May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 872 - Chapter 872 haunts him 2

Chapter 872: Chapter 872 haunts him 2

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"I'm Xiao Xue's boyfriend, did you hear me? " Ha Siqi said proudly, her eyes filled with joy. She didn't expect Mu Xue to agree to let him be her boyfriend!

Ming Tai's lips twitched. He didn't know why, but he felt uncomfortable all over. His whole body was in bad shape. His hands were clenched into fists as if he was going to hit someone!

"You're her boyfriend? That's good. She stole my bank card. Give me the money I lost! "

He reached out for the money. 20 million. Although Ha Siqi was also a rich person, it was not enough for her to be calm and collected with 20 million!

"Ah? What stealing bank card? " Ha Siqi was stunned.

"What right do you have to make Ha Siqi return it to you? What evidence do you have to say that I stole Your Bank Card? " Mu Xue questioned the man.

"Do you still need evidence? You're the only hacker I know! " Ming Tai said angrily The only hacker he knew was Mu Xue. Of course, the only hacker he offended was Mu Xue. Other than Mu Xue, no one else would steal his bank card for no reason!

Furthermore, it wasn't stealing money, it was purely revenge!

"If you say so, then so be it? Uncle, this world requires evidence. If you want me to compensate you, you have to have evidence! " Mu Xue said coldly.

"F * CK! So powerful! Stealing 20 million? Mu Xue, teach me! This is too exciting! " Chu Xia's eyes lit up. It wasn't that she was short of money, but hackers were so mysterious and Classy!

With just a flick of a finger, they could make people go bankrupt. This feeling was too good!

Mu Xue's forehead darkened. "Sister Chuxia, I'm a hacker, but I really didn't do this! "

Damn it, she dared to swear to the heavens that she really didn't do it.

However, she was the one who made her hacker friends do it!

"Yes, yes, I know you didn't do it, but don't you know how to do it? TEACH ME! " Chuxia pestered Mu Xue.

"This, this is so difficult. I'm afraid that you can't even write a program and can't do this! " Mu Xue said helplessly. This wasn't something that could be easily done.

If she could edit a program to attack the Bank's defense system, and also steal the card's password and account number, one person could not do such a complicated thing without having two heads!

"Ah? You still need to program? Then forget it, I don't know how. When you steal again, you must call me. I want to see the most handsome side! " Chu Xia looked at Mu Xue in a daze, as if she was worshipping a God!

Qin Sheng pulled Chu Xia away. "Damn! What are you talking about? Teaching bad girls? Stealing again? Don't do such illegal things! "

"I know, sister Qin, I really didn't do it! " Mu Xue raised her three small claws and said.

"My mu Xue said she didn't do it, but she didn't do it. I won't allow anyone to accuse my Mu Xue! " Ha Siqi held the girl's small hand.

"Damn, how long has it been? It's already your Mu Xue! Ha Siqi, aren't you faster? " Chu Xia ridiculed.

"Not you? Hehe, do you think the police are all vegetarians? If you give it to me now, I can let bygones be bygones and drop the case. But if you refuse to admit it, don't blame me for NOT BEING POLITE! " Ming Tai said.

"AIYO, uncle, I'm so scared! Just call the police. Do you need my boyfriend to drive you there? Oh right, didn't you lose your car? You can call the police together! Otherwise, you won't be able to find the car! " Mu Xue said loudly There was no fear at all!

Ming Tai was provoked by the little woman. "Okay, WE'LL SEE! "

He turned around and walked out of the studio. His mind was filled with the little woman's arrogant look. He wanted to spank her ass until she begged for mercy!

"Uncle, take care! " Mu Xue shouted proudly. Looking at the man's back, she almost laughed herself to death!

"Mu Xue, come here! " Qin Sheng called out to Mu Xue.

"Yes, sister Qin, I'm here! " Mu Xue followed. "What's the matter? "

Qin Sheng suppressed her gaze. "You did it. How long are you and Ming Tai going to be stubborn? "

"Who's being stubborn with him? I'M NOT! " Mu Xue denied.

"No, what are you doing? You've always seen the two of YOU ARGUING! " Qin Sheng said.

Ever since Mu Xue came here, she had been at odds with Ming Tai. The two of them were like sworn enemies.

"I don't want to argue with him! Don't worry, we woN'T ARGUE IN THE FUTURE! " She only knew how to fight!

Qin Sheng's forehead darkened. If Mu Xue didn't argue, the only thing left to do was to fight. Letting Mu Xue fight was even scarier than letting Mu Xue argue!

"What exactly do the two of you need to resolve? " She asked. Obviously, if she didn't resolve the matter between the two of them, the feud between them would really get bigger and bigger!

"There's nothing that can be resolved between us. Sister Qin, don't worry about it! " Mu Xue said.

It was possible to resolve a misunderstanding, but the two of them were born with a grudge It would never be resolved in this lifetime!

"Then I'll treat you to dinner tonight! You're here, I haven't treated you to dinner yet! " Qin Sheng's eyes shifted as she thought of a good idea!

"Okay! I haven't eaten the authentic food of H nation for the past two days! I want to eat some crayfish, mutton kebabs, Kebabs, and what else? " Mu Xue said as she counted with her fingers.

"Okay, we have all these guarantees. We'll grill it ourselves at night, and then everyone will drink! " Qin Sheng said.

Mu Xue nodded repeatedly. This was a delicacy that she had never eaten abroad!

Qin Sheng comforted Mu Xue and called Chu Xia over. The two of them discussed the matter of the night.

When the sky was dark, Qin Sheng, Chu Xia, and everyone in the production team drove to a barbeque bar to play.

The bar here not only had all kinds of alcohol, but they could also grill all kinds of delicacies!

They sat on the Rattan chairs in the courtyard of the bar and started to grill kebabs!

Mu Xue had never seen such things before. She learned how to Barbecue from Chu Xia.

"Mu Xue, I roasted chicken wings for you. EAT THEM! " Ha Siqi could not bear to let her girlfriend do this kind of work.

"thank you! " Mu Xue took it over and took a bite. "MMM, it's really delicious! "

Her eyes looked at Ming Tai, who was sitting not far away, and a wicked smile appeared in her eyes. "Uncle, have you called the police? 20 million is not a small amount. Be careful, you won't be able to get it back! "

She deliberately said that. She was not afraid of Ming Tai calling the police. Her friends were all experts, and no one could find out who did it!

Ming Tai sneered, "Hehe, I believe that justice will be served! "

"Why are you saying this? Let's play the big wheel! Hurry up, everyone sit in a row! TRUTH OR DARE! " Chu Xia quickly pulled out a game to ease the atmosphere!

What the heck, was it easy for her and Qin Sheng In order to make Ming Tai and Mu Xue reconcile, the two of them were worried sick!

"Okay! Let's play! " Mu Xue picked a seat and sat down. Ha Siqi sat next to her, Ming Tai and man man sat opposite them, and the rest of the people sat in turn, waiting to play the game.

Chu Xia turned the big wheel. "whoever I turn to, who will start asking questions first. You can ask whoever you want to ask, any questions! "

The needle on the compass spun around and finally stopped. The needle was pointed at Mu Xue!

Mu Xue spread her hands. "Tsk Tsk, don't look at me like that. I CAN'T CONTROL THE COMPASS! " She looked at Ming Tai opposite her. "just ask, then I'LL ASK! "

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