May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1711 - Chapter 1711. This man belongs to me

Chapter 1711: Chapter 1711. This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"That's right. I just took care of the hotel. I, I didn't want to go to school at that time. Later on, my father insisted that I go to that Aristocratic School in England to study. He said that if my friends were to ask me about it in the future, I would have more face. "He spent a large sum of money to sponsor the school. I had no choice but to go. " Dong Wenjin was confused by Nangong Ye's question.

"You and Fang Yuan are students from the same class? " Nangong ye continued to ask.

"Yes, " Dong Wenjin replied. Suddenly, he remembered something. "I don't have anything with Fang Yuan. She has a very bad temper. I can't stand this kind of woman. At most, we are classmates and ordinary friends. "

He was afraid that Nangong ye would find out about him and Fang Yuan. Nangong ye and Fang Yuan had caused such a huge ruckus. He felt that it was better for him to distance himself from Fang Yuan.

"Just ordinary friends? " The report I received was not like that. You two had been in love and even lived together. During the time you were in school, you rented a hotel near the school 32 times in total. Not counting the number of times you two dated in other places,"Nangong Ye said.

With Dong Wenjin's name, he asked George to search the hotels near the school and easily found Dong Wenjin's name. Moreover, there were many women who booked a hotel with Dong Wenjin, and Fang Yuan was one of them.

Dong Wenjin's entire body trembled and his face turned pale. No matter what, Fang Yuan was Nangong ye's woman. If he said that he had dated Nangong Ye's woman, was he going to be skinned alive by Nangong ye?

"Young Master Nangong! I wasn't the one who seduced her. She was the one who came to me. She said that she was lonely and wanted to find a man to play with. I was also at a young age, so I didn't resist her temptation and went to a hotel with her.

When she was in school, her boyfriend wasn't me She had many men, but I heard that before she returned to the country, she went for an operation to shrink her vagina and repair it. Then, she pretended to be an obedient girl and returned to the country.

She even came to me and didn't allow me to talk about the past. I thought that since we were just playing around, I didn't need to interfere with her marriage in the future, so I didn't mention anything between us,"Dong Wenjin quickly explained.

Nangong ye looked at Dong Wenjin in surprise. He didn't expect Fang Yuan's life to be so messy before she returned to the country.

The corners of his lips were filled with coldness. He didn't expect this woman to be so good at pretending!

"when she was in school, who was her boyfriend if not you? " Nangong ye asked.

"I don't know either. She never said who her boyfriend was, but we all know that she had a boyfriend. She would even buy clothes for that man. "I heard from other girls that her boyfriend's family background wasn't good, so she didn't want to expose his identity. "However, I don't know if that's the reason, " said Dong Wenjin.

"Her family background isn't good, so she didn't expose her boyfriend's identity. That's also possible. Unfortunately, I don't know who her boyfriend is! " George chewed on the fried ribs sent by the waiter and drank red wine. He was really enjoying himself!

"Hehe, it's not easy to find out. We can force that man to jump out himself, " Nangong ye said coldly.

"What can you do? " George asked curiously.

Nangong ye ignored George and continued to talk to Dong Wenjin, "have you been a hacker before? "

His words were very sudden, and he was caught off guard.

"No, I don't know how, " Dong Wenjin said reflexively. In an instant, he was stunned. Why did Nangong ye ask him this question? His knowledge of computers was only limited to playing games.

"George. " Nangong ye looked at George, who was gnawing on a bone happily.

George smacked his lips and knew that his job had come. He took a tissue to wipe his hands, stood up, and walked to Dong Wenjin. He snatched the phone from Dong Wenjin's hand.

"Why did you snatch my phone? " Dong Wenjin stretched out his hand, wanting to take back his phone.

"Don't worry, I'll just look at it for a while. I'll return it to you in a while, " said George.

Dong Wenjin was stunned. His phone was fingerprinted. He did not believe that George would be able to turn on his phone.

He did not say anything more and waited for George to beg him to turn on his phone. In fact, there was nothing in his phone. It was fine to let George take a look at it. However, George's way of doing things disgusted him. After all, a phone was a person's private thing.

However, what surprised him was that George picked out a data cable and connected himself to his phone. Then, he did not know what George had entered into his phone. His phone was unlocked in a flash.

"Ah? You, how did you do it? " Dong Wenjin looked at George as if he was a monster.

George raised his eyebrows and looked at Dong Wenjin with disgust. His eyes were full of words. What have you seen TCH!

He took Dong Wenjin's phone and fiddled with it for a while before throwing it back to Dong Wenjin.

Dong Wenjin quickly caught his phone. He opened it and looked at it. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his phone. It seemed that George really just looked at it.

"How is it? " Nangong ye asked.

"There's no problem. He's just a mild digital retard. He won't be able to be a hacker in his lifetime, " George said.

The corner of Dong Wenjin's lips twitched. Was He a digital retard?

His lips pursed into a straight line. If Nangong ye wasn't here, he would have definitely knocked out George.

Nangong Ye's brows sank. "Are you sure? "

"I'm sure! " The phones that we hackers use are all custom-made. The functions of the phone are comparable to a high-performance computer. His phone is too low-end. Of course, I'm not talking about the price. His price is very high-end. Unfortunately, in the eyes of us, it's just a golden toilet. To us, it's not as useful as the ordinary toilet at home. "And in our line of work, we can't not use any programs. After all, it's an occupational disease. No one can control it, " said George.

"That means it's not him, " said Nangong Ye. He turned to look at Dong Wenjin. "In your school, who has the highest score in the computer and language courses? Or who likes to play with programs the most? "

"Our school isn't strong in this aspect. Everyone is about the same. There's no genius, but there's an idiot. He turns in blank papers for these courses. His name is Yi Feng, " said Dong Wenjin.

George scoffed disdainfully. "Turn in blank papers? That bad? I really pity him. I guess he was born with one less part. "

Nangong Ye's gaze landed on George's face. Seeing how smug George was, he felt like kicking George. It was as if no one in the world could compare to George.

"STOP SHOWING OFF! Do you think you're a hacker? If you have the ability, why don't you try creating a financial storm? "

"D * MN, big brother, that's your game, not mine. We're not on the same channel, okay? " George quickly said. He only knew how to program and be a hacker, not how to play finance. Looking at financial statements was like reading a heavenly book.

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