May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 783 - Chapter 783, my woman 3

Chapter 783: Chapter 783, my woman 3

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Qin Sheng's heart was in turmoil. Her lips were pursed into a straight line. No one knew what she was thinking, much less her feelings.

Suddenly, she thought of something. "Nie Feng, TAKE ME TO THE CEMETERY! "

Nie Feng was stunned. "Madam, the person has been buried. What are you going to see? "

"Take me there. I beg you, Nie Feng, Hurry Up! " Qin Sheng said quickly.

"Alright then, " Nie Feng said. He turned the steering wheel and drove the car onto another street, heading straight for the cemetery.

At this time, the sky was already bright. The sunlight shone on the newly erected tombstone. The name carved on the tombstone was Nangong Mochen.

A ray of sunlight hit the tombstone. It seemed that the warmth of the sunlight could not melt the coldness here.

Qin Sheng ran to the tombstone and looked at the stone coffin behind the tombstone. She was in the coffin in the stone coffin. She reached out and pushed the stone coffin.

"Madam, what are you doing? You can't open the closed sarcophagus! " Nie Feng was stunned. He did not understand Qin Sheng at all.

"Nie Feng, help me open it. I want to see the person inside! " Qin Sheng said.

"Ah? It's just a person who was damaged by the explosion. Why do you want to see him? " Nie Feng hesitated. He would listen to Qin Sheng's orders, but this order was too strange. The person in the sarcophagus was Nangong Mochen. Why did Qin Sheng want to see him?

"Nie Feng, please help me. I can't explain it clearly now. Help me open it! " Qin Sheng did not care whether Nie Feng agreed or not. Whether Nie Feng agreed or not, she wanted to see the person inside!

She pushed the Stone Lid with force, trying to open the coffin.

Nie Feng's hand pressed on Qin Sheng's hand. "Madam, let me help you. This is too heavy. You can't move it! "

As he spoke, he picked up the Qiao Rod that was thrown to the side. The people in the cemetery probably just closed the lid and didn't have the time to put away the Qiao Rod.

He knocked the Qiao Rod on the lid of the coffin. He pushed it with force. As the LID was knocked, the inside was slowly revealed.

"Ah? " Nie Feng widened his eyes. He simply couldn't believe his eyes.

"What's wrong? " Qin Sheng leaned over.

"The wooden coffin inside is gone! " Nie Feng said anxiously.

He was drunk. Who stole the coffin Why did they steal Nangong Mochen's corpse?

Qin Sheng looked through the wide gap. Although the gap wasn't big, she could see that the tomb was empty from the right angle. There was no sign of the coffin.

She faintly heard footsteps in the forest. She pulled the dazed Nie Feng and said, "quickly cover the lid! Hurry! "

Nie Feng only reacted now and quickly covered the LID. "Madam, this... "

"Let's go quickly! " Qin Sheng pulled Nie Feng and ran. Now was not the time to explain to him. They could not let anyone find out that they were here!

Nie Feng covered Qin Sheng and ran back to the car. His heart only calmed down a little when the car drove down the mountain.

"Madam, should we tell the president that General Feiying's body is missing? " His mind was in a mess. He did not understand why someone stole the body.

"You can't tell him! Nie Feng, you have to keep this a secret! Don't let anyone know about what happened today! " Qin Sheng said.

"But, but even though that person is not the president, he is also the president's younger brother. It's not good to lose the body. " Nie Feng was completely confused.

Just now, Qin Sheng was still anxious to see Nangong MOCHEN's body. Now that she found that the body was gone, Qin Sheng was not anxious.

"Gong Mochen can't know! Nie Feng, remember this. " Qin Sheng instructed Nie Feng.

No one stole a useless corpse. If everything went according to her guesses, she wanted to know that Gong Mochen was safe now.

"Alright then, but madam, are you sure it's okay for those people to Steal General Eagle's corpse? " Nie Feng asked worriedly.

"The corpse can't be sold for money either. Nie Feng, just trust me. Also, I want Lian Lian to leave for a period of time. Send me to the airport immediately and don't tell Gong Mochen, " Qin Sheng said.

"You want to take Miss Lian Lian Away? " Nie Feng asked.

"I'm not the one taking Lian Lian Away. I Want Li Ang to leave. It's not safe here. " Qin Sheng's brows furrowed into a knot.

Although she had a rough idea of the situation, she still didn't know the whole truth. She knew how dangerous this was. She had to ensure her daughter's safety first. She dialed the number on her phone and only briefly told Li Ang about letting him take Lian Lian Away.

Now that Gong Mochen was in the police station, if Lian Lian wanted to leave, this was the only chance.

Li Ang agreed readily. After Yinyin died, all his problems were solved and he was preparing to bring his parents back to the country.

He received a call from Qin Sheng and brought his parents to the airport to wait for Qin Sheng and Lian Lian.

Qin Sheng did not waste any time. She picked Lian Lian up from the villa and rushed to the airport.

"Mummy, where are we going? " Lian Lian tilted her little head and asked.

"Not us. It's you and Daddy. Lian Lian has to listen to Daddy. Stay with daddy for a while and wait for mummy and daddy to pick you up! " She said the last half of her sentence firmly.

She would go with Gong Mochen to pick LIAN LIAN UP, definitely!

Lian Lian nodded, not fully understanding. "Okay, I'll wait for MA MA and daddy to come pick me up. "

At the airport, Li Ang saw the figures of Qin Sheng and her daughter. "Qin Sheng! I'm here. What happened? Do you want me to take Lian Lian away quickly? "

He walked towards the woman and asked.

"Li Ang, I'll leave Lian Lian to you. Help me protect her. " Qin Sheng Carried Lian Lian into Li Ang's arms.

"I know. I'll protect her with my life. But can you tell me what happened? Were those transactions really done by Gong Mochen and Zhuo Nan? " Li Ang asked.

He saw on the news that Gong Mochen had caught Zhuo Nan, and Zhuo Nan was executed by the United Nations army for selling contraband. Then, Gong Mochen was taken away by the police, saying that it was him and Zhuo Nan who had done the contraband transactions.

"No, my uncle wouldn't do such a thing. Don't worry, he will be released soon, but I'm afraid that Zhuo Nan's men will find trouble with Lian Lian, so I want you to take her away, " Qin Sheng explained.

She didn't want Li Ang to know the details, and she also didn't want Li Ang to get involved. She hadn't thought of the details yet, so she couldn't implicate Li Ang.

"Oh, that's good. It's time for the plane to take off. I'll take Lian Lian on the plane, " Li Ang said.

"Okay, go! Li Ang, thank you! " Qin Sheng thanked him solemnly.

As long as Lian Lian was safe, she had nothing to be afraid of!

Li Ang held Lian Lian and Qin Sheng in his arms and waved his hand. He took the child and walked into the airport security gate.

Qin Sheng looked at Li Ang's plane from the departure hall. She turned around and walked out of the airport with Nie Feng. She looked at the message on her phone. It was exactly what she had thought. Gong Mochen had been acquitted. Everything.. Was all pushed to Nangong Mochen.

And Nangong Mochen was now a dead man... ...

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