May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 843 - Chapter 843, habit of love 3

Chapter 843: Chapter 843, habit of love 3

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Li Ang turned around and looked in the direction behind him. He was stunned on the spot!

Everyone was laughing unkindly. Everyone knew who Roland's future daughter-in-law was!

"Li Ang, you guys are really fated! "

"Yeah, even this is fine! It's really fate. It seems that the marriage is coming soon! "

"The grand duke is still not going to feed his girlfriend and drink? "

A group of people applauded and waited to watch the reality show!

Le Le was completely out of it. She was confused by everyone's words. "What's wrong? What are you guys talking about? "

The only thing she could understand was that these people were making fun of her and Li Ang.

"Haha! Le Le, hurry up and come over. Your Grand Duke has been punished! You have to help him! " Chuxia ran over excitedly and pulled LE LE.

Le Le was really pushed by Chuxia. Her Center of gravity was unstable and she fell down.

Li Ang reached out to hold the girl. "It's okay. Don't listen to their nonsense! Well, this won't do. Change it to something else. I'll do anything. "

He proposed a condition. Anyway, this wouldn't do. Because he didn't want anything to do with LE LE. This kind of thing would only make the two of them more awkward!

"No! We agreed just now! Everyone agrees with the rules of the game. You can't break it. Otherwise, how will everyone play the game? " Chuxia said.

There was really no other way. If one person broke the rules, then no one would follow the game. Of course, if no one followed the rules of the game, it would be meaningless to play!

"I can punish others, double the penalty! " Li Ang threw out the condition.

"Then I want to ask if everyone agrees! " Chuxia said.

She turned to look at the crowd. "Do you agree? "

"No! "

"No! Grand Duke, accept the punishment quickly! "

Everyone shouted. The more they looked at Li Ang's embarrassed look, the happier they were!

Le Le Scratched her hair. "What are you talking about? What punishment? Can someone tell me? "

Until now, she did not know what had happened!

"Li Ang just transferred to this punishment program. He wants to feed a member of the opposite SEX TO DRINK Everyone asked him to choose a member of the opposite sex. He did not choose. He said that whoever walked over would be the one. Then, you walked over Do you understand You have to help him complete the punishment!"Chuxia explained.

Le Le's face turned red like a tomato without drinking. She didn't expect that this time it would be so big!

"Well, well, " she stammered and didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, I have an idea! " Li Ang comforted the little woman beside him. "For those who are sitting here today, I will pack 1,000 red packets each. Everyone, cancel my punishment! "

Since he couldn't reverse the punishment, he could only use a small fortune to avoid disaster.

"everyone, do you want a thousand red packets for the Grand Duke? " Chuxia asked.

"No! "


The jeers were getting louder and louder!

"Two thousand, five thousand, is that okay? " Li Ang kept increasing the price.

Le Le's face turned pale. Five thousand per person?

How many people were sitting here? There were more than 200 people. How much was five thousand per person!

It felt like the money spent today was enough to buy an apartment!

"WE CHOOSE THE PUNISHMENT! " She said quickly.

God knows, she had never seen so much money in her life. How could she divide it just like that?

"Ah? " Li Ang quickly winked at le LE. ONCE LE LE relented, it would be even harder for him to convince these bad friends!

"It's okay. This little money, it doesn't matter. " He said quickly.

"Yes! Why would the Grand Duke Care about this little money? If one person gives us 100,000 to 80,000 yuan, we can be exempted from the punishment. Isn't that right, everyone? " Du Can was energized. He wanted to watch the show at any moment!

Li Ang glared at DU can. This DU can who only wanted to cause chaos, let's see how he will deal with him later!

"100,000,80,000 yuan, why don't you F * Cking Rob Him? ''

"Hehe, I didn't fail to fulfill the punishment, so I should act like a man! What kind of man is he if he even hesitates over a kiss? " Du Can mocked Li Ang.

"Who said that the Grand Duke is not a man? He is the best man I have ever seen! Grand Duke, WE DON'T GIVE MONEY! DRINK! " Le Le said angrily.

She could say anything, but she would be angry if others said anything about Li Ang.

In her heart, Li Ang was the most perfect man. She had always had a crush on him!

She picked up a glass of wine and drank it into her mouth.

Li Ang gulped down the strong wine in his mouth.

"Okay? It's DU CAN'S TURN NEXT! " Li Ang said quickly.

Damn Du can, he wanted to see what Du can changed to this time!

"How can it be my turn? Your punishment is not over yet! " Du Can said pretentiously.

"Why am I not finished with my punishment? I already drank just now! " Li Ang said.

"brother, do you understand your punishment? It's to let you feed Le Le, not to let Le Le Feed You! " Du Can said.

Du Can's words made everyone realize the problem. "Yes, this doesn't match the question! "

"Yes, the Grand Duke won't go back on his word, right? "

"Yes, yes, the girl has taken the initiative to feed the wine. If the grand duke continues to be shy, he really doesn't look like a man! "

Everyone was discussing.

"Li Ang, how generous is LE LE! HURRY UP! This is my birthday party, no one is allowed to go back on their word! " Qin Sheng said.

She felt that these two people did not feel nothing at all, so she might as well help LE LE!

"Okay, I will feed LE LE WINE! Give me wine! " Li Ang held his breath in his chest. He had long understood what these people wanted to see!

He asked for wine loudly... ...

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