May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 788 - Chapter 788, my woman 8

Chapter 788: Chapter 788, my woman 8

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Qin Sheng! " Nangong mochen bypassed Yun Teng and rushed toward the woman. "Why are you in Ye Wei's room? Do you want to run away? "

He grabbed Qin Sheng's wrist and was so angry that his facial features were distorted. He fought with Yun Teng, but this little woman ran away just like that!

If Ye Wei's box didn't make a sound, he wouldn't even know that Qin Sheng had run away!

Qin Sheng's wrist was tightly grasped by the man as if he was going to crush her!

She struggled, "let go of me, can't I come over to see your mother? ''

She pulled out her own reason and her gaze landed on Ye Wei's face. She was sure that Ye Wei did it on purpose!

Why? Why did ye Wei want to sabotage her escape? She simply couldn't think of any reason that Ye Wei could have to stop her from leaving Gong Mochen!

"Look at my mother, can't you walk through the door? Where did you enter from? The Balcony? " Nangong Mochen's eyes narrowed as he thought of the balcony in the room.

Qin Sheng's mouth twitched. This was the only thing she couldn't explain.

"Well, I just saw you guys fighting outside. I was afraid of accidentally injuring you, so I went to your mother's room from the balcony. "

She tried her best to come up with a reason, but she did not believe in this reason, let alone a man?

"Qin Sheng, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I didn't pull the suitcase properly and knocked it against the wall. " Ye Wei lowered her head and said as she touched her stomach, looking as if she admitted her mistake.

Nangong Mochen snorted coldly, "it seems like they are in cahoots! Come with me! "

He retracted his arm and pulled Qin Sheng into his arms.

"Who allowed her to leave with you? LET GO OF MY COUSIN! " Yun Teng rushed over and kicked Nangong Mochen's wrist.

Nangong Mochen did not let go. He pulled Qin Sheng to dodge Yun Teng's leg and punched Yun Teng in the face.

"Ye Wei, take my mother away! " He did not forget to order this. He would not give Qin Sheng another chance to run away. Ye Wei and Han Qing were not the people he wanted to see. It was better to send them away immediately. He did not want ye Wei and Han Qing to meddle with him and Qin Sheng.

Ye Wei was absolutely obedient. She pulled the suitcase and led Han Qing to the elevator.

Chuxia ran out when she heard the noise. She heard everything clearly. She narrowed her eyes and caught up with Ye Wei in a few steps. She followed them into the elevator.

"What are you doing here? " Ye Wei looked at chuxia warily. Chuxia's expression was very ugly.

"You deliberately let the suitcase hit the wall so that others could see Qin Sheng! " Chuxia said rudely.

She understood everything. Ye Wei must have done it on purpose!

"What did you say? I don't understand! It's just that it's inconvenient for me to be pregnant. That's why I didn't pull the suitcase properly, " Ye Wei explained.

"It's inconvenient for me to be pregnant, so I knocked the suitcase against the wall? What a coincidence! Ye Wei, you're getting more and more despicable! " Chu Xia retorted.

Ye Wei's face turned pale, "I didn't! Why would I help Gong Mochen to keep Qin Sheng? Everyone knows that Qin Sheng was the one who snatched Gong Mochen away, so I have no reason to help her! "

Chu Xia pursed her lips slightly. Indeed, this didn't make sense. Shouldn't ye Wei be eager for Qin Sheng to disappear so that she could take Qin Sheng's place?

"Who knows what you're planning? I'm warning you, if you dare to ruin Qin Sheng's matter again, I don't care if you're pregnant or not, I won't be polite! " She said coldly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ye Wei was pregnant, she would have hit ye Wei long ago.

But why did ye Wei want to help Gong Mochen keep Qin Sheng She really couldn't figure it out!

"What right do you have to hit my daughter-in-law? If you dare to touch even a hair on her head, I'll have my son kill you! " Han Qing shouted. She was Gong Mochen's mother, she wouldn't be afraid of a little girl!

"Alright, you can try! I've never seen a mother who forced her son to do this to her. Is He really your biological son? Or do you just think he's a tool for revenge? " Chu Xia questioned.

Shouldn't all mothers bless their children and fulfill their children's happiness But Han Qing was not!

Han Qing's face turned red and white. "It's not your place to interfere in my family's affairs! Ye Wei, beat her out! "

She ordered Ye Wei.

Ye Wei hesitated and did not know how to do it. She clenched her hands.

As the elevator door opened, Chu Xia looked coldly at the two women in the elevator. "Why aren't you getting off the elevator? Do you want to continue staying in the hospital? "

She was not afraid of them Could it be that she could not even defeat a pregnant woman?

Ye Wei's face was tense as she pulled Han Qing down the elevator. "Auntie, let's not be angry with her. I'm not feeling well. Let's go home quickly. The car is waiting for US outside. "

"Hmph, I'll let you off today. If you dare to talk to me like that again, I'll have my son send people to beat up your entire family! " Han Qing said with resentment.

Chuxia rolled her eyes and pressed on the elevator door. She was angry at Han Qing's arrogant look. However, she could not beat up an old man. Forget it. She had warned Ye Wei Anyway. As long as Ye Wei could restrain herself, it was fine.

As the elevator door opened, she returned to her original floor and saw Qin Sheng who was trying to mediate the fight.

"Stop Fighting, I will decide where I want to go! " Qin Sheng shouted at the two men.

Obviously, her cousin Yun Teng's martial arts were not as good as Nangong MOCHEN's. She could only stop. If this continued, not only would Yun Teng not be able to save her, but he would also be injured by Nangong Mochen!

Nangong Mochen's arm pulled the woman into his arms. "Baby, tell him who you want to go with! "

"Qin Sheng, don't be afraid. Cousin will definitely protect you! " Yun Teng said fiercely. He hated this feeling. He really could not beat him!

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "cousin, I want to go with Gong Mochen. Please let me go back with him! "

"What? You want to go with Gong Mochen? Qin Sheng, have you forgotten how his mother treated you? " Yun Teng asked.

"I haven't forgotten, but that's just his mother's idea, not his! I want to go with him. Besides, our child is already five years old. Cousin, please let me go back with him. I will slowly talk to grandfather and ask him to accept Gong Mochen! " Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia felt a wave of surprise. Qin Sheng had just said that she wanted to leave. How did Qin Sheng change her mind in such a short time?

"Qin Sheng, do you really want to go with Gong Mochen? " She ran over and asked.

"Yes, of course I want to go with him. He is my husband. I just went to see my mother-in-law. Now that I have finished, I want to go home with my husband. " Qin Sheng Pinched Chu Xia's hand and gave Chu Xia a look.

"Oh, oh, then let's go. I'm going back to see man man. " Chu Xia didn't know what expression she was going to put on. She didn't know what Qin Sheng was going to do, so she could only follow Qin Sheng's lead.

Yun Teng wanted to say something, but Chu Xia pulled his arm. "Brother Yun, let Qin Sheng go back. This is between the two of them. Whether she wants to leave or stay, let Qin Sheng decide for herself! "

"Hehe, I advise you to look after your sister. Don't let anything happen to her while she's lying on the bed! " NANGONG MOCHEN THREATENED!

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