May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 858 - Chapter 858 habits of Love 18

Chapter 858: Chapter 858 habits of Love 18

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Ming Tai looked at the girl sitting next to him in astonishment. He had no idea where this girl had come from!

"You? "

The girl reached out and hugged Ming Tai. Her lips were pressed against Ming Tai's cheek, and her hot and humid breath hit the man's earlobes.

"Uncle, do me a favor. There are bad people harassing and following me! "

Ming Tai saw the car chasing him from the rearview mirror and his brows sank. "Okay, you sit tight. I'll drive. "

He stepped on the accelerator and the car drove away.

Su Yao was so angry that she stomped her feet. She did not understand where the girl had come from. Why did she say that Ming Tai was her darling?

Could it be that Ming Tai had a woman outside?

The car chasing them drove past Su Yao without stopping and went straight for Ming Tai's car.

Su Yao also got in the car and continued to chase them. No matter what, she had to find out who the girl was!

In Ming Tai's car, the girl was listening to music on her phone, looking very pleased with herself.

"Who's the person chasing you? " He asked.

"A boring pursuer, but he's too clingy. He won't leave no matter what! " The girl said.

"where do I send you? Where's your home? ''MinggTaii asked.

The girl came in front of the man. "Uncle, I just got off the plane and came to h nation for a vacation. Where's my home? SEND ME TO THE HOTEL! "

Her gaze swept to the rearview mirror, and her brows raised. "Damn, I'm still chasing! No, there's only one car chasing me. Why is there another one? WHO's that chasing after? "

Ming Tai's gaze swept to the rearview mirror. "The one chasing me. "

"HAHAHA! Uncle, there's someone chasing after you too! " The girl laughed out loud.

Ming Tai pursed his lips into a straight line. "WHO's uncle? I'm only a few years older than you! "

Even if he brought along black super, it shouldn't be able to completely cover up his handsome face, right?

And was he old?

"I'm 20. Uncle, how old are you? " The girl asked.

Ming Tai paused awkwardly for a moment. He was actually more than ten years older than this girl. "Well, I'm more than 30. "

"More than 30? Is it 31, or 39? Even if it's 31, I'm still 11 years older, okay? " The girl said seriously.

Ming Tai's face was tense and angular, and he was classed as an uncle.

"Girl, what's your name? " He asked.

"what girl? I want to be called Gu Liang, or little sister. This Gu Liang is called Mu Xue, " the girl answered.

Ming Tai's forehead darkened, and he was definitely despised by the little girl.

His car drove into the underground parking lot of a hotel. "I'll send you to the hotel. "

Mu Xue turned her head to look at the car that also drove into the underground parking lot. "Are you sure? The people chasing you are here too! Otherwise, how about we work together to get rid of those two people? "

"How do you want to get rid of them? " Ming Tai asked. He was also annoyed by being chased by Su Yao.

"COME WITH ME, quickly! " Mu Xue pushed the man and motioned for him to get out of the car. She opened the car door and ran out.

"where are you running to? " Ming Tai followed the girl who was running.

"To the elevator! " Mu Xue replied.

"The elevator. You have been here before. Do you know where the elevator is? " Ming Tai was surprised. This was not a small underground parking lot. It was a large one with several floors. It was so big that one could not see the end of it. He did not believe that this girl could predict where the elevator was!

"D * MN, even if I don't know, I know the electronic map too! HURRY UP! It's here! " Mu Xue reached out to pull the man and ran to the elevator. She pressed open the elevator and walked up.

As the elevator door closed, she smiled at the man beside her. "Uncle, don't tell me you don't even know the electronic map? "

"Yes, I know the electronic map, but I didn't think that I could still find the elevator, " Ming Tai said.

"D * MN, the map is marked on it, okay? However, I admit that there is no ordinary electronic map, but I have this one. We're here, let's go get a room! " Mu Xue pulled the man's arm and got off the elevator.

"Get a room? " Ming Tai was surprised.

"If we don't get a room, how are we going to get rid of those two? " Mu Xue choked. It had to be said that the brain memory of this uncle was too low, and it couldn't keep up with her speed at all.

"Miss, let's get a big bed room. " Mu Xue said to the front desk clerk and raised her hand to take out her ID card.

The front desk clerk quickly got a room. "The room card is ready. "

Mu Xue took the room card and ran to their room with the man.

The room was spacious and bright, but the bed made Ming Tai very dissatisfied. "We can get a standard room. "

"PFFT! Uncle, I want them to give up on us when they see us dating! Have you ever seen a date in a standard room? YOU SHOULD REST! I reckon that even if they chase you here, you won't be able to escape. " Mu Xue said as she took off her clothes.

Ming Tai was simply shocked. "You, what are you doing? "

He was a grown man standing in the room, yet the little girl actually dared to take off her clothes!

"I'm taking off my clothes. I've been on a plane for more than ten hours, and I need to take a bath to get comfortable. Don't tell me you don't know this? " Mu Xue looked at the man as if he was a monster.

"Damn, of course I know, but I'm a man, do you know that? Why are you taking off your clothes! " Ming Tai was stunned.

"Aren't you just a man? What's there to make a fuss about? The streets are full of men, okay? " Mu Xue said disdainfully.

Ming Tai's lips twitched. He really wanted to pry open the girl's brain to see what was going on in her brain

He walked over in a few steps, grabbed her with one hand, and threw her directly into the bathroom.

Mu Xue was almost thrown down by the man.

Her eyes were narrowed. How dare the old man treat her like this? Let's see how she will punish the old man!

She walked into the shower and took a shower. Her lips curled into a wicked smile.

Ming Tai, who was in the room, really wanted to leave, but he heard the noise in the corridor. Someone was looking for him and Mu Xue. He didn't need to ask to know who it was. He couldn't leave.

He stood in front of the French window and took off the black super on his face. If he could make Su Yao think that he had another woman and stop chasing her, it would be a good idea.

Just as he was thinking about when Su Yao would leave so that he could return to the resort, the bathroom door behind him opened.

"It's so noisy, they're chasing us, " Mu Xue said as she wiped her hair with a towel.

"Yeah, I'll leave after Su Yao leaves, " Ming Tai said.

Mu Xue's lips curled up. "What's wrong? You're so scared. "

She walked towards the man step by step, and a barbell-like laughter burst out in her heart... ...

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