May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1628 - Chapter 1628 I want baby and you 328

Chapter 1628: Chapter 1628 I want baby and you 328

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Yan Miao felt that the man's hand had loosened. She was so weak that she was like a sandbag as she sat on the ground.

Her hand touched her neck that was in pain from being strangled. Her neck was in so much pain that it was as if it was broken. even her breath made her shiver in pain.

Brother Qiang kicked Yan Miao's body, sending her flying. He could not kill her, but he could hit her. As long as he could leave Yan Miao alive so that she could transfer the money to him, it would be enough.

"B * Tch! I'll keep you for a while. I'll deal with you after the transfer! " He roared angrily.

Yan Miao was kicked heavily against the wall. A mouthful of blood flowed out of her throat, and she spat out blood all over the floor.

She held her chest with her hand and felt that her bones were broken. The feeling of dying engulfed her. At this moment, she didn't believe that brother Qiang would keep her. She was afraid that if she didn't want all the money, brother Qiang would also kill her after the transfer!

She suddenly laughed coldly. Her laugh was so terrifying that it was like a ghost. She climbed up from the ground, blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

"Brother Qiang, are you going to kill me Hehe, HURRY UP AND DO IT Let me tell you, as long as I don't transfer the money to you, you won't be able to get my money even if you die And even if I die, I won't give you the money Hahaha, YOU'VE WORKED FOR NOTHING!"She said and slammed into the wall.

She had already reached a dead end. She would not let brother Qiang have it easy even if she died!

Brother Qiang's eyes narrowed. He rushed over and grabbed Yan Miao's arm, preventing Yan Miao from crashing into the wall.

"You want to die? It's not that easy! Do you believe that I will make your life worse than death? " He threatened Yan Miao.

"I want to die. How can you stop me when I can die? What does my death count for? I want to take your money and beat you up! What can you do to me? Cut Me up or cut me into pieces? Come quickly, I'M NOT AFRAID! " Yan Miao shouted angrily A mouthful of blood sprayed on the man's face.

Brother Qiang wiped the blood off his face. If a person was not afraid of death, there was nothing to threaten this person.

Brother Qiang felt like he was clutching a hedgehog. Something was wrong.

He softened his tone "What are you talking about? " "We've known each other for so long. I've always been a sharp-tongued but soft-hearted person. I didn't rush you with the money you owe me. Also, I've always been very good to my subordinates. I've never mistreated those who follow me. If you follow me, are you afraid that I'll treat you badly?

"I was just scaring you just now. I was afraid that you wouldn't listen. Why would I kill you "It's all thanks to you that we were able to earn 600 million this time. Let's stick to our original plan. How about 20% to 80% ? "

He coaxed Yan Miao. He was afraid that Yan Miao would seek death again. It didn't matter if Yan Miao was dead. How was he going to take out his 600 million?

Yan Miao laughed coldly. "Hehe, but you said it yourself. You wanted me to transfer the 600 million to you and not give me a single cent! "

"MISUNDERSTANDING! " It was definitely a misunderstanding. Think about it. Only when the money was in my hands would I be able to share it with everyone, right Not only you, but also my subordinates. I will share the hard-earned money. Moreover, I'm just testing you to see if you're loyal to me,"said brother Qiang.

He didn't dare to settle the score with Yan Miao anymore. He could only take back his words and use the money to attract Yan Miao.

"Brother Qiang, why are you testing me? I really can't take it anymore. If brother Qiang tests me a few more times, my ribs will pierce through my lungs! It'll be hard for me not to die! " Yan Miao said coldly.

"Aiyo, it's all my fault. My temper is too bad. Are Your ribs okay? " Brother Qiang quickly asked.

"If they're fine, will I vomit blood? My ribs are broken. Call the doctor over and help ME REATTACH THEM! " Yan Miao instructed.

She raised her head and looked disdainfully at brother Qiang, who was smiling with her. She finally found the right feeling. The money was in her hands. She could do whatever she wanted!

"This, that, " brother Qiang did not want to call the doctor. The more people who came here, the more dangerous he would be.

"It's fine if you don't call. I don't care when I die anyway. My chest is in great pain. The blood should have gathered in my chest. As long as the blood doesn't come out, I'll have a few hours, " Yan Miao threatened brother Qiang No one knew if she was bleeding from her chest, but if her chest was bleeding, people would definitely die.

Brother Qiang was firmly grasped by the woman's weakness. He was afraid that if the woman died, he wouldn't be able to get the money.

"Okay, okay. I'll find someone to call a doctor. You guys go and get an orthopedic Doctor! " He winked at his subordinates.

"Yes. " A bodyguard followed the order and ran out of the room.

Brother Qiang looked at Yan Miao. "My people went to get a doctor. I'll help you to the bed to rest. What do you think? "

Yan Miao raised her eyebrows. "Just now, you said that I was the one who wanted to escape. I was the one who lied. Then who was the one who lied? "

She questioned brother Qiang.

Brother Qiang glanced at Yan Wei and slapped her on the face. "B * Tch, you dare to lie and Frame Yan Miao! I'll beat you to death! "

Yan Wei was beaten to the ground. Her hands hugged her stomach. She was not prepared for brother Qiang to hit her. This fall was too heavy, and her stomach throbbed in pain.

She looked at brother Qiang angrily and did not say a word. It was useless to say anything now. Brother Qiang would listen to Yan Miao for money.

Yan Miao looked at her daughter proudly. "You still want to frame me? Now I'll let you know how powerful I am! As long as I want to, I can let brother Qiang beat you to death! "

Yan Wei's hand covered her hurt face and looked at her mother. "You're my mother. Won't your conscience hurt? "

Yan Miao's heart was suffocating. "Why would it hurt? I'm going to rest. Brother Qiang, please drag Yan Miao out. "

"This, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle. My subordinates also need a room to rest. There aren't so many rooms here. I think you should stay in the same room. ". "Oh right, I'll go and see if the doctor you hired has arrived. " Brother Qiang waved his hand and left the room with his men.

Naturally, he wouldn't take Yan Wei away. Yan Wei and Yan Miao could watch each other. Neither of them could run away.

But if they were separated and closed, it was very likely that Yan Miao would run away. How could he dare to let his money run away?

As the door closed, Yan Wei got up from the ground and walked step by step to her mother. "You don't deserve to be a mother! I've never seen a mother who can harm her own child! "

"Hehe, no one can stop me, not even my daughter Who asked you not to let me run away just now If you want to blame someone, blame yourself That 600 million is in my hands. Brother Qiang wouldn't kill me even if he died, but you're useless now I'll tell you the truth. Brother Qiang doesn't want to let you go. As long as I transfer the money to his account, he'll kill you!"Yan Miao said harshly She sneered. How dare you ruin my good deed? I Want Yan Wei's life!

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