May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 720 - Chapter 720 must have children

Chapter 720: Chapter 720 must have children

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Chu Xia was so angry that she was speechless. "I named my daughter Chu Chu because I wanted her to be beautiful in the future! I named my son Jian Jian because I wanted him to be healthy! It's not my name, it's your brain! "

She was truly intoxicated. Why did Sikong jue think of her name so much?

Sikong Jue was stunned. "It's really not to get back at me? "

"Who do you think you are? Why would I use my child's name to get back at you? " Said Chu Xia.

Sikong Jue was suddenly delighted. "really? You don't hate me that much, do you? "

"No, I hate you that much, but I won't take revenge on my own child! " Chuxia was certain that she hated him.

"I know you hate me. Don't be angry. Can you make it up to me? " Sikong jue lowered his head.

Chuxia said, "Sikong Jue, did I ever forgive you? "

Was He drunk? Did he think that she would forgive him just because he said a simple apology?

"Don't be angry, " Sikong jue explained.

"I want to kill you! Are you leaving or not? " Chuxia said fiercely.

"I'm not leaving. What can you do to me? " Sikong Jue said angrily.

He held Chuxia's hand with one hand. Chuxia only had one hand left. She could not strangle him to death with one hand anyway.

Chuxia knew that Sikong Jue was deliberately watching her do nothing to him!

But would she be so stupid to strangle him to death?

She could not strangle a man to death with one hand, could she?

Her lips curled into a cold smile. Sikong Jue had underestimated her. Who was she Chuxia!

"Are you coming or not? If not, I'LL CRIPPLE YOU! "

Sikong Jue was forced to let go of the little woman in pain. How was she a woman?

When a woman became intrepid, it was definitely not because she was angry, it was because of a nuclear explosion!

There was a light knock on the door. "Chuxia, I'm back. "

Ming Tai pushed the door open and walked in. He saw the shocking scene in front of him. Chuxia Zheng... ...

He was shocked to the spot and his mind went blank.

"Ming Tai, don't misunderstand. I'm fine with him! " Chuxia quickly let go of Sikong Jue.

"WHO said we're fine? We still have a lot of things to settle. I'll leave first today. We'll talk about our matters tomorrow. I'll come visit my daughter every day from now on! She's my daughter, I have custody! " Sikong Jue took a few steps back and turned around to walk out of the ward.

Ming Tai was here. There was nothing he could do, so he could only leave first. Moreover, this woman really needed to be taught a lesson. He had to teach her a good lesson!

Ming Tai watched the man walk away and clenched his fists. "Are you guys really okay? "

"Of course we're fine. What else do you think I can do with him? Have you forgotten how he treated me? I'll never forgive him in my life! " Chuxia said coldly.

"Then what about you guys just now? " Ming Tai was surprised.

"I chased him away, but he didn't leave. Don't talk about him. I'm annoyed! " Chuxia frowned.

"Did you tell him that Chu Chu is his daughter? " Ming Tai asked.

"I didn't tell him. I don't know how he found out. Ming Tai, I really didn't betray you, " Chu Xia quickly explained.

She owed Ming Tai too much. Ming Tai had been waiting for her, and that damn Sikong jue wanted to bully her!

"Then why did he come? " Ming Tai asked.

"He came to apologize to me, " Chu Xia continued to explain.

Ming Tai frowned. He did not expect Sikong Jue to come to apologize. "Do you plan to forgive him? "

"No, never! " Chu Xia said resolutely.

Ming Tai ran his hand through Chu Xia's hair. "Xia Xia, I hope that no matter what decision you make, you won't consider me! Because I don't want you to stay by my side because you're grateful to me!

"I don't consider myself a saint of love, but I also know that there's a kind of love called fulfillment. "I would rather let go and fulfill your happiness than let you give up your own happiness for me. Do you understand? "

His deep voice hit the woman's forehead. He had stayed by Chu Xia's side for Yun man. Later, he realized that he liked Chu Xia and did not use her as a substitute for Yun man.

However, whether it was Yun man or Chu Xia, he did not want to force a relationship. He valued relationships very much.

Chu Xia's eyes were watery. "Ming Tai, thank you. "

"Xia Xia, I only want you to be happy and not cry anymore! " Ming Tai reached out and hugged Chu Xia in his arms.

Chu Xia was grateful for Ming Tai's magnanimity. No matter what she did, he would always tolerate her!

"Ming Tai, you don't have to be so nice to me? " She sobbed

"I'm not being nice to you. I just value my own feelings and respect my love. I don't want my love to be discounted. Do you understand? " Ming Tai said brightly.

Chu Xia looked up at the man. He stood tall and handsome with a halo around him. He was so perfect that people wanted to look up to him.

"I know. You're the best man. You should use the most perfect love to match you! "

Such a good man should not have any darkness or concealment. Otherwise, it would be blasphemy to him.

Just as the two of them were talking, someone knocked on the door again.

"Chu Xia, come quickly. Look! " Qin Sheng's voice rushed into the room.

Chu Xia quickly opened the door. "Qin Sheng, what happened? "

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