May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 703 - Chapter 703 must have 13 children

Chapter 703: Chapter 703 must have 13 children

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Qin Sheng pulled Chu Chu behind her to protect her. The smile on Zhuo Nan's face made her look creepy.

"Chu Chu has finished eating. We'll take our leave first, " she said.

"Have you finished eating? Chu Chu, come here! Come to uncle and tell uncle, have you finished eating? " Zhuo Nan waved at Chu Chu.

Chu Chu poked her head out from behind Qin Sheng. She didn't understand why Auntie pulled her behind. How good was this uncle He had given her so much delicious food.

"Uncle, I ate very well. Thank you, uncle! " She thanked him politely and walked out from behind Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng retracted her arm and pulled Chu Chu back. "Chu Chu, we had an agreement. Have you forgotten? "

It was a real headache. She was not her own daughter. Moreover, she had just brought Chu Chu today. She and the Little Milk Bun did not have that kind of tacit understanding. The Little Milk Bun did not understand her hint at all!

"I haven't forgotten. " Chu Chu said as she held Qin Sheng's hand. She had not forgotten, but she liked Zhuo Nan more as an uncle.

Zhuo Nan walked over and held Chu Chu's other small hand. "Chu Chu, I still have a lot of pastries here. Don't you want to try them? ''

He had already grasped this little girl's weakness. This little thing loved to eat!

"Ah? There's still a lot? I really want to eat! " Chu Chu's eyes widened. How many pastries was there that she had never eaten before?

These pastries were completely different from what she had eaten overseas. She really liked the pastries here.

"Then I'll get someone to bring you a few more plates of Pastries, " Zhuo Nan said.

Chu Chu jumped up happily. "thank you, uncle. You're the best uncle I've ever met! "

Qin Sheng almost vomited blood. Zhuo Nan was the best uncle?

"We won't bother you anymore. Chu Chu, let's go! " She didn't let go of Chu Chu's hand and pulled her out!

"Why are you in such a hurry, Madam Gong? You're going to wait for President Gong Anyway, " Zhuo Nan said.

"I have something to do at the company, so I won't wait for him, " Qin Sheng argued.

"If that's the case, then leave Chu Chu with me. You can go back to the company to work. When you have time, you can come and pick up Chu Chu! " Zhuo Nan said.

It was not bad for him to have Chu Chu in his hands. With Chu Chu as his weak point, he did not believe that Qin Sheng would dare to tell anyone about Yan Biao.

Qin Sheng's face was stiff. It was clear that she had taken Chu Chu as a hostage.

But Chu Chu was Chu Xia's child. She could not leave Chu Chu in such a dangerous place.

"There's no need. Chu Chu can't leave me. Chu Chu SAYS GOODBYE TO UNCLE! " She gave Chu Chu a look.

Chu Chu's lips curved. "Aunty, I'm not going with you. Come and PICK ME UP AFTER WORK! Or let my mommy come and pick me up! "

Her eyes looked at the plates of pastries that the maid brought in. She immediately could not move, completely unaware of the danger she was in!

Chu Nan was very satisfied with the Little Milk Bun's performance. He patted the Little Milk Bun's head and said, "you're so obedient. Go and EAT THE PASTRIES! "

Chu Chu nodded and was about to run away, but Qin Sheng kept grabbing her hand.

She looked up at Qin Sheng aggrievedly. She did not understand why auntie would not let her eat the pastries.

"Mr. President, thank you so much for giving so many pastries to Chu Chu. But time is so tight. Moreover, Chu Xia entrusted the child to me to take care of, so it's not good for me to leave Chu Chu here. After all, it's entrusted to me by a friend.

I think we should just take the pastries away. Chu Chu, what do you think Your mother is still waiting for you!"Qin Sheng brought out Chu Xia.

"Can you take them away? Then I'll take the pastries away to find mommy. I Want Mommy to taste the pastries here too, " Chu Chu said.

Qin Sheng looked up at Zhuo Nan. "Mr. President, do you think this is a good idea? "

She did not believe that Zhuo Nan would dare to say that they were not allowed to take the pastries away.

Zhuo Nan's eyes flashed with a cold light. "How is this a good idea? I'll let you take them away, but I won't invite you to eat here. President Gong will also complain that I didn't plan well! "

"How would I dare to blame the President? You're the president of our country H. " a man's voice came from outside the door.

Nangong Mochen walked into the room and went straight to Qin Sheng and Chu Chu.

He did not sign the document as Zhuo Nan had asked. He was just a figurehead here. It was not a big deal whether he signed it or not, but Zhuo Nan deliberately made him sign it. He knew that Zhuo Nan must have had some idea!

However, he did not know where Qin Sheng and Chu Chu were. It was not easy to find a single person in the huge presidential palace. There were dozens of people in the living room alone.

He secretly found the living room where Qin Sheng was.

Zhuo Nan's face stiffened. "President Gong, you finished Your Business so quickly? "

"President, you're exaggerating. What business do I have here? It's just a nominal position. I'll take my wife home first. " Nangong Mochen strode towards Qin Sheng and grabbed Qin Sheng's hand.

He grabbed her hand very hard and looked deeply at Qin Sheng.

On the way here, he had already discovered that there were more bodyguards here. He had followed the bodyguards here. Zhuo Nan would not add more bodyguards for no reason unless there was someone here who needed him to send more bodyguards.

Was Qin Sheng able to understand his hint This place was already very dangerous.

Qin Sheng felt the strength in the man's hand. She winked at the man to show that she understood.

"Hubby, let's go. I have an appointment with Chu Xia. Send Chu Chu over to her. "

It was a good reason. She deliberately told Zhuo Nan that she had an appointment with Chu Xia. If she did not look for Chu Xia, Chu Xia would definitely find out that she had gone missing.

"We have an appointment. Then we can't miss it. Let's go! " Nangong mochen grabbed Qin Sheng with one hand and Chu Chu with the other, leading them out.

Chu Chu pouted. She hadn't eaten the pastries yet!

She was about to protest when she saw the man's gloomy face. She pouted and didn't dare to speak. She was so wronged that she wanted to cry.

"Aunty, I don't want to be with uncle. He's so fierce. I want to find my mother! " Mou ran cried.

"Okay, Aunty will bring you to find your mother right away! " Qin Sheng finally heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Chu Chu didn't insist on staying.

Zhuo Nan pursed his lips into a straight line. "President Gong, you seem to have forgotten that you have something with me. "

He had no choice but to remind Nangong Mochen that the DNA test results of him and Gong Mochen were in his hands. As long as he was unhappy, he could make Nangong Mochen go back to his original state at any time!

Nangong Mochen did not stop walking towards the door with Qin Sheng. "Then I'll keep it with you for now. I still have the goods that you want. When the time comes, we'll exchange. "

If Zhuo Nan wanted to buy weapons, he had to use his money. Zhuo Nan was only the president and he did not have much personal property. He could also be considered to have a hold on Zhuo Nan.

Zhuo Nan's face was tense as he watched the figures of Nangong Mochen and Qin Sheng.

A guard ran over and reported to him, "president, there are a lot of unidentified people surrounding this place. Should we stop them? "

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