May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1585 - Chapter 1585 I want baby and you 285

Chapter 1585: Chapter 1585 I want baby and you 285

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

GAIA could feel the presence of a person. He knew that he was not wrong. It was the Voodoo race in his room.

The voodoo race knew the invisibility spell. They used the refraction of light to make others unable to see them. However, no matter how perfect the invisibility was, it could not remove the shadows on the ground.

He struggled to speak his words. It was so weak that even if he used all his strength, he could not speak. His words were spoken in a daze and could only be heard by the people around him.

"Who are you? "

A woman's soft laughter came from the air. "How did you know that I was here? Your Majesty Gaia. "

"The shadow on the ground, " GAIA said.

"Hahaha, you know our witch tribe quite well. We can turn invisible, but we can not remove the shadow on the ground. " As the woman spoke, she took off the white scarf on her head and waved her hand to disperse the invisible powder beside her Her small face was revealed.

However, GAIA was stunned. He actually saw Lian Lian's face!

"Lian Lian! No, YOU'RE NOT LIAN LIAN! " He said.

"Why am I not Lian Lian? Don't I look like her? Your Majesty, You can think of me as her! "

"SCRAM! " GAIA shouted. However, no matter how much he shouted, his voice did not have any strength.

"Hehe, then how do I find what I want? " The woman asked.

"What do you want? Money? Jewelry? I can give you as much as you want! " GAIA said.

"Don't worry, I don't want these. I only want this. " The woman flipped her hand and found what she wanted from the man's pocket.

GAIA was surprised when he saw the appraisal document. "Why do you want this? "

"nothing. It's just that my master wants this, so I'm here to help him take it. As compensation, I'll reward you! " She sprinkled some powder on the man.

As the fragrance spread, GAIA's mind became less and less clear. It was as if he had fallen into a dream-like world.

Under a cherry blossom tree, the Cherry blossoms scattered with the wind like a Cherry blossom rain. Lian Lian stood under the Cherry Blossom tree and smiled sweetly at him.

"Lian Lian! " He couldn't help but shout. One of his nerves had let him know that this woman was a fake Lian Lian, but he couldn't control his thoughts. It was as if his legs didn't belong to him as he walked towards Lian Lian.

"Lian Lian, YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! As beautiful as the Cherry Blossoms! If we had met for the first time, would the man you fell in love with be me? " He asked the woman in a daze.

When he had met Lian Lian, Lian Lian had already been together with Willam. He wasn't Lian Lian's first meeting. Even if he had sealed her memories, she still couldn't fall in love with him.

He probably thought that he was not her first meeting. If he was her first meeting, would she fall in love with him?

Lian Lian did not speak. She just smiled at him like a cherry blossom. Her smile was very charming, and the dimples on her cheeks would drown all the heroes in it.

His hand uncontrollably reached out to touch Lian Lian's face. It was rare for a woman not to avoid his hand. Her clothes were like Cherry blossoms on a tree, drifting in the wind like countless cherry blossoms.

"Lian Lian! My Lian Lian! Don't go, YOU'RE MINE! "

"Ah! " GAIA shouted, and with his shout, it was completely dark.

When the people in the corridor heard GAIA's shout in the room, they hurriedly ran in to see GAIA. They were all so frightened that their bodies trembled.

A guard with a faster reaction took half a minute to recover his nerves and ran out of the bedroom. "SOMEONE! His Majesty is in trouble! He's in trouble! Quickly Save His Majesty! "

The news swept through the entire palace like a whirlwind. The empress dowager hurriedly ran over to see her son.

The poisonous snake had already been beaten to death by the daring guards. GAIA was carried onto the bed, and the imperial physician knelt on the ground to treat GAIA.

"How is my son? QUICKLY SPEAK! " The Empress Dowager questioned the imperial physicians.

"Empress Dowager! We are incompetent. We have never seen this kind of snake before, and we do not know the antidote to the snake's poison. We can only use the serum of ordinary snakes to control the poison in His Majesty's body first, " the imperial physician said.

The empress dowager's hand was about to crush her own fingers. "My son! Quickly think of a way to wake him up! "

"The antidote must be in the hands of the person who raises the snake in order to completely detoxify him! " The imperial physician said.

"The person who raises the snake? How did the snake get in? " The Empress Dowager asked the guards beside her.

"We don't know how the snake got in either. His Majesty asked us to wait outside, but we didn't see anyone come in. When we heard His Majesty's Voice, we ran in and saw his majesty like this "If the empress dowager doesn't believe me, you can watch the surveillance video. " The Guard explained.

"pull up the surveillance video and show it to me! " The empress dowager ordered.

Very quickly, the surveillance video was transferred over. They could clearly see GAIA walking into the room and the guards leaving the room.

Then, the guards rushed into the room when they heard the shouts. The guards ran in all directions to inform the imperial physician and the Empress Dowager.

During the entire process, no one entered the room. However, there was something very strange. After the guards left, the lights in GAIA's room suddenly went out. The lights in the corridor also went out suddenly. All the lights were only turned on when the guards ran back.

"Why did the lights suddenly go out? " The empress dowager asked.

"This, we don't know this either. We all ran over to inform the imperial physician and you, " the guards explained.

"there must be a problem here. Why did the lights turn off? Investigate! Investigate for me! " The empress dowager roared angrily. Meng ran seemed to have thought of something. She took out her phone and called Lian Lian, but the phone was turned off.

She continued to dial another number. This number was the number of the Nan Gong family. The snake reminded her of Lian Lian!


She wanted to drag Lian Lian Out!

As the call connected, Qin Sheng's voice came from her phone.

"Empress Dowager, why are you in the mood to call me? Do you want to greet my daughter? " Qin Sheng retorted impolitely.

Empress Dowager's face twitched. "where is your daughter now? Hand her over! My son is injured now. I suspect that your daughter did it! "

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