May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1672 - Chapter 1672: This man belongs to me

Chapter 1672: Chapter 1672: This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"So there is no more You are lying Young Master Nan Gong, now you know who is a scheming woman and who is lying, right Our Fang Yuan is a victim. I will tell President Gong about this and ask him to give our Fang Yuan Justice!"Fang said arrogantly He took out his cell phone and recorded a video for Gong Mochen, asking him to do whatever he wanted.

Nangong ye frowned. What he hated the most was lying and betrayal. He looked at Xiao Hui with deep eyes and asked, "Xiao Hui, how do you explain this? "

"Young Master, I really didn't lie. I can swear to the heavens that if I lie, I will die a horrible death! " Xiao Hui thought of a way to prove herself. The only way she could confess to herself was by swearing.

"Who doesn't know how to swear? Hehe, if swearing works, there will be no bad people in this world! " Mrs. Fang said.

Xiao Hui lowered her head. It was clear that her oath was Pale and powerless. "Young Master, I know I can't prove myself, but I really didn't lie! "

She suddenly turned around and knocked against the wall. She thought that she had no way to prove herself other than death.

Nangong ye grabbed Xiao Hui's arm. "Nonsense! "

He roared angrily. The matter had not been clearly investigated, and Xiao Hui was about to seek death. He was truly angered by her.

"Hehe, you want to seek death Do you think you can prove your innocence by dying You Scheming girl, you want to play suicide to gain young master Nangong's sympathy Unfortunately, in front of the facts, your death is useless Young Master Nan Gong, I'm going to pursue this matter We're going to sue Xiao Hui in the court for maliciously harming my daughter's reputation!"Mrs. Fang said.

"Yes, we'll pursue this matter! " Fang said, "did you see that? President Gong said that he will compensate me for all my losses! He also wants to hire workers to rebuild my damaged house! "

He showed his cell phone to Nangong Ye; he had won this round.

The music on Nangong Ye's cell phone rang, and he answered his father's call.

"Dad, " He snorted coldly

"GET BACK HERE! " Gong Mochen only gave his son three words.

Nangong ye pursed his lips into a straight line. "got it. "

He pulled Xiao Hui into the car and drove it out of the Fang family home. He brought Xiao Hui back to his villa.

Fang Yuan pressed her hand on her heart. She did not dare to speak until she saw Nangong Ye's car disappear from her sight. "will he believe me? "

"If he doesn't believe you, who will he believe? All the evidence proves that you are telling the truth, and Xiao Hui is lying! Don't worry, Xiao Hui will definitely be driven out of the Nan Gong family!

"The key is that you have to protect this child. As long as he is born safely, he will be the heir of the Nan Gong family! " Mrs. Fang said.

"Yes, I will take good care of him. He has been doing well for the past few days. " Fang Yuan touched her belly, which was all of her chips.

"What are you talking about with Fang Yuan? Why don't you let her go upstairs and lie down? " Fang scolded his wife.

"Yes, yes, go and lie down. Nothing can happen to the child! " Mrs. Fang instructed her daughter.

Fang Yuan walked up the stairs and returned to her room to continue lying down to protect the fetus. It was extremely difficult to protect a child that was obtained through this method, and it was usually a miscarriage.

As soon as Nangong ye entered the door, he saw his father's gloomy expression.

"You really have the ability to drive into someone's living room? Why didn't you drive up to the house? " Gong Mochen said coldly.

"I wanted to go up to the house. The stairs in their house are too narrow, " Nangong ye said loudly, completely ignoring his father's expression.

He Sat on the Sofa opposite his father, crossing his legs as if he was playing with the world.

"Why did I give birth to a b * Stard like you? Is this how you handle things? " Gong Mochen threw the teacup in his hand onto the ground, shattering it.

Xiao Hui knelt on the ground with a thud. "Master, Madam, I didn't lie. I really didn't lie. But I don't know why Fang Yuan wasn't in the hotel video. "

She wiped her tears, not knowing how to explain it to Gong Mochen.

"since the matter is out, we have to find a way to solve it. It's useless to be angry. Xiao Hui, get up first. " Qin Sheng said.

"Why don't I resign? If I leave young master, there won't be any news. " Xiao Hui said.

"If you leave here, others will only think that you're the one who lied. If you want to confess, I won't stop you. However, I think that if you're really not lying, you should continue to investigate. " Qin Sheng said.

"I'm not lying. I'm afraid that I'll cause too much of an impact on young master. " Xiao Hui said.

"The impact is already there. Whether you leave or not, it's already like this, " Nangong Ye said.

"Yes, it's already like this. Whether you leave or not is the same. Now, we have to find out the truth, " Qin Sheng said.

"My people have already gone to get all the surveillance videos and see if they can find any problems, " Gong Mochen said.

Nangong ye clenched his fists. "If I find out WHO's lying, I won't let her off! "

"Young Master, do you still believe me? " Xiao Hui looked at Nangong ye in a daze. The evidence was already powerless. If Nangong ye didn't believe her and she was sued by the Fang family, she could only go to jail.

"Xiao Hui, can I trust you? " Nangong ye asked.

He looked into Xiao Hui's eyes. All the evidence proved that Xiao Hui was lying. The relationship between the two of them over the years was dependent on whether Xiao Hui was lying or not.

He valued his own feelings very much. The wealthy families did not lack money, and the ones they could not afford were feelings. Every sincere feeling was extremely precious to him.

Xiao Hui's tears rolled down. She shook her head and cried, "I really did not lie, but I really don't know why Fang Yuan was not in the video. "

It was as if the heavens had played a joke on her, throwing her into a bottomless abyss, and even cutting off the rope for her escape.

"As long as you didn't lie, I'll be able to find out the truth. No matter how perfect the evidence is, if it's not true, there will always be flaws, " Nangong ye said.

Xiao Hui lowered her head and kowtowed to Nangong ye and Gong Mochen. "Master, young master, I can swear on the lives of my entire family that I really didn't lie! "

"Get up. The truth will be found eventually. " Qin Sheng instructed the servants beside her to help Xiao Hui up.

Nangong ye took out his phone and looked at the news on it. His news was suppressed by Du Rui's news.

All the news websites were reporting that Du Rui and his sister had an illegitimate child, and his sister had married his father's adopted son.

This kind of complicated gossip had always been the people's favorite. The above reports were clicked and pushed to the front page headlines.

Music started playing on Nangong Ye's phone. It was a call from Du Rui.

His fingers slipped and answered the phone. Du Rui's curses were heard from the phone.

"F * CK HIS GRANDPA. I wonder which grandson leaked the news about me and Yan Wei. Now, the news is all over the place! Let me know who it is. I'll F * CKING castrate him! " Du Rui roared angrily.

Nangong ye's forehead darkened... ...

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