May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1645 - Chapter 1645 I want baby and you 345

Chapter 1645: Chapter 1645 I want baby and you 345

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Following the gunshot, Yan Miao screamed and fell to the ground.

This shot hit her right on the back of the heart. She turned to look at brother Qiang and spat out a mouthful of blood. "You, why did you kill me? "

"Hehe, you're useless to me. I've wanted to kill you for a long time. However, I didn't have enough manpower just now, so I kept you. You still want to betray me and take 600 million for yourself? Dream on, I won't give you the chance to betray me! " Brother Qiang said with a cold smile.

Yan Miao felt that her back was wet and cold, and her head was in a daze. She didn't need to look to know how much blood she had lost.

"I haven't betrayed you yet, and you're already hitting me? " She only thought for a moment and didn't really betray brother Qiang.

"Do I have to wait for you to betray me before I beat you to death? Yan Miao! To be honest, I never wanted to give you money! A woman like you even harmed your own daughter, what is there that you can't do? If you want to die, then die quickly! " Brother Qiang only felt that Yan Miao was in the way He Shot Yan Miao again, so that she would quickly die and shut up.

Yan Miao fell to the ground, unable to move at all. She was only left with the strength to breathe.

"Mom! Mom! How are you? " Yan Wei could not bear it in the end, so she called out for her mother. ..

"Why do you care about her? I'll tell you the truth, it was your mother who asked me to kidnap you! Otherwise, how would I know where you are, how would I know that your father and your man are willing to pay a large sum of money to ransom you? " Qiang Ge said.

"Weiwei, don't bother about your mother. She deserved it even if she died! " Qiang Ge, you let my daughter go. If you want the jewelry, I'll give you the jewelry. If you want money, I'll give you money. What do you think If you're afraid that the bank will transfer the money and you won't be able to get the money for a while, I'll give you the jewelry I guarantee that it's all genuine goods. This kind of thing is easy to sell no matter where you take it."Mu duo quickly asked his bodyguard to bring over a box The box was not big, but when he opened it, it immediately shocked everyone's eyes

Inside the box were necklaces of all kinds of gemstones, necklaces of all kinds of diamonds, and every piece of jewelry was shining with a charming luster.

Qiang Ge's eyes almost fell into the jewelry box. Although he was not in the jewelry business, he still knew a little about the jewelry market. If these jewelry were sold on the market, their value would far exceed 600 million!

"Your jewelry is very good, but if I want to sell it into money, it's too troublesome. I can't directly spend the jewelry? I don't want jewelry, I only want money. I also want a plane. You can send a plane over and send me to a safe place, " Qiang GE ordered.

"No! WE WON'T GIVE YOU A PLANE! I can ask my friends at the bank to help you shorten the time. You don't have to wait 24 hours to use the money in your account. Do you think this is okay? " Du Rui said.

"Yes! Hurry up, I want to use my money now! " Brother Qiang immediately ordered.

Du Rui took out his phone and called Nangong Ye to the bank president who introduced him to him. He explained the situation to the president and asked the bank president to shorten brother Qiang's waiting time.

Not long after, the Bank President informed Du Rui that the account could be transferred.

Du Rui quickly told brother Qiang, "your account can be transferred. Try It. If you can transfer the money, return Yan Wei to me! "

He made his request.

Brother Qiang took out his phone and tried to transfer the money. Sure enough, his money could be used.

The corners of his lips curled into a smile. He was also a person with a net worth of more than 100 million.

"Aren't you going to let Yan Wei go? Let her go! " Mu Zeyu roared angrily.

Brother Qiang's gun was pointed at Yan Wei's temple "I let her go Hehehe, aren't you guys too naive Do you think that I can let her go just because you give me money You can make a random call and I don't have to wait for 24 hours. Who knows if you'll take back my money if you make another call "I want to take Yan Wei away. As for when I'll let Yan Wei go, it depends on when I'll use all this money! "

He said in a huff. He was only afraid that his money would be withdrawn in the blink of an eye.

The corner of Du Rui's lips twitched with anger. Nangong ye had helped him contact the president of the bank. He had communicated with the President of the bank and had already called the police The police and the people from the CBRC could testify that all the adjustments they made to their bank accounts were purely for saving lives and had no meaning in terms of cash.

In other words, the CBRC and the police had agreed that Du Rui and the bank's CEO would adjust, withdraw, and transfer a huge amount of funds to brother Qiang just to save Yan Wei. The number on brother Qiang's account was really just a number for brother Qiang to see.

But brother Qiang actually wanted to hold onto Yan Wei so that he could spend 600 million. How was this possible?

"In your dreams! Let Yan Wei go, or I'll take your life right now! " He picked up the pistol and aimed it at brother Qiang's head.

Brother Qiang sneered, "do you want to compete with me in ruthlessness? You're still far from it! Before your finger pulls the trigger, I'll take their mother and son's lives! "

His finger was on the trigger of the pistol. As long as he used a little more strength, Yan Wei would die

No one dared to move. Mu Zeyu looked at brother Qiang's stance and grabbed du Rui's hand.

"No! Yan Wei is too dangerous. Let's let him go first! " He didn't dare to gamble Yan Wei's life.

"Are you crazy? You're letting him take Yan Wei Away? As long as he takes Yan Wei away, we have no chance to save Yan Wei! " Du Rui roared angrily. What he was more afraid of was that if brother Qiang took Yan Wei away, they would have no chance to find Yan Wei!

"Hehe, you've discussed it. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with me taking Yan Wei away. I'll take her life now. In any case, at most, I'll die. With two lives buried with me, I'M WORTH IT! " Brother Qiang shouted.

"Let him take Wei Wei Away! Otherwise, Wei Wei will die right now! " Mu Duo said helplessly.

"Men, hurry up and bring a plane over! " Mu Zeyu called his men and asked them to bring a helicopter over.

The plane soon arrived here. The huge propeller stirred up a gust of wind.

"All of you get out of the way. All of you get back ten meters! " Brother Qiang ordered Du Rui and the Mu Family.

Du Rui and Mu Zeyu had no choice but to take their men and step back bit by bit. Du Rui's eyes looked behind brother Qiang. If he could get behind brother Qiang, he might be able to shoot brother Qiang to death and save Yan Wei.

"Stop Looking! Your current position is fixed. Whoever dares to leave their position, I will kill Yan Wei! Don't move! " Brother Qiang saw through du Rui's thoughts As long as he could bring Yan Wei onto the plane, he would be safe. At this time, he would not give anyone the chance to kill him.

His arm imprisoned Yan Wei and brought her step by step towards the plane.

Their footsteps passed by Yan Miao who was lying on the ground. Just as they were about to pass Yan Miao, Yan Miao's hand suddenly grabbed brother Qiang's ankle... ...

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