May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 818 - Chapter 818: Chasing her back 8

Chapter 818: Chapter 818: Chasing her back 8

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Mu Xue, can you help me find out where this car went in the end? It might be very troublesome because you have to track all the cameras, " Qin Sheng said.

"tracking the cameras is easy, but I'm afraid that all the videos related to the car have been deleted. I need to restore those deleted videos first, and then I'll look for them again, " Mu Xue said.

It was possible to restore them, but it would take a lot of time.

"I understand. Try Your best. This person is very important to me, " Qin Sheng said.

"sister Qin, don't worry. I will definitely help you find him! I will hang up first and continue to recover! " Mu Xue said.

She would never forget Qin Sheng's kindness to her. If not for Qin Sheng, she would always be a hacker who could not be seen in the light. How could she have her current achievements?

She was now a proven programmer who made money by designing her own programs!

"thank you. " Qin Sheng thanked her. Her eyes had been focused on this video. With this license plate number, she would be able to find Gong mochen!


In the forest, Jian Jian was knocked to the ground by William. Willam's arm grabbed Jian Jian's arm and placed Jian Jian's arm behind his back, pressing him down on the ground.

"Are you convinced? Find Him! If you're not convinced, I'LL CRIPPLE YOU! " William roared angrily.

Chu Chu saw her brother being pressed down on the ground and ran over with her heart aching. "Prince, don't hit my brother. I beg you, alright? "

"Chu Chu, don't beg him! I'M NOT CONVINCED! " Jian Jian shouted.

Willam's wrist tightened and mou ran exerted force, Pressing Jian Jian's arm even tighter. "If you're not convinced, then fine. I'll cripple your arm first! "

Jian Jian was pressed to the ground. His arm looked as if it was going to be broken. "Ah! F * Ck, Willam, aren't you just a few years older than me? Aren't you stronger than me? If you have the ability, let go of me. Let's continue fighting! "

Willam's lips said coldly, "Do you think I'm lacking in intelligence? "

"Willam, let go of Jian Jian. Otherwise, I'll go and call me mummy right now! " Lian Lian threatened.

Willam's eyes rolled back. "If you dare to call me mummy, I'll chop off both of his arms and give them to you right now! "

He was furious, especially when he saw how concerned Lian Lian was about Jian Jian.

"You! Willam, if you dare to hurt Jian Jian, I promise I will hurt you even more! " Lian Lian said fiercely.

"Lian Lian, good job! Don't worry, I don't want you to worry about me! Willam, I admit defeat, let me go! " Jian Jian said.

"admit defeat? You know how to admit defeat? " Willam's long and narrow eyes looked at Jian Jian.

"Of course I admit defeat. Even if I don't admit defeat, I can't beat you. Besides, I don't want to lose an arm or a leg, so I admit defeat. I surrender, okay? " Jian Jian said quickly.

"HMPH, you want to challenge me with just your Kung Fu? Remember this, stay away from me, stay away from Lian Lian. If I see you pestering her again, I'll gouge out your eyes! " Willam said fiercely.

Jian Jian's lips twitched. He had to admit that Willam was really ruthless!

"Oh my God, I'm so scared! I'm really convinced. This girl isn't as important as her own eyes, right? I agree, " he said.

Only then did Willam Release Jian Jian's arm. "Hmph, you spineless thing. Don't even think about competing with me in this lifetime! "

He would never admit defeat, even if he died. He really did not like Jian Jian's personality. He turned around and walked towards Lian Lian, wanting to bring her back.

Jian Jian got up from the ground. His previously hippie gaze instantly turned cold. Meng ran sent a flying kick towards the back of Willam's head.

Hearing the sound of the wind behind him, Willam turned around and raised his hand to block Jian Jian's foot. However, it was already too late. Jian Jian's foot kicked hard on his arm.

"Ah! My Prince! Brother, YOU'VE INJURED MY PRINCE! " Chu Chu screamed as she ran towards Willam. She blocked in front of Willam, Preventing Jian Jian from hitting Willam again!

Jian Jian was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It was not easy for him to feign surrender and then seize the opportunity to attack Willam, but in the end, he was interrupted by his own sister.

"Chu Chu, GET OUT OF THE WAY! " He roared angrily.

"I won't! I won't! who asked you to hit my prince! I asked you to teach Lian Lian Lian a lesson, why did you hit my prince? " Chu Chu said angrily.

"Damn it, Willam, what medicine did you give my sister? I'll beat you to death! " Jian Jian was so angry that he wanted to pry open his sister's brain to see what had grown inside.

"I gave your sister medicine? Hehe, you really think highly of your sister. I can't wait for her to leave me alone! You'd better take her away quickly, or I'll kick her away! " Willam said rudely.

Jian Jian gritted his teeth fiercely. "You're too arrogant. I'll beat you to death! "

He rushed over in a few steps, pushed his sister away, and attacked Willam.

Chu Chu stood up to pull her brother. Jian Jian was unable to move his hand and was hit by Willam.

"Chu Chu, who is your brother? Look carefully! " Jian Jian shouted angrily.

Chu Chu went to pull Willam again. "please don't hit my brother. I helped you hold him back just now. STOP HITTING HIM! "

Willam pushed Chu Chu to the ground. "GET LOST! "

Chu Chu was pushed to the ground. She reached out to pull Willam to stop Willam from hitting her brother. A part of her arm was exposed from her sleeve. It was obvious that a wound had been exposed!

Lian Lian's eyes narrowed. "Stop hitting! Look at the wound on Chu Chu's arm! This is a wound from Xin BA's bite! "

"What Xin Ba? " Jian Jian walked over and asked.

"Xin BA is my dog. I can't find my dog. Willam and I came here to look for a dog, but Chu Chu has xin BA's on her arm! " Lian Lian said.

"Who said that the bite mark on my arm is Xin BA's? Don't other dogs bite people? " Chu Chu argued.

"Are there other dogs here? " Lian Lian asked.

Willam grabbed Chu Chu's arm and said, "this is Xin BA's bite mark! Tell me where you hid XIN BA! "

Jian Jian ran over and said, "Chu Chu, tell me! Why did you steal Lian Lian's dog? "

Chu Chu looked at Jian Jian and Willam who were concerned about Lian Lian, and her big eyes were filled with tears. "YOU'RE ALL BAD PEOPLE! You're all biased towards Lian Lian, why are you all accusing me? "

"You've done something wrong, of course I'M GOING TO ACCUSE YOU! Why did you steal Lian Lian's dog? If you like dogs, I can buy it for you! " Jian Jian said.

"I don't want dogs! I'm just angry that Lian Lian is pestering my prince! I just taught her a lesson, and that broken dog even bit me! What's the big deal about losing it! " Chu Chu shouted.

"Tell me where the dog is? " Willam asked fiercely.

"Hurry up and tell me! " Jian Jian also pressed on.

Chu Chu looked at the two people who were worried about Lian Lian, and her small face turned Pale with anger. She turned her eyes and pointed to a place. "I just threw the dog over there. "

"Let's go and find it quickly! " Jian Jian took Lian Lian's hand and led her into the depths of the forest.

Willam twisted Chu Chu's eyes, and his eyes suppressed a dark color as he asked coldly, "tell me, where is the dog? ! "

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