May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 854 - Chapter 854 habits of Love 14

Chapter 854: Chapter 854 habits of Love 14

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Li Ang felt that his ears had misheard. How could such words come out of LE LE'S MOUTH?

"You, what did you say? ''Hee asked hesitantly.

Le Le Lowered her head, not daring to look at the man.

The woman's small hand grabbed his arm. Her appearance was completely different from yesterday's drunken and violent appearance. It was as if she had changed into a different person!

"This, this is not good, right? What if you find someone who truly loves you in the future? " Li Ang thought of his own words and also grabbed what was left of his rationality.

"even if I find a man who loves me in the future, what will I do for all these years? " Le Le asked.

"This, I still can't do it. Le Le, I don't want to hurt you! " Li Ang said.

Le Le's brows furrowed. "I beg you to hurt me! "


When the black figure returned to Ye Wei's villa, the sky had already lit up slightly. He wore a mask on his face and stared at the little woman who was still sleeping soundly.

His gaze was unwavering.

After a long while, he left the bedroom and walked down the stairs.

Qin Sheng, who was sleeping, had no idea. In the dream, it was the scene of her and Gong Mochen finally getting to know each other and carrying their Lian Lian on a trip together.

The noisy music on her phone woke her up.

She opened her eyes and realized that it was already bright outside. Was it just a man?

She did not have time to think about a man. She grabbed her phone and glanced at the screen. The screen displayed Le Le's name.

"Le Le, what's wrong? Is it early? " She asked.

"Sister Qin, can you help me think of a solution? I want to have a child, but Li Ang doesn't want it! " Le Le cried softly.

"Ah? You're pregnant so quickly? " Qin Sheng was surprised. Could it be that the current testing technology was so good that it could be tested in just two days?

"No, I'm not pregnant yet, but the Grand Duke asked me to take the medicine and not tell my aunt and my parents. Sister Qin, please help me think of a solution! " Le Le said anxiously.

"Oh, is it because he doesn't want a child? It's fine if you don't eat it! " Qin Sheng said.

"But I don't eat it. I'm afraid he'll be angry. " Le Le's voice was small. She was afraid that if she didn't make the man angry, he would ignore her!

"But if you eat it, you won't be able to have a baby. And even if you fail and get pregnant, the medicine will also affect the baby. You still can't take it, " Qin Sheng explained.

"That's why I'm so anxious. I used Baidu to check. Now I'm hiding in the bathroom to call you! " Le Le said.

Qin Sheng felt a headache coming. "Damn, I just want a baby. Why is it like this? Li Ang is too much! "

"It's not his fault. I promised him. But thinking that I might get pregnant, I don't want to take the medicine. Sister Qin, am I too greedy? " Le Le Cried.

"No, how can this be considered your greed? Every girl wants her own baby! Actually, you can talk to Li Ang! Let him give you a baby! " Qin Sheng said.

"I don't dare. I'm afraid that he doesn't want me and doesn't want a child. He will ignore me! " Le Le said her concerns.

Qin Sheng sighed softly. "You just love him too much. You love him so much that you don't even know who you are! How can you compromise on such a matter? How about this, I'll think of a way. You can use it first. Anyway, when he has a baby, he can't even want it! "

"What way? Tell me quickly! " Le Le stopped crying, as if she saw a glimmer of hope.

"You can find a similar medicine to replace the pillar, and eat it in front of him! " Qin Sheng smiled like a Fox. Li Ang wanted Le Le to eat the medicine, let's see how she will help Le Le Deal with Li Ang!

"Yes, yes, that's the best! Sister Qin, thank you! " Le Le Finally felt relieved.

"What for? ! Just wait, I'll get Chuxia to call you! " Qin Sheng said and hung up Le Le, then called Chuxia again ...

Chuxia was 100% in favor of such a thing!

But what about men?

Qin Sheng hung up on Chuxia and got up to look for her man!

However, she couldn't find Gong Mochen from the top floor to the first floor of the villa. Not to mention Gong Mochen, she couldn't even find the shadow of Ye Wei and Han Qing!

What the F * CK That d * Mn Man ran away again!

Gong Mochen You're courting death I, Qin Sheng, swear that I'll hunt you down no matter what. I guarantee that I won't beat you to death!

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