May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1634 - Chapter 1634: I Want my child and you

Chapter 1634: Chapter 1634: I Want my child and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Nangong ye saw his mother sitting in the first row. He brought Xiao Hui over and sat next to his mother.

Qin Sheng was also attending the wedding. She would definitely do what she promised Du Xi.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say that you were going to work? " She looked at her son and the changed Xiao Hui in surprise.

"I was bored at the office, so I came out to walk Xiao Hui, " Nangong ye said indifferently. He crossed his legs. Fortunately, it was the first row of seats, or else it wouldn't be enough for him to stretch his legs.

Xiao Hui's forehead darkened. No matter how she looked at it, it sounded like walking a dog.

"Young Master, I don't need to walk. I can run on my own. " She looked at the man beside her with eager eyes. She didn't like to participate in such weddings and banquets. Standing next to Nangong ye was too stressful for her.

She would rather scrub the floor and clean the windows in the villa.

The corner of Nangong Ye's lips twitched. "If you can run on your own, how can you raise yourself to be so fat? Don't you know your own weight? "

Xiao Hui was so angry that she almost vomited blood. How did she become a weight? She was 1.6 meters tall and weighed more than 100 pounds. Although she wasn't the skinny version, she was definitely not fat.

"I'm not fat, right? " She asked in a low voice.

"Not fat? Do you know what a celebrity weighs? No one weighs more than 100 kilograms! Your height is about 90 kilograms. Go and lose weight, " Nangong Ye said.

"Young Master, I'm not a celebrity. I'm just a maid. " Xiao Hui wanted to cry but had no tears. Why was she compared to a celebrity?

"because I want to make you a celebrity! Do you see that fat pig sitting in the third row behind you? He's a director. I'll talk to him later during dinner and arrange a role for you, " Nangong Ye said.

Xiao Hui's brain was about to explode. She wasn't an Internet celebrity, and she didn't graduate from a film school. She graduated from a home economics school, so why would she act?

"Young Master, don't play with Xiao Hui, okay? Xiao Hui will be played to death by you sooner or later! "

Countless F * cking horses were running wild in her mind. She only wanted to be a maid, okay?

The corner of Nangong Ye's lips twitched. "Your words are ambiguous. How did this young master play with you? Where did I play with you? "

He sized up Xiao Hui from head to toe.

Xiao Hui had just figured out that her words were ambiguous, and her face instantly turned red.

"I. . . I didn't mean that. Young Master, Xiao Hui, can you be a maid for the rest of Your Life? " She begged the man pitifully.

"You have no ambition! Why don't you try to improve yourself? There are so many women who want me to support them and crawl to my side. Do you know how many people will vomit blood when you say that? " Nangong ye said.

Xiao Hui twisted her fingers. "Xiao Hui is just a piece of mud that can't be stuck on the wall. Young Master, please be merciful and support others! "

She knew very well what she meant to Nangong Ye. She was just a pet raised by Nangong ye, just like his dog. Nangong ye teased her happily, but if he was unhappy, he didn't need to see her for the rest of his life.

She only wanted to be a maid of the Nan Gong family in peace and stability until she retired. The salary of the Nan Gong family was high, and the treatment was good. The servants were given the highest insurance and provident fund.

When they retired, the pension they received would be several times higher than others. Moreover, the Nan Gong family would give a large flat floor as a retirement home to all the servants who were loyal to the Nan Gong family.

When they retired, the Nan Gong family would allow them to continue working.

Her only wish was to work hard for a few years, save up a down payment on a house, buy a house, bring her parents who were in the countryside to live in the city, and then find an honest bodyguard to marry.

When both of them retired, they would be able to enjoy the peaceful life of a little rich.

However, Nangong ye shattered her lifelong dream just like that.

The corner of Nangong Ye's lips twitched. "Xiao Hui, if you dare to embarrass your young Master, I will make sure that you will never be able to marry! "

He knew that Xiao Hui was very good, really good. No matter how much he teased her, Xiao Hui would never fall in love with him.

And he also knew that Xiao Hui actually liked him.

He was very comfortable with Xiao Hui because Xiao Hui did not expect too much from him. Moreover, she loved him and could tolerate all of his capriciousness.

This feeling was like you could do anything bad, but you did not have to bear any responsibility.

He liked this feeling of being unbridled, but he was not a bad person by nature. He wanted to compensate Xiao Hui a little, such as giving her all the girls'dreams.

Weren't girls all dreaming of becoming celebrities?

Xiao Hui was frightened by Nangong ye and shrunk her head. "Why did you stop me from getting married? "

She was also drunk. As long as the two of them were willing and got a marriage certificate, wouldn't that be enough? How was Nangong ye going to stop her?

Nangong ye moved closer to Xiao Hui's ear and lowered his voice "This young master forced himself to sleep with you once. You said that if you became one of my people, would my family's bodyguards still dare to have you? Even if I beat them to death, they wouldn't dare to marry you. Don't think that I don't know that the few white bodyguards in my family are interested in you! "

The corner of Xiao Hui's lips twitched. "Young Master, did I dig up your family's ancestral grave in my previous life? "

"Yes, yes, I dug it up. I saw it with my own eyes! " Nangong Ye said seriously.

The corner of Xiao Hui's lips twitched. How could Nangong ye see something that happened in her previous life Holy SH * T!

Nangong ye had enough of teasing Xiao Hui. He turned his head and glanced at Su Bei, who was welcoming the guests at the church's entrance. He got up and walked to the corridor on the side of the Church's hall.

In the corridor was the lounge, which was also where the bride used to put on her makeup.

He pushed open the door and walked into the lounge.

Wen Xin had just put on her wedding dress and asked the makeup artist to put on her veil when she saw the man who had barged in.

"It's the guest, right? The bride can't go out until the auspicious time, " the makeup artist said.

"I have something to say to her. Have you put on her makeup? " Nangong ye asked.

"I've put on her makeup, but... " the makeup artist was about to say something when she saw the stack of banknotes the man handed to her.

She hurriedly took the banknotes. No one would mind money. When she thought about how she earned money by putting on makeup and being rewarded with money, she was overjoyed.

"thank you, sir. You Two can chat! You Two can chat! " She took the money, put it into her backpack, and quickly walked out of the lounge.

Nangong ye watched as the makeup artist walked out of the room and closed the door.

Wen Xin looked at Nangong ye in astonishment. She did not know what Nangong ye was going to do?

"President Nangong, do you have something to say to me? I think we have nothing more to say, " she said hesitantly.

She was getting married today, and Nangong Ye and Fang Yuan were getting married very soon. She really had nothing more to say to Nangong Ye.

As for the matter of the child, she would never tell Nangong ye about it for the rest of her life.

Nangong ye walked towards Wen Xin step by step, almost sticking close to her. He looked down at the woman in front of him... ...

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