May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1690 - Chapter 1690 this man belongs to me. 43

Chapter 1690: Chapter 1690 this man belongs to me. 43

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The supermarket was on the first floor of a building. The building was very tall and had a total of 30 floors. Yan Wei took the elevator directly to the top floor of the 30th floor.

Du Rui and DU can took another elevator and chased her to the top floor.

"Yan Wei! " Du Rui saw Yan Wei and cried out in fear. Yan Wei held an an and stood on the wall of the rooftop. If she was not careful, she would fall down.

Yan Wei turned to look at Du Rui. Her eyes were as empty as a doll without a soul. "Don't come over! Don't come over! "

In her eyes, the people who surrounded her were as terrifying as monsters. She trembled and wanted to hide, but she forgot that there was a bottomless abyss behind her.

"Okay! I won't move, and you don't move either! Yan Wei, there's no path behind you. Don't move, don't move! " Du Rui said hurriedly. He reached out to stop all the people who wanted to rush up and grab Yan Wei.

Yan Wei saw that everyone stopped moving. She then calmed down and didn't move her position again. However, being watched by a group of people, she also felt unsafe. She hugged an 'an tightly and yelled at Du Rui angrily, "all of you get lost! Don't surround me! "

"Yan Wei, I'm Du Rui. Look at me! An 'an is still young. Why did you bring her out? She can't be exposed to the wind! You forgot that she still has to sleep in the warm box! Come here, we'll send an 'an back to the warm box, okay? " Du Rui said gently to Yan Wei.

When Yan Wei heard Du Rui's name, all her nerves were on alert. Her eyes focused on the man's face. "I won't go with you. I won't hand an 'An to you! YOU'RE A bad person! "

Her voice was extremely cold, completely the voice of an enemy.

Du Rui pursed his lips into a straight line. "I know I shouldn't have asked for an 'An. How about this? If you don't want to hand an 'An to me, an 'an will stay by your side, okay? You come down first, we'll go back to the hospital. "

He tried to take a few steps forward, wanting to get close to Yan Wei. As long as he could grab Yan Wei's arm, he could pull her over. It was too dangerous to stand on the wall. He felt his heart skip a beat when he looked at Yan Wei.

"Don't move! If you move again, I'll jump down with an 'an! " Yan Wei realized Du Rui's purpose and roared angrily.

"Okay, I won't move. Yan Wei, an 'an is too young. You don't want her to get sick, right? She can't be exposed to the wind. Come here, we'll go back to the hospital. I promise I won't take an 'an away! " Du Rui stood where he was, not daring to move.

"I don't believe you! YOU'RE A bad person! You're the one who wants to steal my an 'an! " Yan Wei said angrily.

Du Rui's eyes darkened. He had worked hard for a long time to make Yan Wei no longer hostile to him. In the end, they returned to their original state in one day, and she became the Yan Wei who hated him.

"I can swear to God! Yan Wei, what do I have to do to make you believe me? ''Hee said helplessly.

"I can testify that he is telling the truth. As long as you come down, we will not take an 'an away! " Du Can also said.

However, their words did not have any credibility with Yan Wei. She hugged an 'An and stood on the wall motionlessly. "If you go, I will believe you. "

"otherwise, you can go! "

"That's right. If she doesn't believe you, you will provoke her by staying here. YOU SHOULD GO QUICKLY! "

"Yeah, HURRY UP AND LEAVE! Otherwise, if she stands for too long, her legs will go weak and she will fall off. "

The onlookers said one after another.

Du Rui and DU can wanted to leave, but how could they dare to leave when Yan Wei was like this?

Du Rui's brows furrowed into a knot as he looked at Yan Wei. "We can leave. I'll get Mu Zeyu to come over and take care of you. I'm not at ease with you being here alone. "

He took out his cell phone and called Mu Zeyu, informing him to come over and see Yan Wei.

Mu Zeyu was waiting outside the operating theater. Mu Duo's surgery had just finished. He heard the ringtone of his cell phone before he saw mu duo being pushed out.

"Du Rui, have you found Yan Wei? " He answered the phone and asked hurriedly.

"I found her. Yan Wei is on the top floor of the supermarket. She doesn't believe us now. Come over and ask her to come down. She is holding an 'An and standing on the wall of the balcony, " Du Rui said.

"What? F * Ck, how did you find her? What did you say to her? " Mu Zeyu could not wait for mu duo to come out. He hurriedly ran to the hospital's door and drove straight to the supermarket.

"I didn't say anything. She ran when she saw us and then went to the balcony, " Du Rui said.

"I'LL BE THERE SOON! " Mu Zeyu's car drove very fast. The supermarket was not far from the hospital. He arrived in less than a minute!

He followed the route Du Rui had told him and took the elevator to the top floor.

As soon as he got off the elevator, he saw a group of people surrounding Yan Wei and discussing among themselves. Yan Wei was standing on the wall of the balcony.

"Yan Wei! I'm coming! COME DOWN QUICKLY! " He was scared to death by Yan Wei.

However, Yan Wei did not come down from the wall as everyone expected. Instead, she looked at the people who ran over in fear.

"Don't come over! Don't come over! I won't let you give an 'An to Du Rui! " She shouted.

Du Rui grabbed Mu Zeyu who wanted to run over. "Don't go over. Yan Wei can't take the stimulation now. "

Mu Zeyu shook off du Rui's hand. "Wei Wei, we won't give an 'An to the DU family! COME DOWN QUICKLY! "

"I don't believe what you said to my father. I heard everything. You want to send an 'an away. An 'an is my daughter. You bad people, you want to separate mother and daughter! " Yan Wei reprimanded Mu Zeyu.

"I... " Mu Zeyu was speechless. It turned out that Yan Wei had heard the conversation between him and Mu duo and went crazy.

"An 'an, even if we want to send an 'an away, we will ask for your permission. If you don't let us send her away, we will not send her away. Come down quickly, you will scare an 'An, " he explained to Yan Wei.

"If I don't come down, all of you go! All of you go! I only want to be with my daughter! " Yan Wei said.

"All of you go! How cruel, why do you want to separate mother and daughter? "

"That's right, you're really bad people! "

"Don't you recognize them? This is Mu Zeyu and du Rui, who are on the news. It's said that the daughter of Mu Zeyu's wife is du Rui's. Du Rui even declared that she wasn't his! "

"Doesn't this mean that the Child Yan Wei gave birth to is Du Rui's! This child is an illegitimate child! "

Someone in the crowd recognized Du Rui and Mu Zeyu. These few days, it was all their news, and everyone was talking about it.

Du Rui's eyes closed deeply. The matter that he didn't want to be exposed had still been exposed.

Suddenly, at the moment of exposure, he thought it through. No matter where his daughter was, no matter how the outsiders discussed it, he did not care. As long as Yan Wei and an an were safe, it was good.

Mu Zeyu had the same mentality at this moment "Enough Have you guys Seen Enough of the commotion An an is the daughter of Yan Wei and Du Rui. So what Yan Wei and I are already married. An an is also my daughter. I will also treat her like my own daughter. Did we do something wrong?"

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