May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1709 - Chapter 1709. This man belongs to me

Chapter 1709: Chapter 1709. This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Hackers would never meet each other. Everyone used their code names to mingle in the hacker world. The QQ and wechat accounts of Wuying had not been logged in ever since the Pentagon incident was exposed. Wuying had completely disappeared without a trace.

"I heard that he used the trade and military secrets he stole from the Pentagon to sell for a lot of money. He has already retired and retired, " Nangong ye said.

"I also heard that he sold them for hundreds of millions of dollars. Hundreds of millions! If I had these knives, I would also retire and retire. I wouldn't have to worry about being a hacker every day if I just made some investments with this money! " George said.

"Hehe, hundreds of millions of dollars. If you want it, I have it here! If you want it, I can cut you hundreds of millions of dollars at any time, " Nangong ye said

"GET LOST! Do you want to eat meat stuffing? Hundreds of millions of dollars? Aren't you afraid of dying from exhaustion? " George said.

"think of a way to find shadowless. Whether he did it or not, if we can find him, we can at least find out what's going on with this video, " Nangong Ye said.

"Okay, I'll mobilize the people in the hacker world to look for him. However, I can't guarantee that we'll be able to find him, " George said.

"think of a way to get me a record of him, such as a phone number that he used, or a bank card, " Nangong ye ordered.

"I'm afraid not. When he disappeared, all of this was wiped clean. I only know that he once told a person in our industry that he wanted to go to university in England and live a normal life, " George recalled.

Nangong ye's eyebrows sank. "I'll get someone to check the list of people who entered the university in England. "

"D * MN, do you know how many people go to university in a country every year? How do you check? " George heard a headache.

"No matter how many people go to university every year, there is a limit to the number of foreigners. We can focus on foreigners, and we can also focus on non-recent college students. Since he said that he wanted to go to school and live a normal life, he definitely isn't a recent high school graduate. He should be older than those graduates, " Nangong ye analyzed.

"THAT'S RIGHT! You're absolutely right. If we make a choice like this, there won't be many people left! We can screen them one by one! " George's eyes flashed, as if he saw hope in solving the case.

He only hoped to solve the case quickly and go home quickly. A person like him who was idle could not stand being called by Nangong Ye to accompany Nangong ye to work every day.

He picked up his phone and began to attack the English education website. This kind of website was not difficult for them because the defense here was the lowest. He entered the website as if he was going back to his own backyard He pulled up the list of people who had been admitted to the university that had disappeared without a trace that year and screened the list of foreigners who had entered the university.

This sort of screening was even easier for them. As long as a small program was embedded, it could automatically screen out the things they wanted.

Soon, dozens of names were out.

He clicked on the link printer, and his phone was automatically connected to the printer in Nangong Ye's room through Bluetooth. A list of names was printed out.

Nangong ye took the list and took a look. With his ability to read ten lines at a glance, he took less than two seconds to look at everyone's names.

A name bumped into his eyes -- Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan's name was actually on the list. Of course, it was definitely not Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan graduated from a high school in the country and entered this aristocratic school in England. At the same time, there were a few other people who entered the school together with Fang Yuan One of these people was slightly older. When he entered the school, he was already 22 years old.

Logically, it should be the age of graduation from a university, but he had just entered the school.

"What's wrong? Where are the faces? " George looked at the silent Nangong ye and asked.

"I saw Fang Yuan's name. The video is related to her, and she happened to be attending university in England. Do you think this is a coincidence? " Nangong ye handed the name list to George.

"F * CK! What a coincidence? It can't be? " George was also surprised.

He took the name list and looked at the names on it. "I think we can focus on these older people. This person named Yi Feng is the oldest and he went to the same school as Fang Yuan. Focus on him! I don't believe in coincidences! "

"I don't believe in coincidences either. " Nangong ye reached out and pressed the call button on the landline.

A bodyguard walked into the office. "President, you called for me? "

"Take this list and investigate the people selected. I want detailed information. find out where they went after graduation, " Nangong ye instructed.

"Yes. " The bodyguard took the list and went to investigate the people on it. There was an ID number on the list, so it was easy to investigate.

Not long after, the bodyguard finished investigating the people on the list and handed a thick set of information to Nangong ye.

Nangong ye and George looked at the stack of information and sifted through the people on it.

There was one person who became the most suspicious person in the end. That person was the son of the hotel owner.

Nangong ye did not expect that the son of the hotel owner, Dong Wenjin, was actually Fang Yuan's classmate. Moreover, according to the information, the two of them had a very good relationship.

As for that person called Yi Feng, he did not have any employment records after graduation. In other words, he did not go to any company to work, and no one knew where he went.

"This Dong Wenjin should be the person who tampered with the video! His own hotel, he can change it however he wants, right? And he has such a good relationship with Fang Yuan, he can totally do these things for Fang Yuan! " George said.

"I'll go and settle the score with this grandson! " Nangong ye slapped his hand on the table.

He wanted to see how Dong Wenjin could deny it this time After the video was exposed, he went to look for Dong Wenjin. However, Dong Wenjin denied that he tampered with the video and even said that he was not familiar with Fang Yuan. It was obvious that Dong Wenjin was lying.

"Alright! You go look for Dong Wenjin. I'LL GO BACK TO THE HOTEL TO REST! " George said.

He got up and was about to leave when Nangong ye grabbed the back of his collar.

"You want to run? Let's go together. Maybe this Dong Wenjin is your colleague who has been missing for many years! Let's go! " Nangong ye grabbed George and left.

"Don't grab him I'll go, I'll go, alright? I slept during the day and slept at night, but you caused jet lag. Do you know how many years it took me to develop this good habit of mine "I'll accompany you to investigate this matter. I still need to get rid of jet-lagged! " George ridiculed.

They were all night owls. They had been trained to sleep during the day and work at night for many years. However, Nangong ye had made it so that he couldn't sleep during the day.

Nangong ye drove to the hotel with George. The hotel was currently closed. He walked to the door of the hotel and kicked the door open.

The bodyguards in the hotel were shocked by Nangong Ye. One by one, they ran out to confront Nangong ye.

"who dares to break into the Dong family's hotel? " The bodyguard questioned.

"F * Ck You! " George replied as if he was watching a show.

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