May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1680 - Chapter 1680 this man belongs to me

Chapter 1680: Chapter 1680 this man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"I've said it before, the Queen or Empress Dowager of my country can not be Lian Lian! She is a member of the Nan Gong family, she is not worthy to be my daughter-in-law! " Xi Si rebuked his own son.

Willam's expression was extremely cold. "Do you think that just because you sent her away, I won't be able to find her? "

He turned around and walked out of the room. He guessed that after Lian Lian left the palace, she would go to the Middle East. If he drove the plane fast enough, he should be able to intercept the plane that sent Lian Lian.

Xi Si looked at Willam's back and said coldly, "Do you think that you can catch up to her and bring her back? If she doesn't want to leave, how can I send her away? In the end, don't you understand? She doesn't want to stay! She didn't even wait for you to leave the court and left in a hurry! "

Willam's hands were clenched into fists, the veins on the back of his hands were taut. He hated it so much that he felt a sweet taste in his throat. He knew that his father was right. If Lian Lian didn't want to leave, no one could take Lian Lian away. And in the plan that they discussed yesterday, lian Lian even agreed to stay with him and Xin Ba, but all of that was just Lian Lian's lie!"

Mou Ran, he punched the wall, and terrifying cracks spread from under his fist.

He did not say a word and strode away.

Dai Yuyan could not stand the pain of her son. She complained to Xi Si, "why did you say that to him? You know that he loves Lian Lian Very Much. "

"It's because I know that he loves Lian Lian that I wanted to say it. Only when he has completely given up will he stay in the palace well. Only then will he obediently marry a woman suitable to be the empress dowager of our country, " Xi SI said.

Dai Yuyan pursed her lips into a straight line. "I don't think Willam will easily fall in love with any woman. "

"If he is so stupid, I can't help it. A man shouldn't have feelings! He made a mistake he shouldn't have made! " Xi Si said.

"Sigh, I hope Lian Lian and Willam can have a good life. Don't get entangled in these grudges, " Dai Yuyan said.

"That's impossible. Everything has been destined since they were born. Rather than being soft-hearted, it's better to resolve these problems forcefully, " Xi SI said.

"Don't hurt Lian Lian. Don't forget, she's Xin Ba's biological mother, " Dai Yuyan said.

"okay, I promise you. I won't hurt her life, " Xi Si said.

His eyes were cold. He had promised Dai Yuyan, but he had only said that he wouldn't hurt Lian Lian's life, so he didn't go back on his word.

Willam assigned the plane in the palace to take off and Chase Lian Lian's plane.

There was a record of the plane taking off from the palace. He saw the time on the record. It was only twenty minutes earlier than the time he took off. He asked the pilot to drive at the fastest speed to chase Lian Lian.

The radar detector on the plane detected the signal of Lian Lian's plane.

"Your Majesty, we found the plane! " The pilot reported to Willam.

"CHASE! " Willam said coldly.

The pilot chased after Lian Lian's plane. He tried to talk to the pilot on the plane, but no one picked up the phone.

Suddenly, the signal on the radar detector disappeared for some reason.

"Your Majesty! The signal suddenly disappeared! " The pilot said.

Willam's eyes stared at the screen. "Why did it disappear? Does her plane have an anti-radar device? "

"No! The plane she is on is just a small passenger plane. There is no anti-radar device, " the pilot said.

"Then what is the reason for the disappearance of the signal? " Willam continued to ask.

The pilot was in a bit of a dilemma. He said that he was afraid that Willam would get angry, not to mention that he was afraid that the man would get even angrier.

"It's possible. It's possible that the plane crashed, " the pilot said hesitantly.

Willam's eyebrows knitted into a knot. "where did he crash? Tell our people to search for him! "

"Yes. " The pilot used his communication device to contact all the planes, and they landed together to search for the crashed plane.

Willam's blood seemed to be flowing in reverse, making it hard for him to breathe.

The plane crash was just a guess, and the location was only an estimate. To find the plane, it would take a long time and a thorough search.

Willam mobilized the army to rush over to search for the plane.

When the last rays of the sunset in the sky scattered on the ground, Willam's people finally found the crashed plane.

The plane crashed into a forest, causing the forest to catch fire. Only then did they find the plane.

He led his men into the forest. "Go look for anyone who escaped nearby! "

As he ordered, his heart jumped in panic. Lian Lian would skydive. She would definitely be ABLE TO ESCAPE THIS CALAMITY!

Thinking of Lian Lian and their child, his heart had never been so chaotic.

When he walked to the side of the crashed plane, the fire in the forest had already been extinguished. There were three corpses on the empty ground in front of the plane.

His face was extremely cold. He did not even dare to ask if Lian Lian was among these people!

The guard walked over and reported, "Your Majesty, there are three remains on the plane. One of them is a pregnant woman, but they have been burned beyond recognition. We can't tell what they look like. "

Willam's mind was blank. Was Lian Lian Dead?

"IMPOSSIBLE! You lied to me! My woman will not die! She will skydive! " He roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, we don't know what happened either. It's just that these three bodies were found. If we want to know why the plane crashed, we still need to study the plane's black box, " the guard said.

"Go and study it. I want to know the reason! Also, check my DNA. I don't believe Lian Lian is in there! " Williamson said coldly.

"Yes! " The guard took the three bodies away.

Willam didn't even look at the bodies. He didn't believe Lian Lian would die!

His phone received a call from Sikong Yi.

"Why didn't you contact me when you went to the palace? Where's Lian Lian? I called her and said her phone was turned off, ''SikonggYii asked.

Willam's voice was stuck in his throat. He forced himself to say the words with difficulty, "Lian Lian's plane crashed. I'm looking for her. "

Sikong Yi's voice did not come out from the phone for a long time. After a long pause, Sikong Yi's mind returned to normal. "Why did Lian Lian take the plane? Why did she crash? Willam, I'm going to the palace now. If Lian Lian is in trouble, I can't beat you to death! "

He shouted angrily, hung up the phone, and drove to the palace.

Willam also took the plane back to the palace. He wanted to see the DNA report.


In the darkness, Lian Lian tried hard to shine the light. It seemed that she had walked for a long time. She was very tired, but she could not walk out of the darkness.

Finally, she saw a ray of light. She ran towards the light. The light was getting more and more dazzling. Her eyes were hurting from the piercing light. She screamed, "AH! "

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and finally woke up from the nightmare.

Cold sweat rolled down her forehead. She finally saw where she was... ...

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