May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 769 - Chapter 769 was tainted as a mistress 19

Chapter 769: Chapter 769 was tainted as a mistress 19

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The development of the matter seemed to have exceeded Chuxia's expectations. She did not expect that the people here would reject this matter so much!

"How many days will I be your wife? " She looked up at Sikong Jue.

"Yes, just a month. You don't want me to go bankrupt and have nothing to eat, do you? Also, I bought a Disneyland for Chu Chu. I took out a loan. Without the income from the pharmacy, how am I supposed to repay it? " Sikong Jue put on a bitter face, as if he was about to go bankrupt.

"You bought it with a loan? Then how much do you want to repay? I can't sell it anymore! " Chuxia did not expect that the amusement park was bought with a loan from Sikong Jue.

"Even if I sell it, I might not be able to sell it. It's not easy to catch up with someone who wants to buy such an expensive thing and is willing to invest in it. If I can't sell it, I'll have to repay it myself. Chuxia, you have to help me! " Sikong Jue's tone was filled with sadness It completely lost the aura of his Highness Yu.

CHUXIA's brows furrowed into a knot. She could not bear to see Sikong jue go bankrupt just to buy this amusement park for Chu Chu.

"Then, what is it... "

Before Chu Xia could finish her sentence, Sikong jue grabbed her hand. "I knew you were the kindest. Come back with ME TO DISPEL THE RUMORS! "

He did not care if Chu Xia agreed to it or not. He would talk about it after he dragged her away!

Chu Xia was dragged away by the man. Her face was tense. Forget it. Since he was gay, she should not have anything to worry about. Besides, she would be able to take Chu Chu away in a month.

She thought to herself, even if they were not husband and wife or lovers, she would not be able to bear to see her child's father go bankrupt.

She followed Sikong Jue into the car and headed straight to Sikong Jue's pharmacy.

The car could not drive to the pharmacy at all. The road was already blocked by onlookers and reporters. A group of people were clamoring to return the goods.

Sikong jue walked out of the car with Chu Xia and was immediately surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Sikong Jue, is it true that you are gay? " Asked the reporter.

"No, OF COURSE NOT! Look at the woman beside me, the famous designer Chu Xia. She is my woman. I am holding my daughter Chu Chu in my arms. We even have a son named Sikong Yi. How can I be gay?

"I'm gay, where did my child and Chu Xia come from "these two kids, I did it with real guns and bullets! " Sikong Jue said loudly on purpose.

He wanted everyone to know about his relationship with Chu Xia!

Chu Xia's face was embarrassed. She was dirty, but that was just a joke in private. She said that she did it with Sikong jue in front of so many people, and her face blushed unnaturally.

She wanted to find a hole to hide in. She really regretted agreeing to help Sikong Jue, so she should have been heartless enough to leave him alone!

Sikong jue twisted the woman's blushing face. His heart was in turmoil. His woman was too beautiful!

She was wearing a black cloak with golden buttons on the top, revealing the edge of a tight black leather skirt. She wore a pair of black leather boots on her fair legs. A part of her thigh was exposed between the leather skirt and the leather boots. One could see her black stockings.

She looked valiant and valiant. Only his Chuxia could wear such a style!

After he tricked the little woman into the house, he would... ...

"Miss Chuxia, I heard that you are Ming Tai's wife. Why are the children all Sikong Jue's? " The reporter asked.

"Do you even need to ask? Chuxia and I are true love. Can't you see that Ming Tai has left? It's all my fault for being young and ignorant. I've done so many things that have wronged Chuxia. " Sikong Jue said as he suddenly knelt down on one knee. He held Chuxia's hand.

"Chuxia, can you forgive me? " He asked.

All the flashlights were flashing at Chuxia and Sikong Jue. He had never seen a man who could throw away all his dignity and kneel on the ground in front of a woman to Beg for forgiveness!

Chuxia was dumbfounded. Wasn't he supposed to be his wife for a few days Why was he apologizing?

"Miss Chuxia, will you forgive him? " The reporter asked.

The crowd burst out shouting, "forgive! Forgive! Forgive! "

"I. . . I. . . " Chuxia's lips trembled a few times. Under this situation, she seemed to be unable to say anything unforgivable!

"I forgive you. Please get up! " She grabbed the man and pulled him up!

Sikong jue used the strength of the woman's arm to stand up. Then, he pulled the little woman into his arms. "Chuxia, I knew you were the best girl! "

He lowered his head and kissed Chuxia's rating. Before Chuxia was about to get angry, he quickly left. He looked up at the crowd and said, "everyone has seen it. My Wife and children have returned to my side. I believe that the rumors about Qian Chuan and I will fall apart! "

"Yes, Mr. Sikong must not be gay. Where did the news say that Mr. Sikong is gay? "

The people discussed in low voices.

"Just because Qian Chuan is gay, we can't misunderstand that all the men around him are gay. Isn't that right, everyone? " Sikong jue hugged Chu Chu, held Chuxia's hand, and returned to his pharmacy.

A barbell-like laughter erupted in his heart. Who else could have posted the news other than him?

He posted the news himself, saying that he had a scandal with Qian Chuan. Then, he hired a bunch of people to come here to cause trouble and ask for a refund. Otherwise, how could he trick Chu Xia back?

He was so impressed by his iq!

Chu Xia followed the man into the pharmacy. She felt that something was wrong. Did a gay scandal have such a big impact?

"Sikong Jue, how did you become gay? When did you become gay? " Mou Ran Thought of this question. Didn't he still pursue her a few days ago?

"I, Um, I, I was triggered by your decision and became desperate towards women, so I suddenly fell in love with men, " Sikong Jue explained his reason.

"You changed so quickly? " Chu Xia was surprised.

"Of course I changed so quickly. Did you change for a long time before you changed? " Sikong jue asked Chu Xia.

"No, I'm also very fast. It's only a month! I'll bring Chu Chu back to China in a month, " Chu Xia said quickly. She did not know how long it would take for her to change. She was afraid that what she said would be exposed!

"I'll bring you and Chu Chu back to your room to rest. I'll cook for you guys later! " Sikong jue carried Chu Chu into the bedroom.

Finally, he managed to trick Chu Xia back. He was going to start straightening out Chu Xia's actions!

In the hospital, Qian Chuan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Sikong Jue, YOU'RE AWESOME You cleared your name and even brought Chu Xia back home. You even accused me of being gay.

He was so angry that he wanted to castrate Sikong Jue This guy is too mean!

He lowered his eyes. Sikong Jue, just you wait!


Gong Mochen drove back to the office to look for Qin Sheng. He was in a hurry to send Han Qing to the hospital and did not have time to talk to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng finished her afternoon meeting and walked into her office. Mou Ran was hugged by the man behind the door.

"Baby, you've been wronged. Let me repay you with my flesh, okay? " The man's voice was low on her ears.

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