May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1693 - Chapter 1693. This man belongs to me

Chapter 1693: Chapter 1693. This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"What's so hard for me? Tsk, it's me, Nangong Ye. If there's nothing else, just hang up the phone. You're so wishy-washy. Do you still look like a man? " Nangong ye hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

He didn't want his own brother to worry about things that he could solve.

Du Rui's lips twitched as he shouted into the phone, "who the hell isn't a man? which eye of yours sees that I'm not a man? "

Knowing that Nangong ye hung up the phone, he also shouted back.

"Both of my eyes can see that you're not a man. " Mu Zeyu walked over from behind Du Rui.

Du Rui turned to look at Mu Zeyu. "What the F * Ck did you say? "

He was truly enraged. No Man liked to be said that he was not a man.

"If you're a man, do what a man should do. My family has already discussed that we won't send an 'an away. If you want to fight with my family for custody of an 'An, we'll be waiting for you at any time. My family doesn't lack money. I'll give half of my assets to an 'An. Although it's not as much as your Du family's money, an 'an can still live a luxurious life and live the same life as my children, " Mu Zeyu said.

Du Rui frowned. "I will not compete with you for an 'An. As long as Yan Wei is happy, she can raise an 'an however she wants. When an 'an grows up, she can be willing or unwilling to acknowledge me as her father. "

He had thought about it. If anything happened to Yan Wei, even if he could get an 'an, he would not have a good time. Seeing Yan Wei lose control, he wished that he could get sick for Yan 'an.

"If that's the case, we will jointly issue a statement. An 'an is the child of our two families. Our two families will love her, regardless of who she is, " Mu Zeyu said.

The News of Yan Wei jumping off a building had already been exposed. It was first on the front page of all the news websites. Many people were discussing an 'An's background.

Some people said that Yan Wei had an affair with her mother and found du Rui to carry an 'An.

An 'an was instantly pushed to the cusp of the storm.

How could Mu Zeyu tolerate the people slandering Yan Wei and an 'an?

Du Rui completely agreed. "I agree. Even if you didn't say it, I wanted to tell you. We need to issue a statement to clarify our relationship with everyone. We can't let them misunderstand Yan Wei. I want to hold a press conference. Do you have any objections? "

"No objections. Of course, a press conference is better. " Mu Zeyu agreed.

"I'll invite the reporters over now. " Du Rui picked up his phone and called his reporter friends, asking them to come to the press conference.

There was no reporter who didn't like to come to such a good thing. Everyone rushed to the hospital when they received the news.

A temporary podium was set up in the hospital hall. Du Rui and Mu Zeyu stood on the podium and answered the reporters'questions.

Du Rui recounted how he and Yan Wei broke up. When he talked about his sore spot, his eyes turned red "It's my fault. When she was by my side, I didn't cherish her and didn't give her the love and warmth she wanted. I forced her to run away from me with an an.

"I didn't have the face to beg for her forgiveness. The greatest happiness in my life was to see her and an an grow up healthily and happily.

"Here, I want to thank Mu Zeyu. He was the one who gave Yan Wei the love and warmth she needed during her most difficult time. "later, Yan Wei decided to marry him. I think she made the right choice.

"everyone yearns for happiness. Even if I'm not the one who can make her happy, I still hope that she can be happy. "

Mu Zeyu continued "I love my wife very much, and I also love an 'An. An 'an is a member of our Mu family. Before she becomes an adult, our Mu family will not give up her custody rights. We will love her well. "after she becomes an adult, if she is willing to return to the DU family, we will not object. She is the little angel that God has given to the Mu and DU families. She has the right to inherit in both our families. "

"Yes, the DU family's property will be inherited by an 'An. I can announce this right now. She is my only daughter! Everything I have is hers! " Du Rui said.

"In the Mu family, she will have the same right to inherit as the other younger siblings. Our Mu family has also decided. "We are holding a press conference today to clarify the relationship between our two families. I hope that everyone will not misunderstand Yan Wei and an 'an! " Mu Zeyu said.

After the reporters heard Du Rui and Mu Zeyu's statement, they were in an uproar. They did not expect that everything was different from what everyone had guessed.

What was even more unexpected was that an 'an's awkward identity did not become the abandoned child of the two families. Instead, she became the favored child of the two families. The Du family and the Mu family were fighting to give an 'an the right to inherit.

As long as they imagined how much property an 'an would inherit, everyone was so shocked that their mouths were wide open.

A conservative estimate was that this little thing that had yet to come out of the warm box had already become a rich man in the infant world!

After du Rui and Mu Zeyu finished what they wanted to say, they walked down from the rostrum and returned to Yan Wei's ward.

Du Can was waiting for du Rui in the corridor. When du Rui saw his father, he braced himself and walked over. He didn't even discuss what he had just said with DU can. He didn't know if DU can's thoughts would change after Yan Wei and her daughter were safe.

"Dad, I just announced that the an 'an meeting will be my only successor. Whether you agree or not, this is my decision, " he said.

Du Can snorted lightly. "Hmph, do you take me as your father? Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me? "

"because to me, there's nothing to discuss, " Du Rui said.

Du Can sighed helplessly. "since it's your decision, what else can I say? "

His head turned black and his body staggered, almost falling to the ground.

Thinking about how his business would change his surname to mu, he felt like fainting.

Du Rui held onto his father. "Dad, are you okay? "

"What can happen to me? At most, our family's business will all have the surname Mu. I need to calm down. " He waved du Rui's hand away and slowly walked to the long bench in the corridor and sat down.

This was why they were fighting for the custody of an 'An. They had fought for the custody of an 'An, so an 'an could have the surname Du. However, an 'an would only have the surname mu now that she was in the Mu family.

"Dad, no matter what an 'An's surname is, she is still my daughter. Don't be anxious. When she gets married, she and I have made a rule that her child must have a surname Du. " Du Rui knew what his father was worried about, so he comforted DU can.

"Stop Coaxing me. An 'an is still a baby. She will be married for at least twenty years. When that time comes, I will be dead. Who knows what her child's surname is You Little Brat, you don't have to comfort me. I know myself very well "I will go back to the hotel to rest first. You take good care of an 'An. " After speaking, Du can stood up and left the hospital.

The corners of Du Rui's lips curled up into a smile. Although du can was unhappy, he could see that DU can still agreed to his request.

In Nangong Ye's villa, Nangong Ye's subordinates walked into Nangong Ye's study.

"Young Master! The video results are out. " The bodyguard passed the results to Nangong ye.

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