May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1736 - Chapter 1736, this man belongs to me. 89

Chapter 1736: Chapter 1736, this man belongs to me. 89

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

George laughed awkwardly. "Hehe, that's right, boss. Don't worry, I'll go and look for clues and find out where the ID of the hacker is. When the time comes, we'll be able to track him down. "

"I'll give you one day. If you can't find the ID, bring your head to meet me! " Nangong ye hung up the phone.

George heard the sound of the phone hanging up and his lips twitched.

F * Ck, there's no need to be so ruthless, right You want to see my head F * Ck Me, I'm a hacker and my life is in danger. I'M AWESOME TOO!

He clicked on the video of the multi-party meeting on his computer. "Brothers, we're going through a calamity. Boss has ordered that we must find the ID of the person who attacked the news network within a day. WE'RE GOING TO RISK OUR LIVES! "

"F * Ck, no way, a day! Now that the news network has been paralyzed, it can be seen how powerful that person is. He hid his traces! "

"That's right, I also feel that he must hide his traces. It's not easy to find his ID. If he swept his tail, where are we going to catch him? "

George's hand grabbed his own hair. "No matter how good a Fox is, it can't be compared to an old hunter, right? Don't grow someone else's ambition and destroy our own prestige! "

"This isn't something to destroy our own prestige! It's a matter of seeking truth from facts. Back then, when shadowless attacked the Pentagon, up until now, the United Nations Investigation Bureau still hasn't been able to catch any evidence of him. Do you think that the few of US can deal with shadowless? He's the God of hackers! "

"Yeah, if we can catch evidence of him, then we can solve the case of the Pentagon's intelligence theft back then! F * Ck, could it be that I can get the reward? "

"No one has gotten that reward yet! " "Hahaha, I have high hopes for all of you. Forget it. I don't think I can deal with shadowless. I withdrew. Back then, many hackers were asked by the investigation bureau to help look for him. Later, do you know what happened to them? " "The jobs they received later and the programs they completed would be inexplicably tampered with or directly deleted. I don't WANT TO CAUSE TROUBLE FOR MYSELF! "

George's face darkened. "Do you think you can take on the business of the Nan Gong family as you wish and leave as you wish? Give it a try! Let's see if you still have any business to take on in the future. "

The few people on the screen fell silent. They could not afford to offend Wuying, much less Nangong ye!

After a moment of silence, a hacker finally said, "We can't afford to offend either of these two people, but you asked us to check the ids of the hacked websites. It's not that we don't want to check, but we just feel that we can't find them! "

"If we can find them, we want to do this business too! "

George helplessly spread his hands "I feel that there's no point in discussing this issue now. It's not a question of whether we can find them or not, but a question that we must investigate. How do we know that we can't find them if we don't investigate "If we can destroy shadowless, we'll be the god of hacking "Let's split up the work. Who will restore the news website "Who will check the visitor's browsing history "Who will follow? "

"I'll restore the news website. "

"Alright, let's do it. I'LL FOLLOW! "

"Alright, I'll go check the visitor's browsing history. "

The three of them immediately split up the work.

"I'll follow too. If you find the visitor's browsing ID, send it to us. WE'LL FOLLOW! " George said.

The website could find out how many visitors came in to browse every day. It could also find out what the visitor did on the news website, such as what he saw on the news or what he commented on.

They could also use the ID of the visitor to track down the visitor's computer and see what the visitor usually did. This way, they could determine whether the visitor was shadowless or not.

After George had arranged everything, he brought his people to take action.

Not only were these people not confident that they could find out, but he was also not confident. After all, they were all lurking on various news websites and had not discovered that someone had come in and paralyzed the news website.

Time passed by as a few people frantically clicked on their computers. However, the records of all the visitors they checked were all normal citizens.

Fang Yuan, who was in the hospital, saw that there were no more news about her on the news website. She smiled happily. This was the effect she wanted. She wanted to see who would dare to Publish her news again. As long as the website published her news.. She would let Yi Feng destroy this news website!

No news website was not afraid that their website would suddenly crash. Therefore, when the website was restored, the new website did not dare to publish Fang Yuan's news anymore.

She flipped through the news website in satisfaction and looked at other people's news. A piece of news appeared in her eyes.

The photo on the news showed Xiao Hui in her best dress. Xiao Hui was dressed in a white gown and looked as pure as a fairy. The photo showed her having dinner with the director and a few famous celebrities.

Her hand almost crushed her phone. Now that her news was gone, no one scolded her. However, those people ran to support Xiao Hui's news and even said in Xiao Hui's news that they believed that Xiao Hui did not push her There was also a group of people who followed Xiao Hui and scolded her in the group Chat!

Her heart ached. This feeling was worse than directly scolding her!

She dialed Yi Feng's number. She was too angry. She wanted to destroy Xiao Hui!

The call was picked up instantly. She could not wait for Yi Feng to speak and immediately ordered, "go and destroy Xiao Hui's news. I won't allow her news to be published. I won't allow her to be liked by others! "

She roared furiously. Xiao Hui was like a needle piercing into her heart, causing her to be in so much pain that she could not breathe!

Yi Feng's deep voice came from the phone. "Xiao Hui's news is encrypted. I can't delete her news alone. Moreover, there are quite a few hackers protecting the news network now. I can't go now. "

"Then what should we do? I don't allow her to make movies. I don't allow her to become a star! " Fang Yuan roared angrily.

"You don't allow it. You can only endure it for now. You can't make a move now. Moreover, she's currently receiving a live exclusive interview from the media. Do you want me to destroy the television station or the signal tower? " Yi Feng asked.

"Live exclusive interview? I'll go and watch her exclusive interview! " Fang Yuan Hung up the phone and turned on the television with the remote control.

The Entertainment News Station was Broadcasting Xiao Hui's exclusive interview.

"Miss Xiao Hui, this time, you've signed with Feng Yun Global Entertainment to act as the female lead in the New Year's movie, 'the overbearing CEO's little maid. ' May I ask, what do you think of acting as such an important female lead? " The host asked.

Xiao Hui was dressed in a light green dress. Her fair face was covered in nude makeup, and she looked pure and innocent like the girl next door. "I think I should act as myself, because I'm a maid, and my master is an overbearing CEO. "

"You've never concealed your identity as a maid. Don't you want to make yourself look taller? " The host continued to ask.

"I feel that no matter what I do, it's just a job. And my fame is to tell all the girls, no matter what you do now, no matter what your identity is, as long as you work hard, there will be a sunny day "I, a maid, can have my own spring, let alone those white-collar sisters and university students! " Xiao Hui said.

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