottle of mineral water from the car refrigerator and sent the water to the girl's mouth.

Mu Xue was like a person walking in the desert. Only this coldness could make her feel more comfortable and quench her thirst.

"Mu Xue! Let go of me! " His words escaped from the corner of their lips.

"Give me to drink, I WANT TO DRINK! " Mu Xue can not suck what water, angry shout way.

"Good, you let go of me, I GIVE YOU TO DRINK! " Ming Tai says to turn head to avoid small woman.

Pick up the water bottle.

He is to want to punish this smelly wench well, again heart can not bear, although this wench is detestable, let him all sorts of hatred, but, but... ...

Oh, Shit He secretly scolded, he unexpectedly did not think of this wench a bit of good.

He lost his multimillion-dollar car, stole $20 million from him, and he still cares about her feelings!

Suddenly, one of his nerves snapped. He realized something.

This was definitely not normal. Someone had put something in his wine!

Damn it He cursed in his heart.

"Girl, you can't play with me anymore! Let go of me! " He said.

"No, I want water, give me water, I want to EAT SUGAR CANE! " Mu Xue said incoherently.

"I'll buy it for you later! " Ming Tai said rationally.

"You have it now, why don't you give it to me! Give it to me, I want to eat it! " Mu Xue said.

Perhaps due to her drunken stupor, Mu Xue leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes to sleep.

Ming Tai pressed the button on the seat with his fingers and laid the back of the chair flat.

Mu Xue was so sleepy that she could not open her eyes. She patted the man's back and said, "get up! I WANT TO SLEEP! "

"WHO's sleeping? You can only have me in the future! " Ming Tai said in a pestering manner.


Deep in the alley, Qin Sheng was walking quickly. She did not know where she was, but she was watching the black figure walk.

She did not stop the man, but followed his back. She wanted to see where he had gone!

After walking for a long time, she did not recognize this place at all. However, she could see that it was a place that had been demolished. The houses were all torn apart, and some of the dilapidated walls were still standing in the night.

From Afar, she saw the man's figure turn into a pile of ruins. Her figure quietly followed him in.

She could vaguely hear the woman's voice. "Why did you come back so late? I was worried about you! "

"What are you worried about? Did you miss me? " The man said.

"Of course I missed you. You are my man! " The woman's voice was enchanting.

Qin Sheng was so angry that her forehead was on fire. She ran into the ruins and hit the man's back!

"Gong Mochen! Don't you dare kiss another woman! "

She didn't show any mercy. She didn't even estimate the wounds on the man's body. She could tolerate everything he had, except for his betrayal, even if she lost her memory!

The man let go of the woman after she hit him, but the woman turned around and ran away. She didn't even see if the woman was Ye Wei!

The man didn't leave and pretended to be himself. He looked at Qin Sheng with his silver mask and slowly took off his mask.

Gong Mochen's face was exactly the same.

However, when Qin Sheng saw his eyes, her pupils suddenly shrank. The night couldn't cover her pale face, and her lips trembled!

The man sneered, "what's wrong? Don't you recognize your husband? "

Qin Sheng's heart stopped, "you're not him. Nangong Mochen, enough of your tricks! "

"Hehehe, you recognized me so quickly. It seems that you knew that my brother was still alive. You also knew that the person beside you wasn't him, but me! " Nangong Mochen's voice was cold.

Qin Sheng's eyes closed slightly. She knew that she had fallen into Nangong Mochen's trap. That woman was not ye Wei at all!

Nangong Mochen deliberately wore this set of clothes just to test her and see how she would react to him!

And she had been tricked!

"Nangong Mochen, you're too despicable! You caused the death of your own brother, and you still want your own sister-in-law! Your Brother has always shown mercy to you. Doesn't your conscience hurt? " She reprimanded loudly. She had already been exposed, so she had to continue acting!

"Why is it me who has a guilty conscience? I was only born a few minutes late, yet I was his spare TIRE FOR THIRTY YEARS! Could it be that he is fair to me? " NANGONG MOCHEN roared angrily!

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