May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 381 - Chapter 381 a jealous man can not flirt with 11

Chapter 381: Chapter 381 a jealous man can not flirt with 11

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Yin Yin lowered her head shyly when Li Ang looked at her. She held onto Li Ang's arm and refused to let go.

Li Ang looked away awkwardly. Why was the wild girl blushing?

"Oh no, our car has a flat tire!" Ha Siqi pulled the car to the side of the road in a hurry.

"What's going on? What kind of car is this?" Li Ang couldn't help but complain. Qin Sheng was still beside Gong Mochen. It was no different from putting a sheep in the mouth of a wolf.

"F*ck! If you have the ability, drive your car!" Ha Siqi choked. Did he want the car to break down?

He got out of the car to open the trunk and was about to pull out the spare tire. However, he found that the spare tire had mysteriously disappeared...

The tire couldn't decompose by itself, could it?

He'd heard of people stealing cars, but he hadn't heard of people stealing tires!

He walked to the front to inform Li Ang and the others that the spare tire was gone. They could only wait for the rescue car to tow their car to the garage to be repaired.

Li Ang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It was one thing for the car to have a flat tire, but how could the spare tire be lost too?

No matter how much aristocratic upbringing and gentlemanly manners he had, he couldn't suppress his desire to pick a fight with Gong Mochen.

He didn't believe that there could be so many coincidences. It was clear that Gong Mochen didn't want him to go to the resort!


In Gong Mochen's car, he looked at the little woman beside him with satisfaction. He wouldn't tell the Ha Siqi that his spare tire was gone because of him...

The corners of his lips curled into a smile. Li Ang wanted to fight with him and snatch his woman. He wanted to see how Li Ang would come!

When the car arrived at the resort, Qin Sheng ran to the place where the accident happened.

"Chu Xia, what happened? Did the fire hurt anyone?" she asked.

"No. When the fire broke out, no one was at the resort. When we came back, the place was on fire. That's when we called you," Chu Xia explained.

Qin Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one had been hurt.

"But Chu Xia, why are you back? Shouldn't you be in the hospital?" Qin Sheng asked.

Chu Xia's voice was obviously still hoarse, although it was much better than yesterday.

"I'd rather come back. Those two men annoyed me to death. At least I don't have to be followed by Sikong Jue when I come back here!" Chu Xia was on the verge of tears. Being surrounded by two men was definitely not romantic.

Qin Sheng shook her head helplessly. "I think you still need to rest. After all, you..."

Chu Xia pulled Qin Sheng's hand. Sweat rolled down her face in response to Qin Sheng's words. She hadn't thought of how to tell Ming Tai about her pregnancy, and Ming Tai was right beside her.

Qin Sheng forced a smile. "Well, I mean, you're still sick after all."

Chu Xia took a deep breath and finally came back to herself.

"Yes, yes. I'll definitely have a good rest." Chu Xia wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with her hand.

"Since you've been busy all night, why don't you go back to your room and rest? I'll get someone to prepare the food. You can catch up on your sleep after you eat," Gong Mochen said.

Chu Xia pushed Qin Sheng. "Go quickly. You don't look well. Go to sleep. I'm watching over here."

Speaking of food, Qin Sheng's stomach growled. Since yesterday, she hadn't eaten a single meal. She had been looking for Li Ang all night, and was really tired and sleepy.

She obediently went back to her room with Gong Mochen.

As soon as she opened the door, Qin Sheng smelled the aroma of food. It was all her favorite food.

She quickly ran over and sat on the chair. She couldn't wait to grab the French lamb chops on the plate. The lamb chops were filled with meat. They were shaped like a comma, so they were very easy to chew.

Gong Mochen picked up the disinfectant tissue on the table and grabbed the little woman's hand to wipe it.

"Eat slowly. Don't choke."

He didn't let go of her hand until both of her claws were wiped clean. He scooped out another bowl of cream soup for her.

Qin Sheng drank a mouthful of cream soup and suddenly thought of something. "When did you ask someone to prepare food? How did you know that I would have to come here?"

Qin Sheng thought of this question.

Gong Mochen's face tensed up. "I only informed Nie Feng to get someone to prepare it because I knew you were coming. Aren't you hungry? Hurry up and eat."

He cut the steak into small pieces and fed it to the little woman.

Qin Sheng stared at the man's face with her big eyes and bit down on the steak. "Gong Mochen, do you dare to say that the fire had nothing to do with you?"

Why was the feeling in her gut getting more and more intense?

"It had nothing to do with me. It was something to do with my subordinates..."

Gong Mochen fed the little woman a piece of lettuce from the vegetable salad. "Don't be picky. Vegetables are nutritious too."

He put more food in little woman's mouth and didn't allow her to speak.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes and didn't continue to ask. The one sitting next to her was clearly a big-tailed wolf. Had the fire been set because he didn't want her to live with Li Ang?

The obedient little woman who ate made Gong Mochen feel relieved. He fed the Qin Sheng until she couldn't eat anymore. Only then did he finish the rest of the food. The quiet atmosphere made the corner of his lips curl into a happy smile.

Qin Sheng was urged by the man to take a shower and get into bed after eating. She was seriously short of sleep. After taking a shower, she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Gong Mochen covered Qin Sheng with the quilt and walked out of the suite.

Li Ang and Ha Siqi appeared in the corridor, Li Ang in his wheelchair.

Li Ang's eyes were about to burn out of his skull. "Gong Mochen! Don't tell me that you didn't set the fire! Was Ha Siqi's car also damaged by you?"

Gong Mochen smiled. "If you want to fight for a woman, you have to have the means. I advise you to take care of your legs."

Li Ang's lips twitched. He couldn't even walk now, let alone steal Qin Sheng.

"I'm back. Don't even think about stealing Qin Sheng!"

Gong Mochen and Qin Zixian harmed him together. That meant that Gong Mochen and Qin Zixian had been together for a long time. It meant that Gong Mochen was pretending in front of Qin Sheng and he was just using her!

Even if Qin Sheng wasn't with him, he wouldn't let Qin Sheng be with such a dangerous person!

"I'll wait..." Gong Mochen elegantly buttoned up the cufflinks on his shirt. "Qin Sheng has just fallen asleep. Don't disturb her. She didn't sleep for the whole night because she was desperate to find you."

"I don't need you to tell me how to take care of Qin Sheng!" Li Ang said coldly.

"That's good." Gong Mochen walked to the elevator.

The rooms here were all single-room suites. Even if Li Ang wanted to stay here, he would have to sleep in his own single room. He didn't have to worry that Li Ang would be with Qin Sheng.

And he had already bought the resort. He had the room card to enter Qin Sheng's room at any time. Only when Qin Sheng stayed here could he be at ease.

Li Ang's hand pounded on the armrest of the wheelchair. "Ha Siqi, get me a room here. I want to stay here with Qin Sheng."

"Okay, I'll get one too," Ha Siqi said. Seeing the two men who were about to fight, he was not at ease to leave.


Qin Sheng didn't know how long she had slept. When she opened her eyes, the light from the horizon shone through the window. For a moment, she didn't know if the sky was getting dark or if it was just getting bright.

She heard the man's uniform sucking sound. When she turned her eyes, she saw the man's face...

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