May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1619 - Chapter 1619: I want my baby and you

Chapter 1619: Chapter 1619: I want my baby and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Yan Miao looked at her daughter clutching her stomach and panicked. "It seems like she really has a stomachache. What should we do? If something happens to her child, how are we going to ask Mu Zeyu and mu duo for money? "

"Shut up! It's so annoying! Can't you calm down? We can't go to the hospital now! If we go to the hospital, what if she runs away? Take a look at her condition first. Is she going to give birth or what? " Qiang Ge said.

"I, I don't know how to look, " Yan Miao said.

"You don't know how to look? How did you give birth to a daughter? " Asked brother Qiang.

"When I gave birth, I asked the Feng Shui Master to calculate the time and then performed the surgery according to the auspicious time. You were born by myself, " said Yan Miao.

Many wealthy families had to calculate the time of the birth of the child. They had to perform the surgery at the auspicious time to let the child be born.

Moreover, the pain of the surgery was less than that of natural childbirth. Many wealthy women also liked surgery. After all, natural childbirth would cause their birth canal to be loose and their pelvis to be deformed. The wealthy women had their own concerns. They were afraid that their figures would be out of shape and they would not be able to keep their husbands'hearts.

Therefore, they were willing to go all out for their own bodies. They would rather have a child through surgery than to have a child by themselves.

"Damn! You don't even know how to have a child! " said brother Qiang.

"You can't blame me for this, right? What should we do now? Nothing can happen to her child! " Said Yan Miao.

"Don't bother me, I got it! " The veins on brother Qiang's forehead tensed up. He could go to the hospital, but if Yan Wei were to play tricks at the hospital, his plan would be in vain!

It might even bring him a lot of trouble.

He suddenly thought of an idea. He ordered his driver, "go to the villa in the suburbs! "

The driver quickly turned the steering wheel and drove straight to brother Qiang's villa in the suburbs.

Yan Wei's eyes quietly looked at the people in the car. Her mouth was screaming in pain, but no one paid attention to her anymore. She looked at the road outside the car window. The more she walked, the more remote it became. Her heart was in her throat.

"Mom, my child is going to be lost. Hurry up and send me to the hospital. " She begged her mother.

"No, you can't go to the hospital. Hang in there. Brother Qiang will make the arrangements. ". "Sigh, this child of yours really has a grudge against me. She has been restraining me since she was young. She hasn't given me any peace of mind. Now that I'm asking you to pay off my debt, you'll have all kinds of problems, " Yan Miao said in disgust.

Yan Wei's heart was in turmoil. This was her biological mother. When she was in danger, not only did she not save her, she even despised her for being troublesome!

"Mom, I'm your biological daughter! " She sobbed. She really wanted to be like other girls and have her parents love her. Unfortunately, she had been her mother's punching bag since she was young.

"If you weren't born to me, I would still be the young lady of the Du Family! Do you know how much I've lost because of you? " Yan Miao said.

The thought of this made her feel bad. No matter how much money she could get now, she felt that Yan Wei could not make up for her loss!

Yan Wei's tears rolled down her face. Even though she had always treated Yan Miao like her own mother, trying her best to help Yan Miao pay off her debts and give Yan Miao money, Yan Miao still treated her like this!

She did not cry out in pain anymore because it was useless to cry out in pain. Yan Miao would not help her, and the people in the car would not let her go either!

The car sped to the villa in the suburbs. Yan Wei was grabbed by the arms of two men and brought to a bedroom in the villa.

The house was quite new. Through the window, she could see the construction site in the distance. The wilderness was the best description of this place. She thought that she really could not run away.

She lay on the bed to rest. She could not run away. She could only let herself rest well and recover her energy before thinking of a way to leave this place.

A woman in a coat walked in with a first-aid kit in her hand.

"Who wants to give birth prematurely? " The doctor asked.

"Her! " Brother Qiang stretched out his hand and pointed at Yan Wei who was on the bed.

He really admired his iq. Fortunately, he was smart enough to hire a doctor from the obstetrics and Gynecology Department from the hospital. This way, no matter what happened to Yan Wei, she did not need to go to the hospital.

The doctor walked towards Yan Wei. "I'll check you out. Relax and breathe evenly. "

She reached out and touched Yan Wei's stomach to check on the child's condition.

Yan Wei looked at the doctor. It seemed that this doctor and brother Qiang did not know each other. They did not communicate much. If the doctor was hired, then she could find a doctor to save her, right?

A plan flashed through her mind. "All of you, get out. The doctor will examine me. If you are here, how can I take off my clothes? "

She said hurriedly and asked everyone in the room to get out.

"Hehe, is there a need? A pregnant woman. Would we be interested in a pregnant woman? " Brother Qiang said loudly.

"You are men! I am a woman! Don't you know the difference between men and women? Didn't you graduate from kindergarten? Get Out, I want to examine you! " Yan Wei said loudly.

The corner of brother Qiang's lips twitched. "You still dare to shout at us? Do you think you are in the Mu Family? "

"If you don't want me to shout, then you can go out! Shameless! Look at the WOMAN'S PRENATAL EXAMINATION! " Yan Wei shouted angrily.

"You can go out! I've never seen so many men looking at a woman's prenatal examination! " The doctor said unhappily.

She had been a doctor for so many years, but she had never seen such a scene.

Brother Qiang's gaze swept past the window and door of the room. This was the third floor. Presumably, even if Yan Wei was pregnant, she wouldn't be able to run away from the third floor. And there was only one door. As long as his people were guarding the door, Yan Wei definitely wouldn't be able to run away!

He waved his hand and ordered his men to leave the room. He instructed Yan Miao, "you stay here and watch! If anything happens to her, I will hold you accountable! "

He fiercely said his words and also walked out of the room.

The corner of Yan Miao's lips twitched. For Yan Wei, she had been reprimanded by brother Qiang again. She turned to look at the doctor. "How is she? Is she going to give birth prematurely? "

"No, I feel that the child is fine. There are no signs of premature birth, " the doctor said honestly.

Yan Wei's face turned pale. "My stomach hurt very much just now. It really hurts! I definitely have to give birth prematurely. Do I have to go to the hospital? If I give birth prematurely, the medical conditions here are not good. "

She quickly hinted to the doctor and asked the doctor to do as she said.

However, the doctor did not even look at Yan Wei's face. He only focused on examining the fetus. "At the moment, the child is fine. Let's take another look. If you feel uncomfortable, call me again! "

She took off her rubber gloves and packed her first aid kit.

Yan Wei's heart was completely broken. Her plan to run away was gone just like that. The doctor did not see her abnormal expression at all!

The doctor carried his first aid kit out of the room and reported to brother Qiang, "I've finished my examination. Her condition is still quite stable. If you feel that it's not good, call me again. "

"Oh? Alright, I got it. You guys send the doctor out, " brother Qiang said.

The doctor followed a few men out of the villa, got into his car, and drove away from the villa.

In the room, Yan Miao slapped her daughter's face. "B * Tch! "

She cursed loudly!

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