May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 824 - Chapter 826 brought her back

Chapter 824: Chapter 826 brought her back

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Haha! " Mu Xue laughed out loud. "sister Qin, don't worry. After I stole these videos, I cleaned up the data in the database. Now, even if the world's top programmers come, they won't be able to recover it. "

"That's good. Thank you, Mu Xue. " Qin Sheng thanked her. She gripped her phone tightly. She had finally found Gong Mochen's whereabouts!

"Sister Qin, we don't need to thank each other, but I spent a lot of time to find out. As for whether he's still here, I don't know. You have to hurry and find him. " Mu Xue reminded her.

"Yes, I know. I'll go find him now! " Qin Sheng hung up the phone and hurriedly drove out of the resort.

Mu Xue didn't need to say anything. She wouldn't waste a moment to find her man.

The car followed the coordinates of the electronic map and drove to the vicinity of the villa. Qin Sheng didn't dare to drive the car directly to the front of the villa, afraid that the people inside would discover it.

She stored the car in an inconspicuous place and walked to the villa

The Exterior Wall of the old-fashioned Villa was covered with vines, even blocking the windows inside.

She observed the terrain, and from the lower part of the backyard, she grabbed the vines on the wall and climbed up the wall.

Sitting on the wall, she could see the surveillance cameras set up here, but she had asked Li Ang on her phone to download an interference program that could disable the surveillance cameras nearby.

She easily climbed along the vines into the yard.

There was the main building of the villa in the yard, but the back door was not open. She tried to push open the window of a room and jumped into the room.

There was no one in the room, and it was covered with a layer of dust. It was clear that no one had lived here for a long time. She opened the door and walked into the corridor.

The corridor was dark and the lights were not turned on. It did not look like daytime at all. Perhaps the vines had blocked the window and the sunlight could not get in.

She could vaguely hear the voices of women. One was ye Wei and the other was Han Qing.

Qin Sheng's heart beat wildly. If they did not leave, then Gong Mochen must be here too.

Her eyes swept across the entire corridor. She was certain that Ye Wei would not put Gong Mochen on the first floor. Instead, she would hide Gong Mochen in some hidden place.

She strode up the stairs and climbed straight up to the top floor. If she had to hide someone, she thought that Ye Wei would definitely hide him on the top floor.

However, the messy appearance of the top floor made her give up on this idea. Ye Wei loved Gong Mochen to the point of misery. She would not let Gong Mochen stay in such a place.

However, after her subsequent search, she could not find any signs of anyone. It seemed that there was only one person in the entire villa on the first floor.

She hesitated as she stood in front of the window in the corridor and counted the floors. She did not think that there was a place to hide people here.

Mou Ran's gaze was attracted by a slightly open window on the top floor. If there was no one on the top floor, why would someone open the window?

She returned to the top floor. However, no matter how she counted, she could not find the corresponding room in the window that she saw below.

How could there be one less room?

The next moment, she realized the problem. There was a place on the wall of the corridor that was slightly bulkier than the other walls. Moreover, the bulging place looked like a square door.

This room was sealed?

Her hand touched the wall. Her man should be here. Otherwise, Ye Wei would not have spent so much effort to seal a room.

She opened the door to the side and entered. However, she could not find the connection to the sealed room. She did not know how ye Wei entered the room.

However, she did not have time to waste here. Every minute she was here would increase the risk of being discovered.

She had to find Gong Mochen before Ye Wei found her.

She made up her mind and walked up the dilapidated stairs in the corridor. After that, she would reach the roof. This was the passageway used to repair the roof.

However, she knew that the fastest way to find Gong Mochen was to climb in through the window.

On the roof of the top floor, the wind was blowing. She grabbed onto the sparse vines and slid down. As long as she climbed to the window, she would be able to enter.

However, there were too few vines on the roof. She grabbed onto them so tightly that they were on the verge of collapsing. She was still some distance away from the window.

She had to be quick. She had to be quick. Otherwise, if she fell down from the fourth floor, she might very well lose her life.

As she slid to the window, she grabbed onto the vines with one hand and extended her other hand towards the window. She wanted to hit the window to the maximum. However, the vines could not bear her weight and slid down from the roof.

She held back all the screams. Even if she could fall to her death, she could not scream.

Because as long as she screamed, she would be discovered. If she was lucky enough to not fall to her death, she could continue looking for Gong Mochen.

A large hand grabbed her arm. She was suspended in mid-air. When she looked up, she saw the masked face.

Even if she was wearing a mask, she could still see his eyes. His eyes were Gong Mochen!

Her tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes and scattered in the wind.

The man pulled back his arm forcefully and carried the woman into the window. He closed the window with his other hand.

Qin Sheng couldn't stand properly and rushed to the foot of the man in the wheelchair. "Hubby, I'm coming. "

She sobbed. The feeling of having regained what she had lost made her not want to let go of him again.

"Why is it you, this shameless woman, chasing me here again! " Gong Mochen scolded.

"Haven't you thought of me? Fine, if you don't like me calling you Hubby, can I not? " Qin Sheng said quickly.

It didn't matter what she called him. As long as she could stay by Gong Mochen's side, she would be satisfied!

"GET LOST! " Gong Mochen raised his hand and pushed the woman away.

Qin Sheng staggered from the man's push.

She couldn't care less about herself and ran to the man again. "your arm is full of blood! "

The man was wearing a white shirt, but his skin was wrapped in a layer of gauze. The blood had already seeped through the gauze and the shirt.

Gong Mochen waved the woman's arm away. "GET LOST! "

He cleaned the ruptured wound himself. The newly-healed flesh had been torn open again because he had used too much strength just now.

Qin Sheng took a deep breath. The horrifying wounds made her heart ache for her man. She ran to the first-aid kit on the table and took out the ointment that was used to stop the bleeding. "I'll help you apply the ointment. It's not convenient for you to apply it yourself. "

The torn wound was on the outside of his arm. He could not apply the ointment to that area by himself.

She held the man's hand and stubbornly refused to let him take the ointment away from her hand.

Gong Mochen helplessly threw his hand away. "apply the ointment on me and get lost! "

Qin Sheng took the ointment and applied it on the man's wounds bit by bit. Every inch of his wounds made her heart ache. She could not imagine how he would endure all the pain with his wounds all over his body.

Her tears rolled down and dripped onto the man's wound... ...

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