May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1549 - Chapter 1549: I Want my child and you 249

Chapter 1549: Chapter 1549: I Want my child and you 249

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Nangong Ye's mind was suddenly shocked. He grabbed the doctor's arm and said, "What did you say? She fell? She's pregnant? She's going to miscarry? "

The amount of information was too much. His mind could not react in time to such a huge amount of information.

"Yes, she's pregnant. Because of the fall, she almost miscarried, " the doctor said again.

"She's pregnant? " Nangong Ye's mind was in a mess. If Wen Xin was pregnant, then Wen Xin did not fall. It was because he forced her to have sex with him that caused her to miscarry. He saw blood at that moment.

The doctor looked at the man in front of him in surprise, not understanding what was wrong with this man's brain.

He still had a lot of things to do, and he didn't have time to chat with this man. He walked past the man.

Nangong ye saw the man walking past him from the corner of his eye, and he grabbed the doctor's arm. "Don't go! "

"Why are you grabbing me? I already told you, the girl called Wen Xin is pregnant. She almost had a miscarriage just now, and now that she's saved the child, what else do you want? " The doctor was a little impatient.

Even if she was rich and willful, she shouldn't be playing around like this, right?

Nangong ye choked on his words. "I know all this. I want to ask how long has she been pregnant? "

"She's been pregnant for one and a half months, " the doctor replied.

Nangong Ye's brain seemed to have exploded. His mind was in darkness. He had done it with Wen Xin two months ago, but Wen Xin was now one and a half months pregnant.

Regardless of whether the child was from Subei or not, one thing was certain -- it couldn't be his!

"Why are you grabbing me? " The doctor shook off Nangong ye's hand and strode towards his office.

Nangong ye stood there in a daze. Pain engulfed his body and mind. The woman in his heart was already pregnant with another man, and he was still waiting for her!

His eyes closed in pain. He did not know how long he had been standing in the corridor.

When Fang Yuan walked into the hospital with a pile of gifts, she saw Nangong ye at the entrance of the emergency room. Her heart throbbed in pain. Her mother was right about everything. Nangong ye did not send her home because he wanted to send her home first.. He just felt that she was a hindrance, so he sent her away first and then went to the hospital to see Wen Xin.

There was nothing more heart-wrenching in this world than seeing the man she loved care about another woman!

Her phone suddenly rang with a notification sound and displayed a message.

She was so scared that she hid at the corner of the corridor. She was afraid that Nangong ye would hear her and realize that she was here.

She stood at the corner and stuck her head out to observe Nangong Ye's condition. Nangong ye stood there like a wooden block. He did not look back, as if he did not hear her voice.

She took a deep breath and leaned against the wall to check the messages on her phone. The messages were sent to her by Du Xi, and Wen Xin's ward number was written on it.

She had told Du Xi that she would come to see Wen Xin, so when Wen Xin returned to the ward, du Xi immediately sent her a message, afraid that she would not be able to find Wen Xin.

She did not walk towards Nangong ye anymore. Instead, she took the elevator at the corner and went upstairs to see Wen Xin.

Her brows were still furrowed. She really wanted to know what Nangong ye had said to Wen Xin when he came here.

In Wen Xin's Ward, Du Xi saw Fang Yuan walking in and reached out to take the tonic from Fang Yuan's hands.

"Eh? Why are you the only one here? Where's Nangong ye? " Du Xi asked.

"Him? Him? " Fang Yuan paused for a moment, her mind replaying Du Xi's question.

Why would du Xi ask such a question Didn't they see Nangong ye?

There was a realization that if they had seen Nangong ye, they would not have asked her such a question!

She thought of this and quickly said, "he has something to do. If he's done, he'll come over in a while. "

She had said something that would never be exposed. No matter if Nangong ye came or not, her words could not be picked out.

"Tch, what's more important than his life? He's really not a good friend! " Du Xi ridiculed.

"You know that he's very busy. There's nothing he can do. Am I not here? ? I'M HERE ON HIS BEHALF! What's wrong with Wen Xin? I see that Wen Xin's complexion is not good! Why is she so Pale? " Fang Yuan asked ...

"Wen Xin said that she fell in the bathroom. She almost miscarried just now and lost a lot of blood! " Du Xi said.

Fang Yuan's head almost exploded. "Wen Xin is pregnant? How old is the Child? "

She asked hurriedly.

"It's been a month and a half. Sigh, such a young child. She's pretty strong. I managed to keep it! " Du Xi said.

"Oh, oh, that's a blessing, " Fang Yuan said as she rolled her eyes. Countless thoughts raced through her mind. How was she going to ask who the child was?

"Um, where's the father? Why didn't I see the father? " She suddenly had an idea.

"Su Bei went to go through the hospitalization procedures, " Du Xi explained.

She knew that Wen Xin worked for exactly one and a half months. She naturally believed that the child was Su Bei's. Moreover, when Wen Xin suddenly said that they were getting married, she understood that it was because Wen Xin and Su Bei had a child. That was why Su Bei immediately married Wen Xin.

Fang Yuan gasped for breath. "Oh, that's right. The hospitalization procedures are very troublesome. "

She walked to Wen Xin's side, and the corner of her lips curled into a smile that she could not hide. Wen Xin and Su Bei were pregnant. Didn't this mean that Wen Xin and Nangong ye could no longer be together?

Her heart was finally at ease. The Nangong family would definitely not find a woman who had given birth to another person to be the female lead!

"Wen Xin, I'm here to see you. Take good care of the fetus, " she said sincerely. With this child, Wen Xin would have no chance of being with Nangong Ye.

"thank you. Please take a seat, " Wen Xin said.

"I'm not taking a seat. Take good care of yourself. I'll see you again when I have time! " Fang Yuan said. She knew that Wen Xin was no match for her, so she could not even be bothered to sit down.

As she spoke, she turned around and walked out of the ward. She returned to her home to sleep peacefully. As for why Nangong Ye was standing in the corridor and did not come up, she thought that Nangong ye must have been agitated because he knew that Wen Xin and Su Bei had a child?

When she walked out of the elevator and passed by the entrance of the emergency room, she could no longer see Nangong ye. She did not know where Nangong ye had gone, but she felt that she had guessed correctly.

Outside Wen Xin's ward, Nangong ye looked into the room through the glass window on the door. He could vaguely see the woman on the bed. He did not walk in to take a look. Just thinking about it made his heart ache when she and Su Bei were pregnant No woman had ever hurt him so much. Wen Xin was the first, and he swore that she would be the last. He would never give any woman the chance to hurt him again.

His phone rang with music. It was a call from his subordinate.

"President, I've notified three more companies to sign a contract with Su Bei's company to buy Su Bei's products. How many more companies do I need to notify? " Nangong Ye's subordinate asked.

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