May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1551 - Chapter 1551: I Want my child and you 251

Chapter 1551: Chapter 1551: I Want my child and you 251

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Bai Bo looked at Du Xi in surprise. "Didn't we agree that you would stay at our house after you were discharged from the hospital and let my parents take care of you? I don't trust you to take care of yourself when you live in your own house. "

Du Xi pursed her lips, and the sweat on her forehead was about to come out. Indeed, they had agreed that she would stay at his house after she was discharged from the hospital and let his parents take good care of her and help her recuperate.

"Well, it's too late today. I'd better not go to your house to avoid disturbing your parents' rest. I'll go tomorrow. And it's only for one night. I'll sleep alone for one night. It won't be a problem, " Du Xi said.

Bai Bo looked at Du Xi. He reached out and Pinched du Xi's little face. "Well, you're becoming more and more virtuous! I'LL REWARD YOU TODAY! "

He lowered his head and kissed the woman's Lips.

Du Xi didn't expect that the man would suddenly kiss her. She subconsciously dodged, but the man still kissed her lips.

The awkward atmosphere swept over the two of them. Du Xi's heart hurt. She knew that she shouldn't dodge. How could she avoid Bai Bo's kiss?

She clearly saw the disappointed look in Bai Bo's eyes.

"Look at the car! You're still driving. It's too dangerous! " She forced out a reason. Fortunately, this reason could cover up her actions of hiding.

Bai Bo's eyes looked forward. "I was unable to control myself. This is too dangerous. We'll kiss when you're better. "

He held the girl's hand and told himself over and over again that Du Xi was only avoiding him because she felt that it was dangerous.

Du Xi's small hand was wrapped by the man's large hand. This time, she did not hide. She told herself that she should accept Bai Bo.

Her hand held Bai Bo's hand. She should try to accept all intimate acts with Bai Bo. Only then could she completely break off from Sikong Yi.

"Okay, when I'm done, I'll give you a kiss, " she said to the man.

Bai Bo drove the car into the courtyard of Du Xi's villa. His hand had not loosened yet. He kept holding the little woman's hand without letting go. It was rare for the little woman to be willing to hold his hand. This was a rare intimate interaction between the two of them He felt that this was also a sign that the little woman accepted him.

"We're home. I'll stay with you. " He looked at the little woman gently.

"No need. I can do it myself. I'll take the car to your house tomorrow. Aren't you going to the hospital early tomorrow morning to see the equipment "It's too far to go to the hospital from my place. I don't want you to get up early in the morning without a good rest, " Du Xi said.

Her house was too far from the hospital, and Bai Bo's house was very close to the hospital.

Bai Bo's lips curved into a happy smile. "I didn't expect you to think of me! I really didn't love the wrong person! Du Xi, what should I do? I love you more and more! "

He reached out to hold du Xi in his arms. He was so touched by the little woman's concern for him.

Du Xi's head leaned on the man's shoulder and continued to be held by him. "Of course I have to dote on you! I'M GOING TO MARRY YOU! Bai Bo, it's too late. You should go back and rest! Otherwise, you won't be energetic tomorrow. "

"Okay, then you go to sleep obediently. " Bai Bo pinched the little woman's nose as he spoke.

"I got it. You can go! " Du Xi patted the man's arm and let him let go. Then, she opened the car door and walked out.

Bai Bo also followed Du Xi out. "Xi Xi, wait a minute. "

Du Xi looked at the man in surprise. "What's the matter? "

She was a little surprised. Bai Bo followed her out of the car. Shouldn't he be leaving?

Bai Bo walked to his trunk and took out a bunch of flowers. "Xi Xi, this is for you. I wish you good health and happiness! "

The fiery red roses reflected Bai Bo's face as he walked toward Du Xi.

Du Xi looked at the roses in surprise. She didn't know when Bai Bo had prepared them. He was just leaving the hospital. Did he have to send her flowers?

She felt deeply guilty. She felt that she was less and less worthy of Bai Bo's love!

She reached out and took the roses. The roses were very beautiful. In the middle of the roses, there was a ferrero flower. With the star-studded decorations, this flower would be the most perfect gift in a girl's dream, from its appearance to its taste.

She didn't count the number of Ferrero chocolates and no roses. She estimated that each of them would cost around fifty.

The Ferrero chocolate was wrapped in golden paper and stuck to the plastic stick. It was inserted between the roses, and the golden and red colors matched each other perfectly.

"Thank you, I love this bouquet of flowers! " She looked up at Bai Bo.

"I knew you liked chocolate! If you miss me at night, why don't you eat one? HMM? " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi reached out and hugged Bai Bo. "thank you! I'LL EAT IT WELL! "

Bai Bo patted the girl's back. "Go to sleep. I'll watch you enter the villa before I leave. "

Du Xi nodded and walked into her own villa. After she entered, she stood on the balcony of her bedroom and waved at the man, signaling him to leave.

Bai Bo got into his car and took a deep look at Du Xi before driving away from Du Xi's house.

Du Xi's Gaze was fixated on Bai Bo's car. It was not until the rear lights of Bai Bo's car disappeared that she took a deep breath.

She put down the flowers and quickly ran out of her bedroom and headed downstairs.

She had to stay here tonight. It was not because of anything else, but because she wanted to buy contraceptives.

Otherwise, when she arrived at Bai Bo's house, she would be served by Bai Bo's parents all day long. There was no way she would have the chance to buy the pills herself.

Moreover, she could not afford to delay this time. If time passed, even the birth control pills would not be able to save her.

She ran to the garage of the villa and drove her car out of the residential area.

This was the residential area of the villa, surrounded by chic villas. She had to drive two kilometers away to the business district to find the pharmacy.

The pharmacy was very eye-catching in the middle of the night. She saw the sign of a 24-hour pharmacy at a glance. She drove over to the sign, stopped the car, and walked into the pharmacy.

The waiter in the pharmacy greeted Du Xi politely, "Hello, Miss, what do you need? ''

"I, I want to buy some contraceptives. " Du Xi chewed on the words before they came out from the corner of her mouth. She had a big personality, but she would be shy to buy such things.

"Oh. Do you want them before or after? " The waiter asked.

She estimated that the possibility of the pills before or after was high.

"I, I want them after, " Du Xi said.

"Does it need to be within 24 hours or 72 hours? " The waiter continued to ask.

Du Xi's hot temper was just about to explode. She just wanted a pill, why was it so troublesome?

"You want it within 24 hours? Are you going to give it to me or not? " She threw a banknote on the counter.

"Yes, of course we're going to give it to you. But without asking clearly, I don't know which one to give you. " The waiter looked at the banknote and took out a box of the most expensive medicine for du Xi. A person who could casually throw a hundred yuan should not care about the price of the medicine.

The man's figure walked into the pharmacy and went straight to Du Xi... ...

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