May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1555 - Chapter 1555: I Want my child and you 255

Chapter 1555: Chapter 1555: I Want my child and you 255

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Lian Lian's eyes flickered. If Willam had something to say to her, then who was the person that Willam wanted to kick out?

Although she didn't know if she could guess correctly, she still wanted to give it a try.

She turned her head and said to Ye Xinghun, "I want to speak to Willam alone. You can leave now. "

Ye Xinghun's expression sank. "He can't speak. I'm worried that you might be in danger. I'll stay here to protect you. "

"It's fine. I'll protect myself. After all, we've been lovers before. There are some things that aren't convenient for us to say in front of you. I want to persuade him to drink the medicine according to your words. Don't you also want him to drink the medicine according to your words? " Lian Lian said.

Ye Xinghun's lips pursed into a straight line. Indeed, he wanted William to listen to his words and drink the medicine. However, Willam's self-control had exceeded his imagination. If Lian Lian could persuade Willam, that would be for the best.

Willam's current condition caused him to be very worried. This was because Willam's condition was getting better. He had observed Willam before and it seemed that Willam's time under the control of the Voodoo poison was getting lesser and lesser. She had more time to wake up.

This was definitely not a good sign. He was also curious as to why such a situation would occur. This was simply impossible.

He hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Lian Lian. "Alright, I'll go out. You Two can talk. "

He had no choice but to agree. He was afraid that if he insisted on staying, Lian Lian would doubt his intentions.

"Alright, take care. " Lian Lian Bade Farewell to Ye Xinghun. She watched as Ye Xinghun walked out of the wooden house and shot a glance at her bodyguard.

Her bodyguard had been following her the entire time, never leaving her side. The bodyguard instantly understood what she meant and immediately stood at the entrance of the wooden house. He wanted to see who would dare to approach this wooden house.

Lian Lian turned her head to look at Willam. "Don't worry, there's someone guarding the entrance. Ye Xinghun's men can't get close to this place. "

She held the man's hand, looking at him expectantly, hoping that he would say something to her.

However, in the next instant, she was disappointed. Willam only stared at her deeply, not saying a single word to her.

"Willam, what do you want to say? Are you really unable to speak? "

Willam nodded his head, as though he was answering Lian Lian's question.

Lian Lian's eyes fluttered. "Are you answering me? Are you really unable to speak now? "

Willam nodded his head again.

Lian Lian's heart was stifled. "Then what should we do? How would I know what you want to say to me? You are now clear-headed, right? "

Willam continued to nod. He was now rational. Although he could feel the power of the Voodoo trying to control all his thoughts, he could still suppress the power of the Voodoo at this moment.

His finger slid in the little woman's Palm, Lian Lian hinted.

Lian Lian knew that Willam was awake when she saw him continue to nod. Her palm felt the man's finger moving.

What was he doing?

She felt the man's movements. He slid in a very regular manner, as if he was not scribbling randomly.

The space between her eyebrows sank. It was a y letter!

Her eyebrows suddenly opened up. So it turned out that Willam was spelling in her palm!

"I understand. You just wrote a y! "

Willam nodded again and continued writing.

This time, Lian Lian could feel that it was an e. "Y and e, are they spelled together? "

She asked the man. Apparently, she had guessed correctly again. Willam nodded.

However, these two letters could be combined into many words. She did not know which word Willam wanted to say.

She took out her phone and typed Y and e on the screen. After that, the input method automatically came up with a bunch of words to choose from

She showed the screen to Willam. Willam's hand drew a number of five.

She counted the numbers and found the word. "Ye? "

Willam nodded. He continued to write the second word for the little woman.

Lian Lian would never have thought that there would be a day when she would be able to converse with a man like this.

Just like an underground worker, she was translating the Cipher Code.

However, when she spelled out the entire sentence, her brows furrowed into a knot. "Ye Xinghun harmed you? Are you saying that Ye Xinghun harmed you? "

Willam nodded his head. If it wasn't ye Xinghun who harmed him, then why did he come to the Voodoo race?

Lian Lian's eyes were heavy. "But he shouldn't be, right? He has nothing to do with us! "

Willam continued to write on the woman's Palm.

Lian Lian continued to spell with her phone. A moment later, she spelled out another sentence, "is there poison in the medicine? "

Her gaze focused on Willam's face. "You're saying there's poison in the medicine? "

Willam nodded his head. He was certain that there was poison in Ye Xinghun's medicine. However, time was too tight. He didn't know when Ye Xinghun would return, so he could only focus on the main point and tell Lian Lian

It was Ye Xinghun who had harmed him, and there was poison in the medicine.

As long as Lian Lian tested the medicine, she would know that Ye Xinghun had been harming him all along!

Suddenly, the bodyguard rushed into the room and said, "young miss, Ye Xinghun is here again! "

Lian Lian hurriedly kept her phone.

Ye Xinghun walked into the wooden house. "Lian Lian, have you guys agreed? "

Lian Lian's lips twitched. Her gaze landed on Ye Xinghun's pupils, wanting to see the darkness in Ye Xinghun's eyes. "Not yet. It seems like he doesn't understand what I'm saying? "

Ye Xinghun pursed his lips. "I've told you a long time ago that he doesn't understand what you're saying. You still don't believe me? ! I went to the elders earlier and asked them to reformulate the medicine.

However, the elders were furious. They refused to save Willam. Because they felt that Willam was insulting them There had never been a single person who dared to spit out the medicine that the elders had painstakingly concocted.

The Medicine of the witch clan was very difficult to concoct. Many of them could only be concocted using their own blood or precious medicinal ingredients that were more than a hundred years old You guys don't understand how precious the medicine of the Shaman clan is!

Moreover, the status of the elders of the Shaman clan is very high. It's not like they will listen to whatever I say. If they don't concoct the medicine, I have no way at all. "I want to ask you to explain it together. I hope to obtain the forgiveness of the elders. "

Ye Xinghun and Lian Lian said.

Lian Lian's eyes darkened. "Aren't you the Patriarch of the Shaman clan? Why won't the elders listen to anything you say? "

The corners of Ye Xinghun's lips twitched. He paused for a second. Lian Lian's retort made him feel a little overwhelmed.

"I, I am the clan leader of the Voodoo clan. However, the matters of our Voodoo clan require the clan leader and the elders to discuss together. I don't have the authority to act arbitrarily. "I think it's better for you to explain to me. What do you think "I'm doing this for the sake of you and Willam. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to look for you. " He explained.

Lian Lian forced the smile on her lips. "Alright, I'll explain to the elders with you. "

After saying that, she turned around and picked up the medicine bowl on the table. There was still some medicine in the bowl. She wanted to bring it back for testing to see if there was really poison in the medicine!

She placed the bowl into the hands of the bodyguard and asked him to protect the bowl. She then followed Ye Xinghun to look for the elders.

After they left, a member of the witch tribe ran into Willam's room. He took out a few slender silver needles and inserted them into Willam's arm. He smiled malevolently as he stared at Willam... ...

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