May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1615 - Chapter 1615 I want baby and you 315

Chapter 1615: Chapter 1615 I want baby and you 315

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Yan Miao took a taxi back to her hotel. The PAPARAZZI came to the hotel room to meet Yan Miao at the time they had agreed.

Yan Miao told the Paparazzi about her past vividly, making her snot and tears run down her face "I was dating my husband, Du can, at the hotel. It was Mu duo who forced himself on me. You all know Mu duo's character. When he was young, he always played with women. I don't know why he had his eyes on me. It's a pity that a woman like me, who is powerless, was forced by him just like that.

"The DU family is a big family. I didn't dare to say that I was bullied. Later on, I got pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. I originally thought that the child was my husband, Du can. Who knew that a few years later, I discovered that the child wasn't my husband, Du can's, but mu duo's.

"My husband's mistress used this matter to get to the top and chased me out of the DU family. I was really wronged. Yan Fei and Mu duo conspired to frame me, causing me to lose my title as Mrs. Du. "You all must report the truth and seek justice for me! "

The PAPARAZZI recorded a message for Yan Miao Miao. "You mean that Yan Fei and Mu duo colluded? "

"Of course they did. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? I was on a date with my husband, and Yan Fei called my husband away, while Mu duo came to the room I booked at this time? Do you guys believe in such a coincidence? " Yan Miao said.

"So, Yan Fei schemed to frame you? " The PAPARAZZI asked.

"Yes, she schemed to frame me, and Mu duo deliberately wanted to cheat on my husband! " He had played with all kinds of women. At that time, he wanted to play with a man's wife and cheat on a rich man. Coincidentally, Yan Fei found him, and the two of them hit it off These two B * Stards, they ruined my life!"Yan Miao cried.

"Oh, oh, so sinister. Your story is simply A REAL-LIFE PLOT! " The Paparazzi said.

"This is a rich family. Many women will do anything to climb up to the rich family. "My daughter has already acknowledged Mu duo, and Mu duo has also admitted that he was the one who violated me back then. "I want to expose this matter. I want to let everyone know how Du can treated me, how Mu duo framed me and cheated on DU can! " Yan Miao said.

"This news of yours is very good. The public loves to watch the GOSSIP OF WEALTHY families. I'm sure this news will definitely make the front page headlines. Are you willing to sign an exclusive with us "If you grant us an exclusive, we can release this news for you! " The Paparazzi said.

"sign an exclusive. Will you help me hype up the news? " Yan Miao asked.

"Of course. If you want your news to be published in an overwhelming manner, sign an exclusive with us! " The PAPARAZZI said.

"Okay, as long as my news is popular! " Yan Miao picked up a pen and signed the agreement.

The Paparazzi put away the documents and recording pen. "okay, that's all for our interview. Let's go. If the news is popular, we will continue to contact you to follow up on the following reports. "

"Okay, okay. When you guys get there, give me a call. I will move to another place in a while, " Yan Miao said.

The reporters agreed to walk out of Yan Miao's room. As soon as they walked out of the hotel building, they saw people gathered in front of them.

These people were all wearing black suits, and it was obvious that they were professional bodyguards.

The two reporters were dumbfounded. They didn't know what these people were doing here?

"Who are you? Why are you surrounding us? " The reporter asked.

"Hand over your phones and voice recorder, or don't blame US FOR BEING RUDE! " The bodyguard said.

"What Voice Recorder did you say? We don't know? " The reporter quickly denied.

However, before they could finish their words, they were punched in the face by the bodyguard, and a few punches knocked them to the ground.

A few of them wailed, "why did you hit us? Someone, help! "

The bodyguards punched and kicked them as they reached out to search the reporters'backpacks and pockets.

"We'll make you do it the hard way! We'll ask you nicely, but if you don't give us anything, you'll have to f * cking stay close to US right now! " The bodyguards kicked the two reporters hard, following the rhythm of death.

The two reporters were kicked in the stomach, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of their throats. The recording pens and cell phones that they had kept in their pockets were taken away.

The bodyguards got what they wanted and kicked the reporters a few more times. When they heard the sound of police cars in the distance, they quickly ran away.

The two reporters climbed up from the ground in a sorry state. They were so angry that they couldn't breathe. They had finally gotten the news, but now that the evidence was lost, they couldn't publish it even if they wanted to.

"Let's go, let's go upstairs and find Yan Miao to record it again! I'm sure this news will be popular! We haven't even reported it yet, and someone is already chasing us! " One of the reporters said.

"Damn, do you not want to live anymore? I don't dare to interview this matter anymore? Those bodyguards almost beat me to death! Let's go and interview some scandals, it's safer that way! " Another reporter said.

"Look at how useless you are! If you don't risk your life, how can we become famous reporters? If you want a sensational news, you have to be willing to risk your life! It's fine if you don't go, I'll interview it myself. In the future when the news is popular, it will be mine alone! "

"Forget it, forget it. I'll accompany you to find Yan Miao. After all, we are good brothers! "

The two reporters discussed as they returned to the hotel. They saw a group of bodyguards running up the elevator. This group of bodyguards was wearing the same uniform as the bodyguards who beat them up just now.

The two of them quickly hid at the side to watch the commotion. "Let's not go. I'm afraid these people are going to capture Yan Miao. "

"I think so too. Let's go. It doesn't matter if the news is popular or not. WE CAN'T LOSE OUR LIVES! If you don't leave, I'll leave! "


The two Paparazzi reporters were scared away by the bodyguards. This news would kill them. They did not dare to interview anymore.

The bodyguards ran to Yan Miao's room, kicked open the door, and rushed into the room to look for Yan Miao. However, there was no one in the empty room.

They quickly picked up their phones and called their owners. "Young Master! We found the hotel where Yan Miao is staying, and we also got the recording pen and phone from the Paparazzi. However, Yan Miao ran away. "

"find her! Go and find her! If you want to see her alive, you must see her dead body! " The man ordered.

The bodyguards followed the order and ran out of the room to search for Yan Miao.

A cleaner was wearing a maid's clothes and a mask. She pushed the cleaning car to the back door of the hotel. She looked left and right. Mou Ran let go of the cleaning car and ran away, getting into a taxi.

She looked back at the back of the car. As the taxi started to move, a team of bodyguards ran out of the hotel. If she was any slower, she would be caught!

She covered her mouth with her hand through the mask. She was secretly glad that the reporter shouted loudly. She heard someone shouting for help, so she ran to the window to look. She saw du Rui's bodyguard beating up the Paparazzi and searching for a recording pen on the Paparazzi She realized that Du Rui was coming for her, so she quickly ran out of the room and disguised herself as a maid.

Du Rui, Yan Wei, just you wait She cursed.

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